Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Yea, I could live with that I suppose. I wish I could like GSR (even if Grissom did suffer enough I still don't think he deserves her nor do I think they could be happy together) because I think I could be happier being with the majority.

My original problem with this ship is the older man/younger woman, boss/subordinate, male mentor/female student angle has been done to DEATH. That's why I do really like Greg more for her. I find the whole femal mentor/male student and (slightly) older woman/younger man more appealing as it's more original.

Also I think we can all agree on Grissom's emotional detachment to which I think is a huge handicap because dating would not resolve this about him. I just see Sara being miserable with him in the long run.
Maybe...if she really is in love with him.

I always saw what she saw in him as hero worship and I do believe Grissom does recognize that.

Just my opinion though. This is all Eric Szmanda's fault. If he hadn't been so damn good at his job I wouldn't have fallen in love with him and Sara together.

*feeling blue, need a Mountain Dew, oh look, a poem!*
Hey don't get me wrong! I loooooove Eric/Greg. Check the username if you don't believe me. But I just couldn't see them together. Most people are all like "He's not mature enough for her blah blah blah" but I think that Greg has matured a lot more but you can still see the same Goofy Greg I fell in love with. I miss him. Whoops, back to topic. I just don't see Sara spilling her deep dark *and dark they are* secrets to Greg like she did to Grissom. And I mean, GSR has been going on since the beginning, I don't think TPTB would change up the whole storyline with 2 seasons left.
Sometimes though, storylines get dropped, and in real life, people "hint" around at a romance with it going no where, so I think it is realistic for them to drop it. Someone said (before the forum was removed) on TWoP that they wondered if TPTB realized how truly incompatible they have made Sara and Grissom. I so agree on that.

And spilling deep dark secrets isn't enough to keep a relationship up. Grissom has NEVER confided in Sara about anything. I'm surprised that also hasn't angered many GSRers.

As for Greg, I think the key is, can he handle Sara's dark past? I think he really can. Whether TPTB decide to write Greg that way...it's up to them.

I do worry about a triangle as I see Greg will either get hurt or made the bad guy, which I want niether. What is so funny, is on the show he would be seen as the underdog, but if this triangle played out in RL, than Grissom would be the true underdog.

I also don't see Sara and Grissom handling anything but work if they got together. Sara doesn't seem interested in anything bug like and they need more of a foundation. Greg, on the other hand, would give Sara more opportunities to find outside interests (something I think she desperately needs). Grissom has already made it clear work comes first for him no matter what (which isn't fair to Sara either).

Now, I could see Sara with Nick or Warrick as well. Greg is obviously my favorite and most likely outside of Grissom (at this point), but I just don't see her with Grissom.

I like your icon by the way.
he doesn't deserve her. I don't care if his wife got ran over by a Jeep on safari and dingoes ate his babies, if he really loved Sara then the only thing that would matter would be her.
and..AMEN to that ollieuan *applause*

I already wrote most of my arguments more than once in this thread. But yes I think Grissom has treated Sara very badly. Esp. regarding her budding relationships with Hank, Greg (and even Nick). Grissom obvioulsy doesn´t want Sara to move on and be happy while he has no scruples to date whomever he like. Grissom expects Sara´s undivided attention without giving anything for it.

He won´t say NO but he won´t say YES or even acknowledge his feelings (and manipulations) to her either. Classical lead-on.

Also I don´t see Grissom respects her. He didn´t even think she deserved to know about the promotion and when she flat out asked him he said "because he didn´t want it". What kind of a lame-ass explanation is that. He takes out his bad temper on her and his jealousy. He can´t even have the ba**s to sit down and talk to her about their relation. Instead letting Sara think she made it all up in her head and adding to her confusion and low self-esteem.
Also I don´t see Grissom respects her. He didn´t even think she deserved to know about the promotion and when she flat out asked him he said "because he didn´t want it".
Well, that's easy. Grissom was afraid of the reaction when sara heard the "bad news", and he didn't know how to deal with it. At last, Sara knew it and blew up in his face, Grissom was speechless, just one sentence:He(Nick) doesn't care if he get this promotion.

I bet he felt it was stupid himself.

Actually i didn't see any GSR in season( I was insensitive of romance), but after "since i net you", i know he has that feeling.Grissom just a die hard people, he will never admit it to sara face-to-face....Well, he could tell Dr. Lurie in butterflied I couldn't do it.....

Grissom would rather hide his feelings in his heart than tells sara..cuz if he does, he's not Grissom.

So he just wait....wait until the feeling is converted into a sharp sword, hurting both of them.

That's why we need psychologists :lol:
I already wrote most of my arguments more than once in this thread. But yes I think Grissom has treated Sara very badly. Esp. regarding her budding relationships with Hank, Greg (and even Nick). Grissom obvioulsy doesn´t want Sara to move on and be happy while he has no scruples to date whomever he like. Grissom expects Sara´s undivided attention without giving anything for it.

He won´t say NO but he won´t say YES or even acknowledge his feelings (and manipulations) to her either. Classical lead-on.

