Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I agree that Sara and Greg seem to be comfortable with each other more, but i think she see's him as a brother, I mean to her Greg is proably still the Greg who dances in showgirls hats around the lab.
Hmm, i have to disagree here. Jorja Fox has said herself in interviews that Sara is definatly seeing Greg in a different light, and as a more mature and atttractive man since he has become a CSI. I agree with this, as Greg has definatly matured since his change from labrat, and Sara has seen the more serious and mature side of Greg that does exist alongside with his humour, and, from watching CSI, it seems that she likes what she sees. As do i, but i won't get into that... :D

I still think she needs to be Grissom
Lol, i'm guessing that was a typo?
yes it was sorry, "to be with Grissom" it's early what else can I do, recently Sara has been different around Greg, me thinks that when Sara was younger with her parents being childish - she had to be the adult, and since then she has been really mature - but then Grag becomes more mature and shows Sara that it's alright to have fun now and then... like that toilet experiment they did - she was haveing a whale of a time.....
But I'm still a Sara/Grissom believer, if she doesn't get with grissom - then Greg better be waiting by that phone
Hmm, i have to disagree here. Jorja Fox has said herself in interviews that Sara is definatly seeing Greg in a different light, and as a more mature and atttractive man since he has become a CSI. I agree with this, as Greg has definatly matured since his change from labrat, and Sara has seen the more serious and mature side of Greg that does exist alongside with his humour, and, from watching CSI, it seems that she likes what she sees. As do i, but i won't get into that...

Have to totally agree with you there - yes, that's right, i said *agree* :lol:

Greg has really grown up this year, and Sara definately has noticed. She most definitely has a new found respect for him (I think she always respected him, but now its on a higher level) I think a relationship with Greg would bring its own problems to the party (but what relationship doesn't have problems). It's not enough for me to convert ships, but there's definitely something growing between them.

More importantly (for me) is the fact that this year of mentoring Greg has helped Sara to develop too. She's discovered that she's actually a damn good teacher. She's focusing on someone else's career rather than her own for a change. It's given her purpose and, dare I say it, a mission. And that is one of the best things I got to watch in season 5.
More importantly (for me) is the fact that this year of mentoring Greg has helped Sara to develop too. She's discovered that she's actually a damn good teacher. She's focusing on someone else's career rather than her own for a change. It's given her purpose and, dare I say it, a mission. And that is one of the best things I got to watch in season 5.
I totally agree, which is kinda sad in a way, because NOW what do we debate over???
Yay Sandle supporters! :) *waves at curtain*
I don´t see the sister/brother thing in Sandle because I would NEVER EVER flirt with my brother like that EWW!

I liked Terri, at least she was in 5-6 eps and had her head on straight.

forensicgirl: Well in that case we do not disagree except on the Grissom part. :)

Fine Grissom´s scared. Yet he has no problem getting it on with other ladies, which sends the message to Sara it´s just her that´s the problem- he´s not into her. Also the fact that he is unable to show Sara he cares about her or loves her (which I don´t think he does- he´s just obsessed with her) makes a relationship bw them impossible. So that´s the end of that story. Because if anything´s ever gonna happen bw Sara/Grissom it´s on Grissom to act.

BTW I saw Snake as Sara moving on for good. "I look for validation in inappropriate places" is a pretty definitive slap in the face for G. And as usual he is unable to form a coherent sentence when it comes to emotions in this scene. So in the end Sara just gives up and walks out. And she will no longer look to Grissom for emotional support as I interpreted the Committed run-by.
Foxrox: BTW I saw Snake as Sara moving on for good. "I look for validation in inappropriate places" is a pretty definitive slap in the face for G.

