"Why is it happening to me?" - D/L FanFic

After a long long time a new UPDATE!

Danny took the subway to Lindsay’s apartment. With her key, he opened the door and stepped in. In her wardrobe he found a small suite-case and put in some clothes. From her bathroom he took her tooth brush and some other sanitary things. Danny looked around to find something that Lindsay would need. He put some books and CDs in the suite-case.

Danny left the apartment and locked the door. He made his way back to his –and now Lindsay’s- apartment. Danny opened the door and saw Lindsay washing the dishes.
“I see you accustomed yourself to our apartment.” He said, because Lindsay was wearing one of his tight t-shirts and her jeans. She looked so damn good, Danny thought.

“I’m sorry I took one of your shirts, Danny” She said grinning.
“No problem, honey. You look beautiful.” Danny kissed her. “I hope I packed up the right things.”
“I trust you and if not, I can wear your clothes.”
“So what do you want to do today?” Danny asked.
“What about a picnic in Central Park. It’s so nice weather outside.” Lindsay suggested.
“Great idea, sweetheart. But we’ve to get something to eat. A cake or biscuits. What ever you want to have.”
“Okay, I finish this here and then we can go.”
“Aright, I put your clothes in my … oh sorry, our wardrobe. I also brought some books and CDs.” He said and went into the bedroom.
“Thank you” Lindsay said and wiped off the last thing. “So I change my shirt and then we can go” She entered the bedroom. “Can you give me the blue one, please?”
Danny handed it over to her and left the room.

“Hey, Messer. You never saw a woman changing her clothes?” Lindsay asked.
Danny came back to the room. “Sure I did, but I thought you might don’t want me to see.”
“Don’t be stupid. You saw me in the shower yesterday. You see me naked, but you think I don’t want you to see me changing my shirt? You’re funny.” Lindsay said.
“Women are complicated. I don’t know what you might be thinking.”
“Don’t say that again” She said laughing. “I am not complicated.”
“I know, Montana. Sorry” He said and kissed her to show that he was serious.

