Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I have to say I'm ready for her to move and about time. Even MSNBC said so...it's getting tiring and sad. I also feel that Grissom's rejection of her is greatly responsible with moody depressed Sara of S4

I hated that article specifically cause they assumed Sara was- and is still! "pining" for Grissom. I so disagree.

First of all I´ve never seen her "pine". Yes she had a crush but it was the student/teacher type of thing and she never thought anything would really happen. She wanted something REAL(not a fantasy)which is why she called Hank.

IMO her S4 depression had much more to do with an added effect of being let down by her friend the lawyer (who actually lied about being a murderer), her boyfriend Hank the Skank and feeling lonely after Grissom (as a friend and mentor) had distanced himself from her. The lab explosion on top of that just broke her defences down and THAT´S what started her depression. Bad memories and vulnerability from her childhood resurfaced leading to a downward spiral.

The dinner invite may have added to it but it was just one small thing of many. Grissom had acted jealous of Hank and dropped some flirty comments so she naturally assumed there was some interest on Grissom´s part. Then he gave his flimsy answer and it was obvious she wasn´t going to wait around for him since she said "by the time you figure it out it might be too late". The promotion had a far more negative effect on her showing her job was the most imortant thing for her- not Grissom. Granted he was an a** to her regarding the promo and that would have hurt no matter who had done that to her.

However we got the answer to what was bothering Sara in S5 and it was clear it was her childhood and the cases that reminded her of it that was the biggest problem. NOT the Grissom crush. Sure he was a sign of her low self-esteem in the aspect of her seeking his validation. But so did Nick and Greg. Nick even said Grissom was his main motivation to be a good csi.
Why is Sara the one accused of "pining" for Grissom I´ll never know. In that case Grissom has "pined" more over Sara since he can´t let her date while Sara seems to better accept Grissom dating (Teri etc). And the reflexes of most viewers seem to be that Sara´s depression is connected to her feelings for Grissom(like in the MSNBC article). This is so condesending and a proof of a shallow analysis.

Grissom IMO has far less effect on Sara than she has on him.
She has great strength in being able to tackle her emotions and being honest with them to herself and others. (By repressing stuff you only postpone the problems). Sara has now dealt with the worst and is obviously feeling better.

I just think it is very wrong to refer Sara´s problems to Grissom when there´s so much evidence of that it´s other stuff that has affected her more. Having a man or not isn´t what makes or breaks her that´s Catherine´s trademark- men´s validation.

Oh and sandle forever :D
FoxRox I'm totally agreed with you! We almost forget that there's something more than relationship or not relationship with Grissom...
I hated that article specifically cause they assumed Sara was- and is still! "pining" for Grissom. I so disagree.

First of all I´ve never seen her "pine". Yes she had a crush but it was the student/teacher type of thing and she never thought anything would really happen. She wanted something REAL(not a fantasy)which is why she called Hank.

IMO her S4 depression had much more to do with an added effect of being let down by her friend the lawyer (who actually lied about being a murderer), her boyfriend Hank the Skank and feeling lonely after Grissom (as a friend and mentor) had distanced himself from her. The lab explosion on top of that just broke her defences down and THAT´S what started her depression. Bad memories and vulnerability from her childhood resurfaced leading to a downward spiral.

The dinner invite may have added to it but it was just one small thing of many. Grissom had acted jealous of Hank and dropped some flirty comments so she naturally assumed there was some interest on Grissom´s part. Then he gave his flimsy answer and it was obvious she wasn´t going to wait around for him since she said "by the time you figure it out it might be too late". The promotion had a far more negative effect on her showing her job was the most imortant thing for her- not Grissom. Granted he was an a** to her regarding the promo and that would have hurt no matter who had done that to her.

However we got the answer to what was bothering Sara in S5 and it was clear it was her childhood and the cases that reminded her of it that was the biggest problem. NOT the Grissom crush. Sure he was a sign of her low self-esteem in the aspect of her seeking his validation. But so did Nick and Greg. Nick even said Grissom was his main motivation to be a good csi.
Why is Sara the one accused of "pining" for Grissom I´ll never know. In that case Grissom has "pined" more over Sara since he can´t let her date while Sara seems to better accept Grissom dating (Teri etc). And the reflexes of most viewers seem to be that Sara´s depression is connected to her feelings for Grissom(like in the MSNBC article). This is so condesending and a proof of a shallow analysis.

Grissom IMO has far less effect on Sara than she has on him.
She has great strength in being able to tackle her emotions and being honest with them to herself and others. (By repressing stuff you only postpone the problems). Sara has now dealt with the worst and is obviously feeling better.

