Who do you think SARA should be with??

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That's it, I'm switching ships. I'm all for the Graveyard Shift octagon of Love. It's not so much a ship as it is an ocean liner.

Seriously, though. I can't help but smile when I think how much I ship on this show. I ship more on CSI than I do on any show, and that includes wannabe-soap The OC. :lol: I guess it's mostly because I can't stand for a show to be romance-free.
I vote for Nick as the one recieving Sara´s call. But how could she date Hank after calling Nick!
I mean Nick and Sara together, off work, they would need a crowbar to stay apart with all that physical attraction. Something would have had to happen.

Oh wait I´m a Sandle shipper!...hmm...

Ok so what if I say I think Sara should be with both Greg and Nick? Maybe alternating weeks.
But then I´m not entirely opposed to the Sara/Warrick thing either..Ok what about a foursome? No? I have to pick one?

Ah well, as long as it´s someone who makes Sara happy I will be fine with it.

Now thats getting a little kinky, FoxRox. Maybe you should write a fic about it. Now will Sara be with all these hot men at the same time or individually? And if its at the same time, maybe the guys can have a little action with each other too??? Hmm, this definitely has possibilities... :devil:

Okay, it's more or less still morning here, and all ready i'm all hot and bothered :lol: Cold shower calls - I'll be back later :devil:
Now will Sara be with all these hot men at the same time or individually? And if its at the same time, maybe the guys can have a little action with each other too??? Hmm, this definitely has possibilities... :devil:

I like it!!! :devil: :lol: ;)
oh yeah, i'm giving in to the fantasy. Sara can temporarily put her feelings for Grissom on hold and get with all the guys in the lab - god knows she needs some fun!

but then she wakes up and it'll all have been a (rather steamy) dream, cuz sex is not a game to her, and she'll only share intimacy with someone she really loves... damn, i just rationalised myself out of my own fantasy! damn my logical brain!!!
I still think its Hank she called no matter how much I hated him after he cheated on Sara... :mad: Cause in "The Finger" they were on a date and I don't think they would just randomly appear :confused:
That's it, I'm switching ships. I'm all for the Graveyard Shift octagon of Love. It's not so much a ship as it is an ocean liner.
Where can I buy tickets?! :D

Seriously "the Night Shift" is one HOT group of ppl. I think they should all be allowed some fun after 5 years of near-celibacy with only corpses to ogle. Not to mention us the viewers DESERVE some action after all this time. It´s a constitutional right almost.

And I´m sure Sara got some inspiration from the decon shower... Is it hot in here?
That's it, I'm switching ships. I'm all for the Graveyard Shift octagon of Love. It's not so much a ship as it is an ocean liner.
Where can I buy tickets?! :D

Seriously "the Night Shift" is one HOT group of ppl. I think they should all be allowed some fun after 5 years of near-celibacy with only corpses to ogle. Not to mention us the viewers DESERVE some action after all this time. It´s a constitutional right almost.

And I´m sure Sara got some inspiration from the decon shower... Is it hot in here?

I agree FoxRox - there should just be one big Night Shift orgy in the break room so they can get it all outta their systems!! But of all of the team, Sara definitely needs the... uh... release the most. I mean Nick, Warrick and Catherine have all had dates, relationships and flings since the series started. Even Grissom got down and dirty with Lady H. And poor Sara? All she got was that skank Hank.
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