Danny left the room in order to put the books and the CDs into the shelf in the living room. Finally he took the sanitary things to the bathroom.
“You’re ready?” He asked.
“I am. Should we write a list or buy everything spontaneously. Do you need anything else?”
“Spontaneously, I think. We go through the supermarket and look what we like, okay?”
“Yeah, good choice. That’s how I go shopping almost every time. I forget most of the things then, but I don’t like to write lists.”
“Me, too. We don’t need much today I think. But we could cook something this evening.”
“Yes, that’s fine. First picnic and then a candle light dinner in our apartment.”
“Sounds great. Let’s go.”
Danny opened the door, let Lindsay go outside and locked the door behind him.
“Hey, you’re a gentleman, Mr. Messer.” Lindsay said smiling.
Danny took her hand and the two of them headed off to the supermarket.
Danny spread out a dark blue blanket on the grass. He pulled out the thermos of coffee and some biscuits. They sat down and Danny poured Lindsay a cup of coffee and gave some to him.
“That was a great idea, Montana. It’s beautiful.” Danny admitted.
“I’m glad you’re her with me. I thought you’re a guy who doesn’t like the nature. Remember how you joked about the wheat fields in Montana?”
“Yeah, I do. I love to live in this town. New York is my life. But I don’t say something against a few hours in the green with a beautiful woman.”
“Come with me to Montana” Lindsay mentioned.
“What?” Danny asked surprised.
“You heard right. I want you to come with me to Montana. Get to know my parents.”
“Lindsay, I don’t know…” Danny started, unsure what he should say.
“You’re frightened? My parents won’t kill you because you’re the man at my side.”
“I’m not doing well with parents, Montana.” Danny tried to get out of that situation.
“Danny, please. You’re the first I want to go to Montana with. You mean to me, you know? And it’s important to me that you see where I’m from.”
“If it’s that important to you, I’ll do it. I want you to be happy.”
“You’ll see, they’re nice and the wheat fields aren’t as bad as you might think. You won’t regret it, believe me.” Lindsay said with a smile.
“I hope I won’t Montana. Because if I’ll do…”
“Then what?” Lindsay asked, trying to sound serious.
“Well, it could be possible that I go home alone then” Danny said, pretending to be angry.
“Oh, my poor little Danny.” Lindsay touched his cheeks and gave him a kiss. “Look, if you won’t want to stay anymore, we can go back home, okay?”
“Okay, okay. I’ll go with you.” He said and kissed her back.
“Fine, I call my parents. We can stay in a hotel, so we don’t have to be with them all day” She said and pulled out her phone.
“You’re cute, you know that?” Danny said when Lindsay stepped aside to talk to her parents.
Danny watched Lindsay talking on the phone, when his own phone rang.
“Hey, Mac” Danny answered the call.
“Hey, Danny” Mac greeted him.
“What’s up? Is there a special reason for your call? Don’t say you need me at work.”
“No, it’s quiet here. I just wanted to know how Lindsay’s doing.”
“Better, she made me to go to Montana with her. Get to know her parents.” Danny explained.
“She did what?” Mac laughed. “Can’t believe that you want to meet your girlfriend’s parents. Things getting serious, right?”
“I know. I can’t believe it myself.” Danny answered.
“So, when are you two lovebirds go?” Mac asked.
“Lindsay’s talking to her parents at the moment. Think we’re going from this Wednesday until Sunday. So I can be back at work on Monday.”
“Take as much time as you need, okay? Seems like New York is sleeping at the moment. We don’t have much to do here.”
`”Okay, that’s great. Montana and I have enough time to get her things over to my place then.”
“To your place?” Mac asked surprised.
“Yeah, she moved in today.”
“Danny you grow up.” Mac joked.
“Yeah, looks like I do.” Danny laughed. “So I call you when we’re back in New York.”
“Okay. Have fun with your parents in law.” Mac said.
“Thanks and say ‘Hello’ to the others, okay?” He said and rang off.
“You talked to that ‘sexy’ nurse from the hospital?” Lindsay asked, laughing.
“Hey, Montana. You scared me!” Danny said. “No, that was Mac. He asked how you’re doing. Why should I talk to her? You’re the only one I love, okay?”
“That’s nice.”
“Yeah, we have off until Monday. The he’ll decide whether he needs us back at the lab or not.” Danny explained.
“Great, my mom said, we can stay as long as we want to. We can get a little house from friends. They normally rent it to tourists.”
“Sounds great. You know what? I’m really happy to be able to see where you grew up.”
“And I am glad that you want to see it.” She leaned over to kiss him.
“So we get a last-minute ticket for tomorrow? I think there aren’t many people flying on a Wednesday. What do you think?”
“That’s what we’ll do.” Lindsay agreed. “Let’s go back home. We can buy tickets on the internet. That’s faster.”
“Okay” He said and the two of them packed up all the things and made their way home.

Back home Danny bought to tickets while Lindsay had cooked something for dinner. Now they were sitting at the table and ate together.
“The plane gets off at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. So we’ll be in Bozeman at about 5:30pm, I think.”
“Wow, that’s pretty early, isn’t it?”
“Remember? It was your idea, so you have to take the consequences.” Danny answered and laughed. “We can go to bed if you’re afraid of getting not enough sleep, sweetie.”
“You’re kidding me? You just want to get me in your bed, Messer, right?”
“Forgot it? You already spent a night in our bed, Monroe.”
“Oh, dear. I should show you what it’s like to spend a real night with Miss Monroe.”
Danny got up and reached for her hand. He led her to their bedroom.
“Can’t wait to get to know a ‘Monroe-night’” He said and Lindsay began to show him what a night in Monroe-style meant.
well i didn't even thought about that. i know that sex scenes are not allowed, so I just didn't write what happened.
if you'd like to read it, i could write that scene after i finished the story