I completely agree with you on this FoxRox.
I f**king hated that article of MSNBC. Stupid thing !!!!
And what Sara is pining over Grissom? That statement is so wrong. Again Stupid !!!
We've seen much more stronger Sara this season and all that writer of that article can say is Sara is least needed next to Ecklie. Stupid !!! and unfair !!!
How about Sara and Archie? Or Sara and Super Dave? (Ok, Ok, I'll relent, Sara should always be with Nick......Fan-fic only! :p )
i say sara should be with greg or nick...she deffinatly seems the happiest around them
Why? I don't know about your situation, but I can't believe anyone would agree that carrying a torch for someone for so long is healthy at all. Also given that we have watched this relationship NOT GROW for 5 years, I have to say I'm ready for her to move and about time. Even MSNBC said so...it's getting tiring and sad. I also feel that Grissom's rejection of her is greatly responsible with moody depressed Sara of S4, which again, I find to be insulting. As far as Sara just dropping the torch, I dont think that is how it happened. I think Sara still cares some for Grissom (Unbearable showed us that), but she is obviously on the way to fully being over him, and I for one will appluad that this storyline is over.

I never said it was healthy. On the contrary, it's VERY unhealthy. That doesn't mean she can just drop her feelings for him in the span of a few months, especially when she sees him every day. My issue was with the notion that it made Sara pathetic somehow to still carry a torch for Grissom.

I'd beg to differ that Sara's "obviously" on her way "over him" too. MSNBC said so? The same article that talked about Greg Saunders and "I Shot Sherlock". I don't see how anyone can take that seriously. It's fully open to interpretation.

I understand that the G/S storyline is tiring and old for some people. But on the other hand, for a lot of us, it's not. I watch for the angst. I like that. It's fictional and it entertains me. And I think there's been quite a lot of progress between G/S - in a way, they've come full circle - they can flirt now just as easily as they did in S2 but they also have this heavy backstory between them now and it makes their interaction all the more meaningful. Greg and Sara flirt (though I think it's more friendly teasing) but they don't have that history - which I think is what draws people to it - it's angst-free canonically (I'm sure fic has them angsting though).

I do agree on that. Especially with GSR is concerned, if they got them together...it would probably the last episode where Grissom will look at Sara and say, "So...you want to grab a bite to eat?" She will smile and that will be that.

Agreed. Just by the continual jerking around of Cath/Warrick that TPTB have done this year, I think the only thing obvious in all this is that TPTB won't ever give any of the ships more than a "yes, let's have dinner".

He didn't say "No, I don't know what to do about this." He said, "No." then she pushed then he said, "I don't know what to do about this." That's a big difference. As far as whether is he interested deep down or not...I dont care. When I saw that scene I pretty much threw out Grissom and Sara in my mind and never thought about it again.

Well, I disagree in that I think when Sara pushed, Grissom had his opportunity to end things once and for all but he chose to give her an ambiguous answer that in an oblique way acknowledged that he may one day "know what to do about this". If I was Sara, as much as I may want to move on, the back of my mind would always hold his answer in hope. And I don't think it would make me pathetic or sad.

This is all a very interesting discussion (though a bit frustrating I suppose because it's a debate completely based in preference) and I think you all rock for respectfully debating the points.
Man, pro-GSR, anti-GSR... no wonder you people are all confused... you haven't yet realized the truth: SARA IS ECKLIE'S ONE TRUE LOVE!!! It's so obvious!!!

::looks around at the silent faces::

Man, there must be something I can do to make people listen to me....

::goes off to get naked and make a poster::
BY TRIPP: Ok, I get what you are trying to say here but since my earlier rhetorical comparision of Judy asking Grissom out (which I believe is closer to the issue then Nick lay dying in a coffin) was rated as ridiculous by you...then there is no point in bringing up that you are implying Grissom's inability to admit to his feelings are on par with being buried underground.

Hey when I wrote that it was ridiculous I meant it is unbelievable comparison to make. And if you feel the same way about mine...then it's fine with me.

As far as what he is dealing with which keeps him from getting involved with Sara, I don't care anymore. The writers have made it clear they will not reveal any of Grissom's secrets so it's evident that Grissom/Sara will never be equal as Sara has been always open to him and he has not returned it. Relationships are hard work, and if it's this much trouble for them to even GO OUT ON A DATE, then how are they going to remain together (happily)?

Wait when did writers made it clear that they'll not reveal Grissom's secret? There are still two seasons left.

I have never said that Greg and Sara are READY to trip on down the aisle in matrimony.
I never claimed that you said that either. When I said 'Relationship,' then I meant as a couple...as a boyfriend and girlfriend.

As far as what he is dealing with which keeps him from getting involved with Sara, I don't care anymore.
It's not about what you care or what I care....it's about what has been shown to us. It has to be resolved. They need to give an explanation about it.

