Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

I think there should be a band that appears on the show and performs at the end. I'm thinking Snow Patrol and they could sing "Run".
ooo Michelle Rodriegez

I forget how to spell the surname but SWAT and Girlfight...she's a great actress!
cll424 - I agree, Jessica Alba would be great on CSI. I think she should be one of the female murderers that Sara always talks about... about them being the minority.
Mjaa. Not sure she would... Wait wait getting a picture in my head.....
Okay my opinion is changed. She would be perfect as a female murderer just like Roka4csi said.
I'd love to see Lily Tomlin make an appearence too. She'd make a great wacky suspect or witness.
I'd like to see her as a lab technician. She would be crazier than Greg ever was. Or maybe as a substitute receptionist, as Ernestine.