Who do you think SARA should be with??

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The one thing i don't get is:

Why didn't sara notice Grissom had so many dates with other women but Grissom found out immediately when sara had dates?

:confused: :confused:
So many??? 4 in 5 years??? (and I even dispute the 4 - its more like 2 - I don't count my one night stands as dates, so i don't allow Grissom to either) I don't think 4 in 5 years counts as many. And Grissom only found out about Hank because his slimy ex-mentor did a lot of snooping around everyone's lives and told him when they were working the Tom Haviland case.
Yeah, But sara almost didn't find out any woman he dated with: Terri, LH..you name it.... Except Sofia, but sara didn't know about the dinner thing.

Look at Grissom: He knew Hank, he knows Greg, he almost knows every man who tries to get close with sara.
So am I. Of course he knows the men in Sara's life. She doesn't get out enough to date someone outside of work (even Hank was an EMT, so that's work related), and since she works woth Grissom then he would know the people she dates as well.
Hey, speaking of Sara not getting out enought, remember at the end of you've got male? she called someone up and asked them if they wanted to do something??? right after she dumped out all her catelogues and take away menus. Who do we think that was? I though Hank and then then next time we see them together (Finger) it sounds like that was the first time they went out... So did she have someone else to party with? A secret lover? Catherine maybe?... sorry, back in slash mode again...
well, seems like Grissom does have social life and sara doesn't :lol: :lol:

The men that sara met were all in LVPD...eww.....

The women that grissom met were all outside work.....
he met LH through work, Terri was a visiting colleague... the only woman we don't know about is the nameless woman from season 3... and she could be someone he met on a rolercoaster for all we know - thats more or less the only thing we know he does outside of work...

how did we do this again? off-topic. you keep getting me off-topic :lol:
Ship stuff aside, I honestly think she called Nick. Nothing romantic at the time, just friends hanging out. I mean, it makes sense considering she was heeding his advice. I would say that TPTB said at the time that people were supposed to assume it was Nick so they didn't bother to say who it was, but we know I'm a canon fan and frown upon depending upon commentary, so I won't rely on that.

Seriously, though, I don't think it was Hank because that scene in The Finger was supposed to be their first date (at least i thought it was). It certainly wasn't Grissom because I don't think they are comfortable enough with one another to go out anyway (plus, Grissom isn't very social). She and Catherine have never really gotten along well enough with one another to go out alone like that. That leaves Warrick, Nick, and Greg. Considering Nick made the comment (to which she listened -- as she always does to his advice :D), I think it is most logical that she called him.

Either that or that scene in The Finger wasn't her first date with HankSkank and she called him.
Ship stuff aside, I honestly think she called Nick. Nothing romantic at the time, just friends hanging out.

My little slash fantasy aside, I agree. Nick is def. the most likely. And I think that the Finger is meant to be hers and Skank's first date. Hanks says something like

I can't believe you called. I actually got you outside of work.

What an omen for their relationship - their very first date and someone slaps a finger down on their table. Yeah, that was gonna work - NOT! :devil:
What an omen for their relationship - their very first date and someone slaps a finger down on their table. Yeah, that was gonna work - NOT! :devil:
:devil: :lol:

To tell the truth, I think Hank's cool...but he was cheating on sara,then i couldn't forgive him :mad:
That's right. Hank did say something like that. And The Finger was two eps after You've Got Male, so unless they had a really big gap between the call and the date, it wasn't Hank. I think Sara wanted to do something that day when she called, though. So I'm thinking she didnt call Hank.
I vote for Nick as the one recieving Sara´s call. But how could she date Hank after calling Nick!
I mean Nick and Sara together, off work, they would need a crowbar to stay apart with all that physical attraction. Something would have had to happen.

Oh wait I´m a Sandle shipper!...hmm...

Ok so what if I say I think Sara should be with both Greg and Nick? Maybe alternating weeks.
But then I´m not entirely opposed to the Sara/Warrick thing either..Ok what about a foursome? No? I have to pick one?

Ah well, as long as it´s someone who makes Sara happy I will be fine with it.
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