You really enjoyed that didn't you Foxrox?..:lol:...tell you what...me too. I donno why..:lol:...and don't ask me why..hehe

However, I flatly disagree that Grissom doesn't have feelings for Sara. He does..but the beardo..has still got his head stuck in the microscope.
If GSR doesn't happen...*Sidle screams noooooo* oh well if it doesn't happen, if those freaky tptbs don't have enough guts to pursue that route..then I'll be more likely to bent towards Snicker (I'd have loved Sarrick ...but that might just lead Down the Drain). And as much as I love the scenes of Sara and Greg, I think Greg is yet to grow a looot...to level with Sara.
Whoa :eek:I go to sleep and I wake up with 35 new posts :eek: Hehe I love a good debate ;) Off topic sorry :D

He does..but the beardo..has still got his head stuck in the microscope.

Exactly! But, I think that hes starting...barely starting but hes starting to pull it out. Ok, the topic is "Who do you think SARA should be with??" Now keep in mind that I am a GSR shipper all the way ok :eek:

Grissom- I want them to get together (want want want!) I just love the angstiness of it all and if Grissom ever finds his way out of the lab, then...maybe? :D

Greg- Ill post later cause i need to go :lol:
Ok, I'm back and I'll finish my post :D

Greg- I think that Sara should be with Greg, even though I am a GSR shipper, I think he'd be best for her. Greg makes Sara laugh and I think thats good for her seeing as everything shes been through.

But...I want Grissom and Sara to get together cause...cmon...it's the best ;)
Fine Grissom´s scared. Yet he has no problem getting it on with other ladies, which sends the message to Sara it´s just her that´s the problem- he´s not into her. Also the fact that he is unable to show Sara he cares about her or loves her (which I don´t think he does- he´s just obsessed with her) makes a relationship bw them impossible. So that´s the end of that story. Because if anything´s ever gonna happen bw Sara/Grissom it´s on Grissom to act.

I absolutely agree - it IS MOST DEFINITELY up to Grissom to act now. Sara will no longer put herself out there and chase after him anymore. That was made very clear in season 5. It's his turn.

I disagree with the first part of your point, however - its easy for Grissom to focus his interest on other women who are attractive because there isn't the depth of feeling, the emotional connection and the potential for pain as there is with Sara. Sure he can date women left right and centre - he knows he's never gonna get in deep enough to get hurt. But what was firmly acknowledged in Butterflied is that, if he was to ever become involved with Sara, he'd be risking his heart in a major way. And for someone like Grissom, who leads a very controlled life, that's a risk that is very difficult to take.

BTW I saw Snake as Sara moving on for good. "I look for validation in inappropriate places" is a pretty definitive slap in the face for G. And as usual he is unable to form a coherent sentence when it comes to emotions in this scene. So in the end Sara just gives up and walks out. And she will no longer look to Grissom for emotional support as I interpreted the Committed run-by.

The run-by was a "getting the hell outta the room where I was just held more or less at knife-point (well, it was pottery, but same diff...) I didn't see it as a brush-off.

The thing in Snakes, I firmly believe was the old 'lay your cards on the table, put the ball in his court and walk calmly away' approach. Sara was basically saying "here's how I feel about you. Its probably not smart, but there you go... I know things are complicated, and I've made them more complicated in the past, so I'm changing the game. If you want to do something about it, its your call."
The run-by was a "getting the hell outta the room where I was just held more or less at knife-point (well, it was pottery, but same diff...) I didn't see it as a brush-off.

The thing in Snakes, I firmly believe was the old 'lay your cards on the table, put the ball in his court and walk calmly away' approach. Sara was basically saying "here's how I feel about you. Its probably not smart, but there go... I know things are complicated, and I've made them more complicated in the past, so I'm changing the game. If you want to do something about it, its your call."

Now, I totally disagree, forensicsgirl .

