Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Man...Warrick belongs to Catherine.... :lol: :lol:

Nick??...He's close to sara's age, but I always see them as brother and sister

Greg: Good choice

Grissom: still in his shell, he won't get out of it till the end of the world :eek:
I gotta agree with ancienttomb, although I am a GSR shipper to the very core, if Sara and Greg end up together... I guess I'll be be kind of... a little bit... okay with it. God, that was difficult to say. *lets out exhausted breath* :rolleyes:
Well, I admit, if this was the 'Who do you think SARA would choose to be with?' thread, my answer would be Grissom. While I maintain the opinion that she is moving on, I think if he showed up at her door ready to really give it a try (but it would have to be soon), she'd be all over that. :)
exactly Slynn. Because the heart isn't rational. I have a strong suspision that if my ex showed up at my door and wanted me to give him another chance... well, I'd beat him to death. But then I'd feel bad about it and think "I wonder would it have worked this time...?"
Well, I admit, if this was the 'Who do you think SARA would choose to be with?' thread, my answer would be Grissom. While I maintain the opinion that she is moving on, I think if he showed up at her door ready to really give it a try (but it would have to be soon), she'd be all over that.
Unfortunately I do too. I would hope she'd have more dignity than that. If that ever does happen I will lose all respect for Sara. She's witnessed an abusive relationship firsthand, and i'd hope she would know better than to get caught up with one. There are other kinds of abuse other than physical. I think Grissom's disregard for Sara's feelings most of the time qualifies as emotionally abusive because I think he is fully aware of what he is doing.

GSR coming to fruition may appease a good number of fans, but it will leave the rest of us shaking our heads...
Thinking about your post forensicgirl I have had the opposite experience. I was in love with a guy who hurt me a lot. In the end I had to leave him even though I still loved him madly, because I was going insane from the pain. It took a couple of years to get back on my feet but there is no doubt I´m better off without him and that I would have gone into a serious depression staying with him.

Sometimes love is NOT enough.

There needs to be friendship, caring, give-and-take and communication for a ship to work longterm. And I see Grissom having problems with all of that.

He won´t share how he feels and thinks. He will not give anything of himself. He is not good at communication or showing emotions. (And really he should have learnt that by now- he´s in his 50´s). Grissom is also is a very controlling and manipulative person. If he gets jealous of Sara he takes it out on her.

All I see if GS hooked up is Sara doing all the emotional "work" and eventually burning out from lack of appreciation and support from Grissom. I think Sara needs LOTS of TLC and someone who will validate her and thinks he´s da*n lucky! to be with her. :)

I think Nick or Greg would be good for Sara because they are both open emotionally and would not hesitate to show Sara how much they love her. She needs to be pampered after her rough deal in life.

Sure passion for your ship is great, but not when it causes bashing of other ships/posters. And honestly if you seriously ship someone who´s only been on the show once- then I think you might be a bit too obsessed, no offense.

(Heh. *whisper* Proving my point- a visitor from csiguide :rolleyes:)
Sure passion for your ship is great, but not when it causes bashing of other ships/posters. And honestly if you seriously ship someone who´s only been on the show once- then I think you might be a bit too obsessed, no offense.

(Heh. *whisper* Proving my point- a visitor from csiguide )
Sorry to correct you if your talking about Lady H she's been on the show twice. :)
But what your saying is what I was trying to say when I got jumped on. I'm not good with putting things in writing they get lost between the brain and the keyboards and don't seen to come out right. I'm an artist not a writer.
Hehe, twice- that makes a world of difference :rolleyes:

So now we´re all on the same page about the discussion-great! :)
I liked G/LH. I thought it had potential. I love me some OC, but it's a shame we didnt get to see more of Lady Heather. She and Grissom had some serious chemistry. They may have been only two episodes, but they were powerful ones. Isn't LHB the only other supersized ep besides GD? I think that TPTB expected to do more with G/LH but got derailed because MC got THE OC gig.
Oh yeah...LH was pretty cool..and creepy too..ah but well I like eerie stuffs.

Anyway I don't think they were about to prolong the story of G/LH..'The OC' didn't hire..MC that long ago.
LH was like Terri Miller. But I guess they did want to bring her in couple of other episodes..would have been interesting. A lil diversion to Gris...that is..lol..like our Hank the Shank.

Oh anyway..about this new character to CSI thing (which I'm freaking about---cast bloat)..but if they do..how much possibility do you think there is the writers will put that guy with Sara? I know it may be too soon to say..but...this is about our Sara.
how much possibility do you think there is the writers will put that guy with Sara? I know it may be too soon to say..but...this is about our Sara.
Possibly...I guess maybe the TPTB wanna stimulate Grissom and arrange this guy......ew....don't tell me it's so-called "emotional blowout".
Sidle_my_Idol: You're right, this thread is not only for GSR and I don't remember any of GSRers saying so. Nobody did.