Even MSNBC said so...it's getting tiring and sad. I also feel that Grissom's rejection of her is greatly responsible with moody depressed Sara of S4, which again, I find to be insulting.
You really thing that depress Sara of S4 has that much thing to do with her (un)relationship with Grissom.
Most of the time we saw her sad...were always related to the cases she's dealing with. And we got the partial answer to that in ND and Committed. I'm not saying that Grissom did anything to lighten her up...but he's not the sole reason either.

And I have to agree with Catastrophe that that article in MSNBC is a bull****.

I still say it's up for interpretation that Grissom going to Sara's house had more to do with saving her job then finding out what is wrong with her.
Well for that scene, I say that Grissom didn't go to Sara's apartment as a boss. I believe he went to FIND and UNDERSTAND what was wrong with her.

I never said it was healthy. On the contrary, it's VERY unhealthy. That doesn't mean she can just drop her feelings for him in the span of a few months, especially when she sees him every day.

I agree with you. As much as tptbs wants to show real-life things in CSI, they should understand that Sara dropping her feelings for him in that short time(yes for such feelings even couple of years can be called short time esp when Sara will be seeing Grissom daily) will be outrageous. We're not talking about crushes here. If they want to keep her character and the chemistry believable then they have to deal with it properly. So far, I can't say anything whether they are dealing as if ending it or otherwise.

Why is Sara the one accused of "pining" for Grissom I´ll never know. In that case Grissom has "pined" more over Sara since he can´t let her date while Sara seems to better accept Grissom dating (Teri etc). And the reflexes of most viewers seem to be that Sara´s depression is connected to her feelings for Grissom(like in the MSNBC article). This is so condesending and a proof of a shallow analysis.

I don't get that either...I mean what the hell was that writer watching for five seasons to reach that conclusion.
And I can't believe it's on MSNBC.
*waves at ToriRollo* Welcome, Tori.

*stares at MissDee* huh
Naaah you already got my attention there. lol.

PS- This discussion is fun, so it's fine(at least for me). lol. As long as we have point to discuss over or unless we get tired or bored....rock on hehe.
Just try not be offensive.
Just stoped by to put in my 2 cents about who i think sara should be with.

Grissom and Sara may be soulmate and made for each other and bla bla bla...but i think there relationship would be boring, they have to much in common, its weird.
That said, i think Sara should be with Greg...a much more
intereting/fun guy....i think they would realy balance each other out well.
Grissom: My take on the Grissom/Sara relationship...Sara has always seeked validation from him. I think she has misinterpreted her own feelings. I truly think he loves her, but not in a romantic way. I think he sees her more as a daughter and their relationship has a lot of baggage. Sara has misinterpreted Grissom's feelings for her and has tried to move on, but these things take time.

Warrick: Besides maybe one or two scenes that might be taken as "shipper" scenes, ive never really seen any indication of deeper feelings than friendship on either side.

Greg: I think that she seems to be looking at Greg more and more lately, but i dont think she would ever go for him. I think she'll always see him as her goofy friend that had a crush on her.

Nick: Nick and Sara love to flirt. They seem happiest when working together, but neither has ever pushed to see if things could ever develop past friendship. This pairing seems the most realistic to me, but i think that if there ever was anything there it was more one-sided on Nick's part. Who knows though...maybe Sara will come around if the gang ever gets back together. Do i think it likely? Nope.

Actually, i dont see Sara ending up with anyone at all. I dont see the show ever really addressing the CSI's love lives. And thats unfortunate for my poor ship-obsessed self. ;-;

Ideally, i would like to see Grissom and Sara work out their status. I would like to see them on a comfortable level as friends. I think they could have a wonderful father/daughter-type relationship if only they could get past all this "romance" mess. I would like to see Sara and Nick grow closer. Whether anything romantic happens between them or not i think that they could be very good for one another. He can help her out of her shell and make her more personable and she can teach him not to get so emotionally invloved in so many cases. the romance can always come in fan fiction :D
Grissom: My take on the Grissom/Sara relationship...Sara has always seeked validation from him. I think she has misinterpreted her own feelings. I truly think he loves her, but not in a romantic way. I think he sees her more as a daughter and their relationship has a lot of baggage. Sara has misinterpreted Grissom's feelings for her and has tried to move on, but these things take time.

Nop I disagree... I don't have to explain why I guess.
My earlier posts say it all.
Actually, i dont see Sara ending up with anyone at all. I dont see the show ever really addressing the CSI's love lives. And thats unfortunate for my poor ship-obsessed self. ;-;
first line kinda agree. Second line I have to agree.

GSR is the only relationship I ship.
first line kinda agree. Second line I have to agree.

GSR is the only relationship I ship.
*nods firmly*, tho8gh i've waited for 5 years, i believe that the longer the relationship is, the tighter the relationship is ;)
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