Who do you think SARA should be with??

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hey, new here. i think sara should be with someone who makes her happy and the whole grissom thing seems to bring her down. She seems much happier with greg, i think greg would be good for her.
YAY MY 601TH POST...I can't believe I've posted that many posts. Rock on..

Ok MissDee, your mail-order bride comment gave me chills...I think I'd kill the person who even thinks of doing that to Sara. Kill him. Peace.

Oh hi another_loser39,welcome. It's awkward to refer you with that name..lol..

Yes ancienttomb, Sara should be with whoever makes her happy. If Sara can be happy with Greg then ok I'm happy to see her happy too...but the tension between Grissom and Sara is so special and interesting and it will really be a shame to loose it. Like MissDee said, the tptbs are all about keeping the ratings stable, so I don't see anyone hooking up with anybody. But, that's fine with me as long as the characterization makes sense, and Sara remains happy. But one thing for sure...I don't ever want to see Sara unhappy concerning Grissom and some other woman though I'd love the other way around.

Grrrh freaking tptbs why can't Sara be with Grissom...why? cause they've made these two character so complicated that it's difficult even for them to deal with it.
We need Anthony Zuiker back in CSI vegas.
Yes ancienttomb, Sara should be with whoever makes her happy. If Sara can be happy with Greg then ok I'm happy to see her happy too...but the tension between Grissom and Sara is so special and interesting and it will really be a shame to loose it. Like MissDee said, the tptbs are all about keeping the ratings stable, so I don't see anyone hooking up with anybody. But, that's fine with me as long as the characterization makes sense, and Sara remains happy. But one thing for sure...I don't ever want to see Sara unhappy concerning Grissom and some other woman though I'd love the other way around.
My guess that GSR will be a " No ending love", not every romance has a ending, no matter it's comedy or tragedy. i don't like that everything has a ending, it's not science. So, since sara came from Fransisco,she could go anywhere, and i don't think sara is the kind of person who sacrafices her career for any guy. Will Grissom go with her? Of course not, he won't sacrafice his career AND HIS REPUTATION for her,he'd claimed that in "butterflied".

So,the most possibility of GSR is "they go to different cities and rarely see each other." IMO, Greg is more like to sacrafice something for her :rolleyes:
Posted by Sidle_my_Idol:
George has mentioned that Grissom's feelings for Sara is much more deeper than just 'in love.' I know they wouldn't hook up because I know Grissom. I know Grissom feels the same way Nick does about work. I think he has such a love for Sara that's so much more pure;it goes beyond a romantic love.
Posted by Tripp3235:
This tells me that Grissom sees Sara as a friend. Oh, and he will never pursue a romantic relationship.
Posted by Sidle_my_Idol:
I totally and heartly agree with George saying that Sara's feeling for Grissom is not like "I love you, so you should love me too" kind.
She loves him, but she's fine if he doesn't love her back. It's unconditional love...which you can call true love.
But after Butterflied she does know how he feels and what he has to deal with to pursue the relationship; Sara understands it all, that's why she's not hard on him. She's fine. And that's very cool of her.
Posted by Tripp3235:
Is it really? If I was Sara I would have been FURIOUS to witness Grissom able to open up to a complete stranger/confessed murderer instead of her. I do agree that Sara understands that Grissom will never be able to act on a relationship with her and she has moved on.
Interesting. If I were Sara, it would not have surprised me in the SLIGHTEST that this was probablly the only circumstance in which she would hear Grissom's true feelings about their situation. Grissom had come face to face with a case that caused him to mentally go down the "road less travelled", and his obsessive need to solve her murder caused him to go for days without sleep, and as such his emotional barriers were down when he finally opened up. This is why during the whole investigation he could not even bear to hear Sara's voice, much less see or speak to her. Remember when the group were roundtabled on speaker phone talking to Grissom on his cell - the only time he pulled the phone away from his ear was when Sara spoke. I can only imagine what might have happened had she been the one to be the direct beneficiary of this confidence rather than the indirect one - Grissom's head might truly have exploded!!!!!!
Posted by Sidle_my_Idol:
Personally I won't buy it if Sara/Greg hook up and Grissom will ever get over his feelings for Sara...and that's one reason why can't see Sandle as realistic.
Posted by Tripp3235:
Again, I say if Grissom HAS feelings for Sara, then it's his own fault for not acting on them. And if there is one thing that Grissom can do, is let people go. I think if Greg and Sara hooked up, Grissom will be fine..
Again, I completely disagree. Grissom will NOT be fine. He may appear to be fine externally, but inside it will eat him alive. I strongly believe that in his heart of hearts he wants nothing more than for Sara to be happy. And he truly believes that that could never happen with him. But having to work every day with someone you love and watch them falling in love with someone else is another thing entirely. He could probably deal with her dating someone outside their world, so it was not in his face all the time, but not one of his own staff.