Also I don´t see Grissom respects her. He didn´t even think she deserved to know about the promotion and when she flat out asked him he said "because he didn´t want it". What kind of a lame-ass explanation is that. He takes out his bad temper on her and his jealousy. He can´t even have the ba**s to sit down and talk to her about their relation. Instead letting Sara think she made it all up in her head and adding to her confusion and low self-esteem.
^^ WORD! (i hate doing that, but it's due here :lol: )

I can easily see the GSR "storyline" being dropped after a talk between the two. Mainly because it isn't a storyline. It's more of a tease, as are all the ships on the shows so far. I just want some closure on it. Plus, I have a feeling WP will leave the show before it hangs up it's white gloves. Given, the show might not last long after he leaves, but i bet he leaves early. Sara would most likely stick around so the romance is ruined.

LOL at the nursing home comments, Tripp! By the time they got together he'd be taking geriatric meds :lol: She needs someone younger that can keep up with her. She's a little firecracker.

I don't get the "since i met you" line. Nick (and especially Greg -- he's certainly not subtle! :lol: ) have said much more romantic/flirtatious things and everyone says "it's just flirting!" If something far less flirtatious is said by Grissom the same poeple are citing it as declarations of love/deep feelings. No offense to anyone, but i see it happen a lot.
I don't get the "since i met you" line. Nick (and especially Greg -- he's certainly not subtle! :lol: ) have said much more romantic/flirtatious things and everyone says "it's just flirting!" If something far less flirtatious is said by Grissom the same poeple are citing it as declarations of love/deep feelings. No offense to anyone, but i see it happen a lot.

Very good point!!! And if you ever notice, when he does flirt with her, he looks like he immediately regrets it. This season, when he obviously can't make up his mind to either go towards a prisoner or a fleeing Sara who just barely managed to escape speaks more to me about his "supposed" feelings than any looks, glances, or comments he gives. :rolleyes:
Well to tell you the truth...I don't think Sara will hook up or even have a lil more than friendship kinda relationship with anyone thought she'll flirt. Grissom will turn to Sara at once, but it will be too late. Not because Sara will be in love with Greg/Nick/ or other guys...but because she will not want a relationship at all. If Sara goes in Greg's direction, then my love for CSI will surely dwindle...not because I love GSR but because that won't be Sara. And if Grissom did nothing in that case then he'll be history in my list. Sara will be alone and so will Grissom. I bet the creaters/writers of CSI have thought hard about these two characters than others, but have been able to do the least. They themselves have made them so complex that now it is hard for them to lighten them without being out of character. I don't see Sara with Nick either. The idea is not so bad, but it just won't happen. That will be a huge change if they plan to. And I don't have to be a psychic for that. Sara/Warrick? Impossible...cause they've already bent Warrick in different direction. Too bad. The only way Sara would fit is with Grissom, which won't happen either cause the writers want Grissom to be dark and interesting and lonesome character. And same with Sara. So, ultimately they both will/won't realize how much they love each other...neither one of them will reveal it to other..and their life will move on..to the time when they can do nothing but work. And when they can't even do that...they'll just quit. As much as I love them...I don't see a happy ending.
That's Grissom and Sara.

Oh by the way, have you ever seen someone love someone so much that s/he wants to destroy him/her completely so no one other than him/her can have him/her??
I can see that as possibility in Grissom and Sara's case...(donno why I felt that way tho).
It's funny thing cause it won't really be out of character for Grissom to do that to Sara...cause I swear I've seen so much obsession in his eyes for Sara. Now, I donno whether Billy thought his character demands for that, I misinterpret Billy's gesture or the writers indeed made him do so. But, I have seen that many times.

PS- did this post made sense? i hope so..lol....see how complicated a character Sara Sidle is....and affects Grissom.
I don't get the "since i met you" line. Nick (and especially Greg -- he's certainly not subtle! ) have said much more romantic/flirtatious things and everyone says "it's just flirting!" If something far less flirtatious is said by Grissom the same poeple are citing it as declarations of love/deep feelings. No offense to anyone, but i see it happen a lot.
There has been more between Nick and Sara then there ever was with Grissom I have never really see any romance between Gris and Sara. The butterflied thing as much time and flirting that was going on with Cath he could have been talking about her. I think Sara belongs with Nick he is the best choice for her.
There has been more between Nick and Sara then there ever was with Grissom I have never really see any romance between Gris and Sara. The butterflied thing as much time and flirting that was going on with Cath he could have been talking about her. I think Sara belongs with Nick he is the best choice for her.

If he could have been talking about Cath in Butterflied, then why did he see Sara in the mirror in Debbie Marlin's apartment? Debbie looked like SARA. Her death caused Grissom to examine his feelings for SARA not anyone else. The implication was very very clear that Gris was talking about Sara in that interview room. Don't believe me? Watch the episode with the commentary playing. The PTB have confirmed that it was a GSR moment.
Well,If you didn't see any GSR before, that's not surprise cuz I'm insensitive of romance too.

But butterflied told everything?

1. Why Grissom not Nick?...actually Nick didn't show up in the entire episode.

2. Why is Debbie Marlin looks like sara?

3. Why did Grissom stared at that body for such lone time?

4. Why did Grissom stay up for 3 days solving the case?

5. Why did Grissom made confession "guys like us , couples of mid-aged men.." confession?

6. why was sara standing outside the window, "listening the words that Grissom could never say to her face to face, realizing the relationship either over or goes on forever"(these words are said by TPTB)
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