Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Nu-uh! He will not. Grissom's not like that. He's an ass. There are two different types of asses. There is the "ass", which is the type that does things that hurt, but is oblivious to them until someone points it out. Then there is the "jackass", the type that deliberatly does things to hurt people. As much as I hate to admit it, Grissom falls under the "ass" category. See, logic at its finest. :D
"To not be an ass, or to be an ass; that is the question". I think that nobody actually hates Grissom, I think they just hate the idea of Grissom with Sara.
i think i may be one of "they."

and to continue the shakespeare with a twist...

"asses are made to bare" (mispelling intentional)
Oh you wanna play like that? How bout:

"Let me not to the marriage of true asses
Admit impediments. Asses are not asses."
-Sonnet 116 (revised)

We can keep going. English was my best subject.
Alas! If only I payed attention to Shakespeare. *sigh*

Grissom. A major part of the time, he does walk around with blinders on. Not just with Sara. Catherine as well. And the lab tech in pilot. Umm, yeah. Blinders on with her too. Grissom cares for Sara in a way that is different from the other women. Catherine, Sofia, Lady H, Terri. Even if some of you don't like the idea of Grissom and Sara; you have to see the way he treats her differently.

Grissom and Catherine have the kind of relationship, a few of the guys I have worked with have with me. We flirt like mad. But if we ever went out, we'd probably deck each other. It's fun. It keeps work from being tedious.
You know the things horses wear? They help the horse see where it is going without getting sun in their eyes so much? That's what blinders are. :) In the case of people it is a figure of speech. You see what you want. The rest you ignore.
Oh you wanna play like that? How bout:

"Let me not to the marriage of true asses
Admit impediments. Asses are not asses."
-Sonnet 116 (revised)

We can keep going. English was my best subject.

well, theatre was mine so bring it on!!!

ok, so sara ends up with ecklie and they have their first lover's tiff... :devil:

What do you see? you see an ass-head of your own, do you? (bottom, midsummer)
I love a challenge. :devil:

Okay, take this:
When Sara talks about Ecklie;

"He was a ass, take him for all in all,
I shall not look upon his ass again."
I suffer from selective hearing too. When I brought that term up at work, they looked at me like I was from outer space. Not one of fourteen people had heard that expression! :eek:

Sorry, for the interruption. back to topic.
Ewwww....Shakespeare and 'ass'..weird combo....what is happening here?

And I'm with Foxrox...on letting Sara make her own decisions. She kicks ass ....everbody's ass...including Grissom.:lol:

What about Sara hooking up with Jack Baur or the hotness, Victor Freaking hot !!!!
Despite her "bad luck" with people inside the lab, I can't really see her with anyone outside the lab. She's involved too much in her work to have time for people outside.

I think the writers meant from the beginning for Sarah to fall for Grissom, so that's who I think that she's meant to be with.

A lot of people say that the Grissom and Sara thing will never work because it's too slow, but for me, that's what's kept me tuned in (well, one of the reasons) because each week the writers kinda manage to work some awesome scene with them, even if it's just like one small tiny, insignificant scene, but it's like the way that they look at each other (or wutever, u noe, small things like that) that puts everyone on hyperdrive and gives them the urge to talk about in these forums. I think it's awesome and I LOVE IT!
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