Slynn: Once more I prove that sarcasm doesn't play well in the written word. :) I hardly meant that GSRers were coming out and saying that. It just seems to me that whenever an opinion voiced against GSR is stated it is immediately shot down.
Well that depends on your definition of being shot down.
If counter-arguments means shotting down...then we do that to each other often..:lol:
No, but I don't think we do that here..I mean shotting anyone's opinion. Everyone's entitled to express their opinions.

PS- To make this thread friendly, no counter-arguments and hateful words pls...your simple and honest opinions will do the charm.


Ya I've been saying this:

Sidle_my_Idol: PS- This discussion is fun, so it's fine(at least for me). lol. As long as we have point to discuss over or unless we get tired or bored....rock on hehe.
Just try not be offensive.

Sidle_my_Idol: This thread was created for non-arguments...but as time passed by...we realised it is not really a bad idea to stretch our debate muscles...here (like ollieuan said (lol for that))

There and I reiterate...this thread was started as non argumental..but well everybody seems to enjoy debates once in a while...so a lil argument won't hurt.....but everything should be within a limit and non offensive in all respects. If you feel like you did..then everybody knows how to settle it down.
And arguments can be fun.
Thinking about your post forensicgirl I have had the opposite experience. I was in love with a guy who hurt me a lot. In the end I had to leave him even though I still loved him madly, because I was going insane from the pain. It took a couple of years to get back on my feet but there is no doubt I´m better off without him and that I would have gone into a serious depression staying with him.

Sometimes love is NOT enough.

off-topic, but I had to reply. My experience was *not* the opposite your yours. It was pretty much the same. I left him because he was hurting me too much - not physically, not intentionally, but emotionally crippling me. He didn't mean to, it wasn't malicious. It was because he had no idea how to deal with his feelings for me or my feelings for him, he wasn't ready for a serious committed relationship, he was a workaholic who poured 110% off himself into his job and had nothing left for me. Sound familiar? I wouldn't go back to him now, but I wouldn't change a thing either. That relationship caused me to grow and to learn things about self that I never would otherwise.

Yes, love alone isn't enough. I had love, a long standing friendship (he was my best friend), GSOH, sensitivity, the whole nine yards. It STILL didn't work. Love doesn't come with guarantees. The only thing I can promise you is that if you don't take a chance to be with the one who you TRULY love, then you might as well stay single (which I am now doing, quite happily so - "I am not lonely, swear to god, I'm just alone" - Jan Arden).

As for Grissom, age doesn't change a man. Conquering his fears does. People shouldn't judge him for being afraid of relationships, for being afraid to be known. He sees the very worst of life. He knows what people in love do to each other. I honestly don't think he avoids intimacy with Sara out of malice or manipulation or wanting to hurt her or anything like that. Its simply him trying to keep enough distance to prevent both of them from getting seriously hurt. He's a human being guys. He has flaws. He gets scared. That's what men do. Sara sees this and accepts it (Snakes conversation) and loves him anyway.
Okay, i think Sara should be with...GREG!

Grissom: I think even if the impossible happens on CSI and Sara and Grissom do start a romantic relationship, it will hurt and and harm Sara (not physically btw) more than it will be good for her. I believe Sara does hold a deep love for Grisom, but i dislike comments such as "Their love for each other will be enough in the end and they will live happily ever after." (Not that i'm saying that people say that on this board) I think that a serious romantic relationship between the two will simply not work, because Sara DOES need more from Grissom besides 'love'. She needs a healthy relationship with steadyness (i'm sure there's a better word for that somewhere), laughter and fun, and not with doubts, uncertainties and a man who cannot communicate feelings and emotions well. I'm not calling Sara 'high-maintenence', or anything like that, but i believe she needs someone who can support her emotionally and Grissom cannot do this, from what we've seen on CSI.

Which is where Greg comes in. In the past season we've seen Greg asking after Sara, and actually MAKING HER LAUGH!!! (which seems to be a grand feat of accomplishment). Greg is very intelligent and quircky (sp?), he is like Grissom in many ways, but he has something Grissom seems to lack, the capacity to show love and emotion, which is what Sara needs, with all the crap she's been put through in her life.

From this standpoint, Nick is also a strong contender, but i reckon that Sara and Greg have more UST, and just seem like they would be able to have a healthy and supportive relationship. And, the fact that Jorja and Eric obviously support the Sandle ship doesn't hurt either.

Anyways, that's my two cents...
I agree that Sara and Greg seem to be comfortable with each other more, but i think she see's him as a brother, I mean to her Greg is proably still the Greg who dances in showgirls hats around the lab. while Grissom is still the Grissom who stood infront of her in class and taught her about the bugs and the bees...

I still think she needs to be Grissom, but maybe she'll have more fun with Greg.... who knows?
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