Maye it was running out of the room as quick as she can...but I am so PROUD of TPTB that didn't allow a man to save Sara. She got away herself. Grissom did look surprised that Sara ran past, and that is the important point. He thought she would need him then, but she didn't. Afterwards, Grissom looks downright confused about who to go ...Sara or her attacker. That bothers me. He should want to IMMEDIATELY go check on Sara. I'm not saying to run up and try to hold her, but he looked downright confused when he watched her at the window. After the commercial break, it was frankly a bizarre conversation they had...and my GSR friend (sadly not on the Internet if you can believe it) was very much disappointed in it. For myself, I saw nothing shippy whatsoever and if all Grissom can muster after seeing his supposed love get nearly killed is "Would you like me to have someone replace you?" Sara is so much better without him.

As for Snakes, I do agree with Fox that the line that Sara quotes about looking for validation is an EXCELLENT description of the GSR relationship from Sara's POV. I'm surprised TPTB put that in at all. I also think that Sobell's recap of this particular scene (little sadness for missing TWoP) though snarky, actually describes it best too.
To Tripp: Yeah but Sobell made Sara seem too needy in that recap IMO.

Anyway so you say it´s easy for Grissom to date all these other ladies like Sofia, Terri, LH and whoever it was he dated S4, cause he doesn´t have any feelings for them. Then why would he do it? Why hurt Sara like that (and no one can convince me he doesn´t know how Sara feels about him- she´s been very clear) when it would be easy for him NOT to date them (since he´s not in love with them) and show some respect for Sara.

The whole thing smells like Grissom egomania to me. And Sidle I´ve always said that Grissom has feelings for Sara (you know that) but my point is he doesn´t seem to CARE if he hurts her. I can´t fit that in with love- so I just go for obsession.
i think sara should be with grissom but if not then somebody that will make her happy
The whole thing smells like Grissom egomania to me. And Sidle I´ve always said that Grissom has feelings for Sara (you know that) but my point is he doesn´t seem to CARE if he hurts her. I can´t fit that in with love- so I just go for obsession.
Exactly what I've been saying all along. I'm not denying that Grissom has feelings for her, I'm just saying that TPTB have not clarified what exactly those feelings are. They may or may not be love. I'm inclined to say not because, like Fox posted, Grissom is fully aware of her feelings yet he chooses to ignore them.
Yeah that's Grissom. He won't get out of his shell till the end of the world.

If you can't afford lose, you can't get anything. :eek:
Anyway so you say it´s easy for Grissom to date all these other ladies like Sofia, Terri, LH and whoever it was he dated S4, cause he doesn´t have any feelings for them. Then why would he do it? Why hurt Sara like that (and no one can convince me he doesn´t know how Sara feels about him- she´s been very clear) when it would be easy for him NOT to date them (since he´s not in love with them) and show some respect for Sara.

Wow, you make Grissom sound like some kinda stud who has a diff woman every night :confused: He dated Terri before he knew how Sara felt (my gut tells me, and the PTB confirm it, he didn't realise until the chalk scene in season 2) Lady Heather he didn't so much date as have a one night stand with (come on! he's human! he needs a little action sometimes - he's not a priest!) And Sara didn't find out about that (or if she did, he didn't deliberately let her know) And as for Sophia, he took her out to dinner to convince her to stay in the lab - there was no indication that it was an actual date.

Apart from the Pilot, which doesn't count because Sara hadn't even moved to Vegas, the only other indication of Grissom dating anyone was in s3's 'Bloodlust' - he told Brass he was on a date when he got the call. As far as we know, Sara didn't find out about it and besides which it happened right after Grissom found out about Hank.

I think Grissom's inability to tell Sara how he really feels has been blown out of all proportion. If he didn't fancy Sara, I don't think he would have a problem telling her that he wasn't interested. Instead he chokes up, over-thinks, freaks out and bumble like the bumbling idiot he can be on occasion.

Sara over-talks around him. Grissom over-thinks around her. Always dangerous when it comes to affairs of the heart...

Anyway, we've strayed off topic again - shame on us. Who should Sara be with? Again I say herself until such time as a certain socially inept entomologist starts chasing her...
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