Again JMO, an obvious (and eternally frustrated) GSR shipper!
Agree with everything keesame said...

Many times when I see that someone has interpreted a certain scene different from what I have understood, I watch the scene again and consider the possibilities. Those times, I don't post as a GSRers to get to a logical point. I'm not oblivious to what is happening in CSI. I understand and try my best to see it in every direction, and many times though I disagree with someone's opinion I don't give counter-opinion cause I see that the scene itself is too blurry to hold a certain position, but there are other scenes where the meanings and expressions are laid out straight and still people don't agree with it. That's when I find people seeing only what they want to see. And when it is difficult to ignore I put my counter-arguments in. Sometimes, I even get hopeless to get my point across and then I realize that that person is anti-GSR, so the arguments seem useless and then I move on.

I have seen the light flirtings of Sara and Greg this season, and I don't say that it's wrong just because I love GSR. It's wrong because the writers can't give up GSR without any reasons for hows and whys (that is from Grissom's POV). And when I don't see consistency then I tend to complain esp. when it happens in my fav show. GSR has been running from season 1 and we know how Gris and Sara feel about each other. Sara has let her feelings known to Grissom, and we know Grissom's feelings for her because of 'Butterflied.' Now I will buy that Sara can/should move on and I guess we are seeing that a lil this season, but what about Grissom?
Nothing is resolved on that part. Love doesn't fade away and crush is not that deep. He has been getting jealous because of the Greg/Sara flirting, and as we've known Grissom, he reacts only when he feels real deep. Now I know something about human psychology that the feelings that aren't spoken are the ones which go deeper and don’t fade away easily. Grissom has never said anything about his feelings to Sara face-to-face ( he has neither denied nor accepted it) and he always seems frozen when he gets opportunity(nobody gets that affected unless there's something more and in Grissom’s case unless there’s something much more). And I'm not talking about loving and caring as friend here. You can see/hear all the interviews and commentaries of the writers...THEY say these ppl are more than friends. Christ, I have never heard any writers say that Gris and Sara are just friends or they have relationship of father/dau. What more proof can anyone ask for?

Sorry I went OT there but I was just making my point. Now, let's just assume that Sara completely moves on and starts a relationship with Greg or anyone else. What will happen to Grissom? They can't make him feel jealous for a while and then show him forget it and become unaffected by it and even start dating other woman. It just won't make sense at all. That won't be Grissom. That won't be CSI's character that we've known and loved. If the writers give a very strong and believable reason for why Grissom could not have relationship with Sara and why he is fine with Sara moving on, then I won't complain about it though my shippy heart will be broken to pieces.
Sara should be with the person who loves her and that is Grissom. Now if tptbs make Grissom dumb and stupid enough to let Sara go without even making things clear between them, then fine. But he will certainly loose my respect.
Loves hurts..everyone knows that, but it is worth the pain. We have been shown true love through these complex characters and their relationship, now I just can't/don’t want to see the tptbs messing up with it.
Done rambling…for now.

PS – I hope what I wrote is legible.
I don´t understand why Grissom would ask out other women if he´s so in love with Sara. If he can´t be with Sara because of work how is it ok with Sofia..or Teri..or Charlotte. I see that he has feelings for Sara but they´re not enough to make him act, and all he does is hurt her. I´m not interested in seeing Sara suffer. She deserves better than Grissom. He´s old and unlikely to ever change. I can´t see any future for Sara and Grissom- I can´t even see how they would be able to get together i the first place.

The idea of Sara and Greg is much more healthy and love doesn´t have to be painful to be true.
I honestly saw GSR from season 1-3, but for me it ended when Grissom said to Sara directly in PWF, in a frustrated voice, "I don't know what to do about this." To me that was clear proof that he either a) didn't care about her the same way (romantically) or b) did care about her romantically but had no plans to persue it.

