Who do you think SARA should be with??

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our point is it ISN'T just the GSr fans who see those moments- many other shippers see them to - and MUCH MUCH MUCH more importantly, the PTB see them. The writers have talked about GSR repeatedly as a real, living, breathing thing. we're not just seeing what we want to see. After all, the writers are the people who create the show - surely their opinion counts for something...?
our point is it ISN'T just the GSr fans who see those moments- many other shippers see them to - and MUCH MUCH MUCH more importantly, the PTB see them. The writers have talked about GSR repeatedly as a real, living, breathing thing. we're not just seeing what we want to see. After all, the writers are the people who create the show - surely their opinion counts for something...?

Yeah, GSR doesn't need any evidence....TPTB planned it from the beginning.
Ok guys...before we give a heartattack to Caderyn...let's slow down..here.

Kiragrissom, we are not trying to be rude or mean...its just we are very passionate about our ship and would always defend it...We are not delusional at all..yeah sometimes we make jokes and have fun..sometimes we read a lil more than shown on the show...but we admit it when we do(which we do for fun). But we also we try hard to analyze whatever is shown to us and reach a conclusion. Many times even our(GSRers) opinions vary...we take time to understand each other. We respect others ships...but it gets in our nerves when someone tries to flame us..without logical points. The main point we're trying to tell is we respect your ship of Griss/Cath like we do to Sandle, Snickers, Sarrick and Griss/Sofia..and we expect the same in return....and they do. Read all the posts posted earlier in this thread..I myself have argued with the shippers of Sandle many times...I respect their opinions and they do mine too..and therefore we are fine and even enjoy it...when our points are taken as logical which happens most of the time.

This thread was created for non-arguments...but as time passed by...we realised it is not really a bad idea to stretch our debate muscles...here (like ollieuan said (lol for that))

OK I'll shut up now...lol.
Ok wow, it's getting a little argumentative in here.
I personally am a supporter for Sara getting together with Nick. That doesn't mean I don't realise that there are moments between other ships. It's just not something I support.
Sidle, as ever, point well made. Hell, despite being the die-hard GSR fanatic that I am, I even jumped on the Sara/Warrick thread and gave them my support. As for Snickers, I think Sara and Nick are great together, although IMO the flirting/etc is a sign of their great friendship, but no matter... After season 5, I can even see where the Sandles are coming from. Mutal love and respect people. But p1$$ over my ship and expect to be argued with. Sorry, Sidle - I mean debated with :lol: :devil: :lol:
i think Grissom understands Sara better than anyone - but that fact scares him. And what scares him more is that she understands him. And afterall, what's Grissom's biggest fear? Being known. Doesn't mean he doesn't care about Sara though, and she trusts him above all others - otherwise she would never have shared her deepest, darkest secret with him
i think Grissom understands Sara better than anyone - but that fact scares him. And what scares him more is that she understands him. And afterall, what's Grissom's biggest fear? Being known. Doesn't mean he doesn't care about Sara though, and she trusts him above all others - otherwise she would never have shared her deepest, darkest secret with him

Yet Grissom has never trusted Sara to share anything personal about him, has he? And what is this about his fear of being known? If that is a dark fear of Grissom's, Sara is better off moving on for that reason alone.

As for Butterflied, I still....can't....comprehend...why....GSRers...are not FURIOUS with Grissom for not having the "b@lls" to talk to Sara himself and instead confess his obsession with a self-confessed murder suspect. When the camera rears back and it reveals Sara listening in, she looks pissed as hell, and she deserves to be. To me, Butterflied displays how Grissom will never act on *any* feelings with anyone.

I think the episode itself was interesting on the basis for Grissom to get so involved with the case (and the Sara look alike) but if it was supposed to make me feel sorry for him (and this on again/off again attraction to Sara) it did not.

To me, Grissom is a perfect scientist. As boyfriend material, he rates very poorly.
To me, Grissom is a perfect scientist. As boyfriend material, he rates very poorly.
:lol:yeah...exactly what I'm thinking :lol:..He's a good scientist..a good mentor..even maybe a good father, but he will never be a boyfriend material :lol:

But our sara loves him..and he loves sara as well...what can we do? :eek:
Wow, this thread got heated while I was gone. :lol:

Long story short, Butterflied was a GSR ep. There have been GSR moments, as there have been moments for all other ships as well, otherwise those ships probably wouldn't exist! There is no reason to debate this fact. TPTB throw all ships a bone every now and then.

Honestly, the title of the thread is "Who do YOU think Sara should be with?" I don't really care who TPTB think Sara should be with. That is irrelevant to the thread (not bashing anyone for mentioning it, i realize you were trying to prove a point about Butterflied :)). They can put Grissom with Sara till kingdom come, but i will never support it. I would hope they don't just because personally, I don't see it as a healthy decision for either character (Sara moreso than Grissom). Using logic I have attempted to justify my reasoning for Nick/Sara. Will TPTB ever acknowledge this pair in commentaries? Probably not, but it doesn't make it any less logical or valid. It just might not be the way they are going. Or who knows, maybe they'll suprise us. :D
Honestly, the title of the thread is "Who do YOU think Sara should be with?" I don't really care who TPTB think Sara should be with.

Well said. Honeslty, if this was meant to be a strictly GSR thread, you should have it relabled something like 'Why Sara should be with Grissom only and why everyone else is wrong'. We're all adults (aren't we?) and can discuss things without getting rude or mean. :)

You can't fault someone for not seeing your ship. I watched the show on and off for some time before my husband had to point GSR out to me. Up till then I just thought Sara(and half the lab) had a hero-worship thing for Grissom. Now that I've seen nearly all the episodes, I understand where more than just my ship is coming from. It's perspective people, and really, just a show. Let's not all get crazy now. :)
But Grissom did say he want a girlfriend :lol:

salesgirl: Girlfriend?

Grissom: No

salesgirl: you want one?

Grissom(smiles): Yes, i do :rolleyes:
Ohhhhhh, I thought when she said "you want one" she was talking about the lingerie. And we he said "yes, I do" he was talking about wanting one of the lingerie. *slaps forehead* DUR! :lol:
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