Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I know. I'm a little slow. I always thought that scene was kind of weird. When I saw it I was like "Grissom's weird. He wants lingerie." Maybe I should go blonde. :D
OT i know, but when i was blonde i do think i did a lot more stupid stuff. Maybe it was all subconscious, but my grades went down and i did crazy things like walking into open doors (twice! :lol: ).

I did have more fun, though, so it was a fair trade. :)
lol....I don't really understand the things they say about blondes.....well I'm a brunette as well...and don't undertand the jokes.

Tripp: Yet Grissom has never trusted Sara to share anything personal about him, has he? And what is this about his fear of being known?
Oh well...I don't remember Grissom sharing his dark secret with anyone either counting Sara. Well, we still have two more seasons..so maybe the bug guy will tell. So far, I don't remember any episode where any cases has hit Grissom home except Butteflied, which was because of Sara and GD(when he didn't have enough time to be affected).
All the times, Sara has revealed to Grissom...were the times..when Sara was deeply affected by any cases..now if the same happens to Grissom then maybe he will confide in Sara...but that's just maybe...well who knows. It's Grissom.

Ollieuan: Honestly, the title of the thread is "Who do YOU think Sara should be with?" I don't really care who TPTB think Sara should be with. That is irrelevant to the thread (not bashing anyone for mentioning it, i realize you were trying to prove a point about Butterflied ).

Slynn:Well said. Honeslty, if this was meant to be a strictly GSR thread, you should have it relabled something like 'Why Sara should be with Grissom only and why everyone else is wrong'. We're all adults (aren't we?) and can discuss things without getting rude or mean.

You're right, this thread is not only for GSR and I don't remember any of GSRers saying so. Nobody did. We had to go through arguments about Butterflied and GSR when someone said that Butterflied was about Griss/Cath..and Debbie Marlin had nothing to do with Sara.

Slynn:if this was meant to be a strictly GSR thread, you should have it relabled something like 'Why Sara should be with Grissom only and why everyone else is wrong'. We're all adults (aren't we?) and can discuss things without getting rude or mean.

'Why Sara should be with Grissom only and why everyone else is wrong' ???? huh...!! you really think we are capable of doing that Slynn?...you think we will despise everybody's judgments and opinion just to prove that our ship is only existent...?
We might be totally obsessed with GSR...we might think Grissom and Sara are real life people and love each other....but we are not fanatics...we seek for logic as well..if tptbs show us Sandle...we will acknowledge it..if they give Snickers..then I'm sure we'll see it.

You can't fault someone for not seeing your ship.

And you can't fault someone for defending what they believe as well...actually what they are shown, what they hear from the writers and producers and actors, what they read in articles....

When somebody gives an argument..then that person has to be ready for a counter argument as well.

I'm all for opinions as this thread asks for...just there's difference between opinion and claim.

Kiragrissom: I'm just saying she should have someone who can put her first who'll understand her.
Here Kira has given her opinion and I respect that. I might give arguments for who I think understands her better though.

Ollieuan: I would hope they don't just because personally, I don't see it as a healthy decision for either character (Sara moreso than Grissom). Using logic I have attempted to justify my reasoning for Nick/Sara. Will TPTB ever acknowledge this pair in commentaries? Probably not, but it doesn't make it any less logical or valid. It just might not be the way they are going. Or who knows, maybe they'll suprise us.

Here is Ollieuan's opinion...which I read..analyze and give argument...still I respect it.

Posts like these are not claims but opinions.

So, let's back to topic now...

Who do you THINK Sara should be with?
behind you 100% Sidle. I got your back. Slynn, Ollieuan, I think I, and others have said numerous times that we are not anti- any other ship. I see Sandle's point of view, I see Snicker's POV, I see Sarrick's point of view (is that what they're going by now??? what happened to Bridle??? :lol: )

Healthy debate is a good thing. Differing opinions is a good thing. Variety is the spice of life. Just don't anti-ship - very disrespectful and short-sighted and unfortunately we at GSR have been getting a lot of that directed at us lately. But by no means do we view this as a strictly GSR-only thread, and I for one respect the opinions of everyone featured. Mutual respect people. That's so very important here.

In the spirit of this, I've got a new person for Sara to put forward. Catherine. I think they compliment each other well. I think they fight on occasion because they're both quite similar at heart. I think that if they were to let their guards down with each other (which have inevitably risen after ND) they might find an attraction there. And there hasn't been a f/f relationship between two such different women on TV since Xena and Gabrielle...

So there you have it - even *I* can argue for a different possible ship...
hey, I'm a red-blooded woman, Sidle - I need a little slash in my diet... :lol: :D :lol:

then of course there's my secret fondness for the Sara/Warrick pairing...
You're right, this thread is not only for GSR and I don't remember any of GSRers saying so. Nobody did.

Once more I prove that sarcasm doesn't play well in the written word. :) I hardly meant that GSRers were coming out and saying that. It just seems to me that whenever an opinion voiced against GSR is stated it is immediately shot down. If we are giving opinions, they're just that. Opinions. Not right or wrong, just a point of view. I believe that the very first post of this thread said :

PS- To make this thread friendly, no counter-arguments and hateful words pls...your simple and honest opinions will do the charm.
My opinion, is that Sara should be with Grissom, they have the past, chemisty ( being a scientist, chemisty is important) and they have scenes together where there are hints (large ones) that they think of each other as more than just a friend
DUH! Of course Grissom and Sara belong together. They're like Simon and Garfunkal, Ross and Rachel, peanut butter and jelly! :lol:
Tripp: Yet Grissom has never trusted Sara to share anything personal about him, has he? And what is this about his fear of being known?
Oh well...I don't remember Grissom sharing his dark secret with anyone either counting Sara.

he did share his secret with catherine, although the scene ended before we got to hear it. :D

now, as far as the way the characters are written, a romantic relationship between grissom and sara would be a disaster in so many ways. doesn't matter if they had feelings for each other or not. it is the way they are written. of course, for all the lovers of angst, that would be heaven :rolleyes:
I just have to say I´ve NEVER been shot down by a GSR fan. Au contraire the most aggressive and rude shippers I´ve "met" around the net are the Grissom/LH fans (warning for csiguide here). Thank god that ship died! (sorry if there by chance are any G/LH fans still around)

Sidle you´ve been very clear about respecting other ships so all´s good :) I also have to agree with greglover14. Sometimes there IS a right and wrong when it comes to ships. No other interpretation possible. And one of those times was Butterflied. Sorry but there is no way that ep is about anyone else than Sara.

And as usual ollieuan I agree with you. Not uncommon for viewers to form a different opinion from the makers of the shows about who should hook up with who. And in my experience the makers will go with the viewers wish or the show will lose viewers (duh), (well ok I know Smallville Al/Miles are still holding out but "usually"..you know what I mean right?).

Oh forensicgirl I share your secret fondness. Except I don´t think it´s so secret for me hehe.
Did you guys notice that Grissom always open up tostrangers?...Because even if they know something about him, they don't know him at all.

But sara is different, Grissom is afraid of being known.
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