Who do you think SARA should be with??

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there already is a Super Dave/Sara :lol: Ive seen many people before that think they'd be good together. I don't see it, but I guess some do.
Hodges and Sara. Over her dead body. Super Dave and Sara. I guess I could see it. Although, Sara would have to get knocked in the head so severely, she'd have amnesia for the rest of her life. :lol: I don't think that will happen anytime soon. :eek: With all the guys she's already being shipped with. Her dance card is full.
Early on, there were a few episodes where Super Dave was totally, blantantly flirting with Sara.....it was really cute, and she seemed pretty flattered by it, b/c he was really sweet. I think, tho, that he has said in some more recent episodes that he is engaged.

Sara and Neil could be very cute together - some of their scenes have had a flirty vibe in them. Bobby seems like he'd be a total southern gentleman type of guy, which would also be nice for Sara - someone who would treat her well.

Hodges and Sara!!!???!!!!??!! Good gracious, they'd kill each other within the first week (though I don't know who would get to the killing first!) :D
Bobby seems like he'd be a total southern gentleman type of guy, which would also be nice for Sara - someone who would treat her well.

Yeah I can so imagine Bobby with Sara :) He'd be nice for her..do I hear a new ship? :lol:

Hodges with Sara? Oh god :eek: The only reason I could see that happening is for Hodges to get closer to Grissom..Hodges and his plans... :rolleyes:
We already know Sara hates kiss-ass (like Ecklie etc) so I don´t think the Hodge stands a chance.

Bobby or Neil I can totally see. But with Dave she did say he had to be more manly/assertive/loose the glasses etc before she´d get into him.
Hodges with Sara? Oh god :eek: The only reason I could see that happening is for Hodges to get closer to Grissom..Hodges and his plans... :rolleyes:
:lol: :lol:...Cuz Grissom is his boss....and Hodges wanna kiss his boss's ass :lol:...But comoare sara to Greg, Hodges treats her much better, don't you think? ;) :rolleyes:
So, the official answer to "Who do you think Sara should be with?" is that there needs to be a big ol' Roman orgy in the lab one night? There you go - question answered! Lock the thread, mods!

Although I do feel sorry for Ecklie, 'cause you *know* he's not gonna get invited....
Sara/Vartann I could see. He´s pretty hot.
But Sara doesn´t like judgemental attitudes and Vartann said something degrading about overweight women in BM if I remember correctly.

Sara/Archie, cute, but it´s a bit of a long shot.

And I changed my mind about Sara/Neil btw. He and Hodges had that suck up competition going on w Ecklie.

Sara/OC -maybe- as a last resort. I would prefer Nick or Greg though cause I don´t want a new fulltime characters on the show. But it would have to be someone who thinks Sara´s great (cause she is).

The important thing is that she gets it on with someone S6. And someone nice. :)

Ecklie has Hodges so he´ll be fine. :devil:
Sara not should but NEEDS to be with Grissom.The writers of CSI had the show hinting and giving signs of a relationship between those two since the beggining. They can't change it now! Sara knows how MUCH Grissom cares about her from "Butterflied"...Grissom only thinks Sara just likes him and not loves him like he loves Sara. As soon as Grissom finds out how much Sara loves him he will know that his work wont be in any danger. They both know that they love their work and would do anything to keep it so if they do get together and if they did break up then they wouldn't just quit because of a relationship! They love their work too much! Sara has been a relationship before and so has Grissom! They both seem fine afterword(except for the relationship sara was in when she found out that he was cheating on her....EVIL BASTARD!)

If Sara and Grissom dont get together than I dont want Sara to go out with anyone unless its with a person outside the lab.
yeah but Nick doesn't make her "waste the pretty"... you know what as long as she's happy in her choice i'm cool with it i just like typing his name Nick Nick o wherefore art thou Nick?
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