Now he may be having second thoughts, but I think Sara (after a season of brooding -- hello S4), is finally realizing what he meant and is ready to move on. More power to her. I don't care how much you love someone, if they don't or won't return the feelings, you have only two options: pining away forever or choosing happiness. One person alone does not determine your happiness, you do.

TPTB (the men behind the screen, not the creators) are very capable of messing up any show (ER, X-Files, countless others that jumped the shark). This is a business. Their business is to keep fans watching, advertisers buying and their show on the air. If that means stringing all the ships along, they will until the ratings start to drop. Then, and only then, they'll pick a ship and go with it.

And when in doubt, take deep breaths and remember, it's only a show.
How can you be so sure that Grissom's line is PWF meant only those two things?
See this is where the blur comes. That scene is open to every interpretations in the world and no one stick to one opinion and say this is what he actually said. And I agree I almost thought that GSR is over, but tptbs didn't do that. They kept on pursuing it to this point that now they have no idea what they should do about it.

And I don't think things are that simple. We're talking about Grissom, Sara and CSI here.
How can you be so sure that Grissom's line is PWF meant only those two things?

Okay -- what did you take it to mean?

And if we're talking about different views, how do we know he was talking about Sara in Butterflied? He didn't say her name. He could have been talking about that Terri woman (the blonde forensic woman he did ask out) or Lady Heather for all we know. Or, like cops are likely to do, he could have just been talking to try and get the guy to confess.

And things can be that simple. If you love someone you act or you don't act. You take a risk or you risk losing it. All in or chicken out. Sara took her chance, she confronted Grissom and he balked. *IF* GSR is to have any credibility it would be Grissom's turn to do the same.
I don´t understand why Grissom would ask out other women if he´s so in love with Sara. If he can´t be with Sara because of work how is it ok with Sofia..or Teri..or Charlotte.
Being new to CSI I saw none of season 5 until 4 x 4, so I can't comment on Sofia or Charlotte. But as for Terri, she definitely came on to him (remember the Ghost hommage with the moulding goo), and he still was only able to ask her out after she had left town. This is someone who caught his attention by cuddling up to his tarrantula, again someone who intrigued him and was potentially at his intellectual level. There was no significant age or employer/employee problem with Terri, so why not ask her out? And frankly, Grissom's failure with Terri just gives him more whips to flog himself with (not a LH reference...lol) and to not risk jeopardizing the little he does have with Sara.

When you don't allow yourself to have what your heart wants, sometimes you try to find a way to forget.......
And if we're talking about different views, how do we know he was talking about Sara in Butterflied? He didn't say her name. He could have been talking about that Terri woman (the blonde forensic woman he did ask out) or Lady Heather for all we know. Or, like cops are likely to do, he could have just been talking to try and get the guy to confess.
If the whole episode about Debbie Marlin looking like Sara and Grissom's obsession to the case is not enough to convince you who he was talking about then I'll add one more evidence: The commentary on that episode which reveals that Grissom indeed was talking about Sara.
How do we know he was talking about Sara in Butterflied? He didn't say her name. He could have been talking about that Terri woman (the blonde forensic woman he did ask out) or Lady Heather for all we know. Or, like cops are likely to do, he could have just been talking to try and get the guy to confess.
Neither Terri nor Lady Heather would be considered by Grissom to be "young" - both are closer to Cath's age than Sara's - and Grissom spoke of someone young and beautiful offering a new life. Given her profession there would have been considerable risk for him to be with Heather, but none to be with Terri. And after 72 hours without sleep, I don't think Grissom was in any mental state to be playing good cop/bad cop with Dr. Lurie. Throughout the epi he was haunted by images of Sara and how similar she was to the victim - to the point where he was unable to see or speak to Sara during the investigation, but hallucinated her sitting across from him.

And for Grissom, nothing is EVER that simple - he spends his LIFE avoiding emotional risks.
The commentary on that episode which reveals that Grissom indeed was talking about Sara.

I don't own the DVDs so I'll have to take your word for it. Honestly, it's sadder if he was talking about Sara because it just goes along with what I was saying...he's never going to act on his feelings.

From the transcript found HERE

"She offers us a new life with her ... ... but we have a big decision to make, right? Because we have to risk everything we've worked for in order to have her. I couldn't do it ..."
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