Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Yeah ancienttomb. In the case with his hearing he only admitted it after LH/Cath had already figured it out on their own.
I just have to say I´ve NEVER been shot down by a GSR fan. Au contraire the most aggressive and rude shippers I´ve "met" around the net are the Grissom/LH fans (warning for csiguide here). Thank god that ship died! (sorry if there by chance are any G/LH fans still around)

For me its been the opposite.
I have to agree with you Kira 1000%! And then some. Over the years, they have been the most brutal to deal.

And no, Gil/Heather fans are still out here, sorry to disappoint ya'll.
i started typing a very deep and meanfully post re: sara and her heart vs her head... unfortunately i'm having problems with broadband tonight, and i got kicked off before i could post it - but i'll try and recreate it as best I can.

I identify very strongly with Sara. She and I have very similar outlooks with regards to work, relationships and socialising. And when it comes to relationships, there are two types of people - there are those who go with their heads, and those who go with their hearts. And as logical as Sara is, I strongly suspect she's a heart-type person.

In my head (and hers, prob) she should be with Nick, or Greg, or someone who makes her laugh, makes her have fun, makes her lighten up. Sara should be with a kind, caring and considerate non-workaholic who can get Sara to slow down and stop working so hard.

Ah, but the heart. The heart can not be ruled by logic. It loves who it loves. And if you are a heart over head person, you can only go with your heart. I know they say that no man (or woman) is worth crying over, and the one who is wont make you cry - beautiful quote, admirable sentiment, but unfortunately flat wrong. Men can and do make us cry. They can be stupid sometimes - it's called being human. If I had a penny for every tear I shed over the love of my life, I'd be a very rich woman indeed. He broke my heart repeated. But would I go back and say "no, he's not a good choice for me because of all the complications and the misery we could potentially cause each other" ? No way. Why? Because love isn't logical. And more importantly, if you settle for the safe but passionless option, the guy who treats you right and who you're great friends with, but who you don't really love, then you're not really living at all.

I'd love to see Sara happy, and I think that she, like me, would rather be with no one than with the wrong someone.
Excuse me? GSRs have been most difficult? I don't think so. Its other ships that come in and just s**t all over our ship. We don't go to other ship threads and trash them. We are just as passionate about our ship as you are with yours. And as for the Grissom/LH thing... come on. Lets get real. You know I've never heard any trouble from a Sandle or Sarrick. They are the most peaceful.
Okay guys, time out. Lets not let this degenerate into an arguement. Both myself, greglover and all the other GSR-shippers I know have the greatest respect for the other ships. We don't set out to appear agressive, and if we've ever come across that way then it was unintentional. We are simply passionate about our own ship, and that passion shouldn't be misinterpreted as agression - we really don't mean it like that.

RE the Gris/LH ship, I have to say that's my second fav ship after GSR. The electricity between them was off the scales...

Now lets get back on topic : Who should Sara be with?
I'm still voting for she should remain alone until the love of her life wakes up and smells the hottie.
hey,forensicsgirl, why do those guys have so much times and energy to stay at our threads and attack us?

Guess some threads died completely.......

Too many people wander in the street these these years...

come on, ancienttomb - no fight picking. i'm trying to make peace here. and this isn't our thread - its a general who should Sara be with thread, not strictly GSR, so lets respect all shippers, whether we agree with them or not.

Healthy debate is, well, healthy. But fighting and attacking and snide remarks are not cool. and I'm making that request not only to members of the GSRship, but to all other ships too. Lets play nice guys, okay. After all, we all love the same show.
Getting back on topic: Who do you think Sara should be with?

Well, quite honestly, I would like her to be with a new character, one that has nothing to do with criminalistics. If I were to want Sara with one of the main cast, it would be Nick. ;)
I'm not talking about GSR, I'm talking about us.

And yes, I respect everyone, but first I hope no one jump out immediately when we're busy and leave a mess.

Thanks forensicsgirl....I keep calm all the way...nothing can piss me off
Well, quite honestly, I would like her to be with a new character, one that has nothing to do with criminalistics. If I were to want Sara with one of the main cast, it would be Nick. ;)
Sara should be with anyone that cherishes her :D
Because I'm really afraid this all started with my last post, for the record, I've never been flamed, shot down, belittled, aggravated, etc., etc., by *any* shipper. Honestly, I can respect other's opinions and ships (doesn't mean I agree with them, but still) without it threatening my own. And I hope no one takes anything I say *too* seriously, because I'm really quite the sarcastic angst monkey who has had her brain fried by the Nevada desert. :p

And to point it out, all ships have been singled out at one point or another by trolls or trouble makers. This is an uncommonly friendly board with few instances of that, but still. I know the threads I frequent have had drop-ins just to say how much they dislike or disagree with whatever we are happily discussing. Again, doesn't bother me. Welcome to the free world. :) My advice, shrug them off and they won't come back. They're usually there to get a reaction. If they don't get it, they move on.

Back on topic...my vote is still for Sara to be with Greg. Barring that, I'd pick Nick.
Back on topic...my vote is still for Sara to be with Greg. Barring that, I'd pick Nick.
Yeah... :D..though I'm GSR, Istill think that Sara and Greg fit each other...

They could make a pretty healthy relationship :D
I stand behind my quote. Regardless of how much you love (or think you love, in GSR's case -- it hasn't been made clear yet) someone, it doesn't necessarily mean they are worth your tears or time. I firmly believe that Grissom knows exactly what he does to Sara emotionally, yet he refuses to act. If he were truly worth her tears, he would try and make her happy. This doesn't mean he will never make her cry, but he will not intentionally do so. I realize that there is more evidence for GSR (not necessarily in canon, moreso from outside commentary, which i choose to ignore because outside comments can rarely be trusted until they are written in the form of a script) but stick by my ship. If Grissom truly loved Sara he would be a little more sensitive to her emotions. Of all the male characters, Nick seems to sense Sara's emotions the best IMO. Warrick may have had a rare moment here or there, and Greg has gotten much better lately, but i think that Nick GETS Sara. It is a shame that we don't get to see moments between them anymore. I think Grissom is clueless, either by choice (in which case my opinion that Grissom just doesn't care enough is valid) or by ignorance.

As far as the most aggressive shippers go, I think all ships can be aggressive at times, but I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing. IMO if you aren't willing to get worked up over your ship then you aren't really into your ship.
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