Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I mean she doesn't judge Grissom for not being able to have a relationship with her.
If you remember the little talk at the end of 'Snakes,' Sara confessed her feelings for Grissom, and when Grissom was about to say sth, "let's....", Sara sensed it(whatever it is) and said, "It's okay." You see she understands how Grissom feels and she's fine with it. She's not complaining. That's why I call it unconditional love.
i agree....haaaaa i love them!! i love how is complicated and beautiful ... i can't explain ... i just love!!!
I think He really helped her ! Listen her problem and be there..maked all difference!
the wonderfull thing they are for each other.
i'm waiting more Grissom in 6 season...something about him past..I need !!:)
My 2 cents: When Sara asked Grissom to go to dinner with her, wasn't that when he finally decided to have surgery to correct his hearing? Imo, at that time, he was worried that the surgery wouldn't work and he'd end up losing his hearing. Maybe that's why he said no, not because he doesn't want a relationship with her. Sara, I think is growing stronger, and I think the ball is now in Grissoms court (for next season, anyway). I think before the last episode of the final season, something will happen- maybe Grissom will reveal why he is emotionally unavailable (Sara even said so), perhaps telling Sara about his past..? I think the PTB want Grissom to be ambiguous, for the viewers to be constantly guessing what he means when he says things, especially when it comes to GSR...but that's just my opinion.. ;)
Well, I guess I'm just going to have to agree to disagree.

We can endlessly talk about Grissoms feelings for Sara and vice versa. The bottom line is Sara has repeatedly made it clear to him she wants more from the relationship and Grissom, for reasons only known to him, has made it clear he doesn't want to move forward.

For those that find this type of endless cycle of "will you/no, I don't know" romantic, then ship away. I find it odd that many people say they CARE/LOVE the character of Sara and yet still want Grissom and Sara to get together in the end. To me...he doesn't deserve her nor do I feel sorry for him as it was ultimately his decision.

I want to see Sara happy. If Grissom decides to risk it and they are indeed happy (something I doubt) then I will be happy for her, but as of yet I feel like he has made her anything but happy. If she ends up happy with Greg (my choice), Nick, Warrick or OC, I will be happy too. Sara deserves more then she is getting right now.
yes i agree with you when you say they want Grissom to be ambiguous..
i wanna know about him past..but like a puzzle....
i mean, for me, the CSIs personal life are like the cases, they are giving clues, showing and telling few details.
Sure, Grissom is Grissom wow, but i wait something about him in this next season....
I Loved how they did with Sara .
How they are Growning is wonderful!!
I love science but them( CSI team) ...they are so real for me...make all difference for i love the show.
guessing what he means when he says things, especially when it comes to GSR.
i always Do that...LOL
We can endlessly talk about Grissoms feelings for Sara and vice versa. The bottom line is Sara has repeatedly made it clear to him she wants more from the relationship and Grissom, for reasons only known to him, has made it clear he doesn't want to move forward.

I agree with the part about Sara making it clear that she wants something more with Grissom, but I don't think it's so clear with Grissom. I don't remember him ever saying no, I don't want ever to go out with you. In 'Snakes', in the little scene, he says let's umm... but she interrupts him, and says nevermind, it's okay. Maybe he would have said let's go to dinner... And it has never been said what happened in Grissoms past that made him like this. Who knows, maybe he was madly in love with a woman and she ran off with his best friend or something...I still think they'll end up together in the last season.

But, yes, we agree to disagree... :)
*throws towels, bottled drinks, and cookies for all*

Well done, guys! I'm impressed that you've managed to keep this civil.

*pats all participants on the back*

Carry on!
i just can't see Sara with other person, i just can't..the same for Grissom...maybe someone out CSI...but sure waiting always Grissom and Sara scenes.
i don't know say why...but Grissom/Sara relationship..how they are is what i find more interesting in all show!!
i mean i never see another "couple" like them in TV...
if is easy...it's not funny...how is complicated, all them problems, how complex they are, and the age difference...all these are why i love them.
But it's just my opinion!
We can endlessly talk about Grissoms feelings for Sara and vice versa. The bottom line is Sara has repeatedly made it clear to him she wants more from the relationship and Grissom, for reasons only known to him, has made it clear he doesn't want to move forward.

Perhaps Grissom doesn't exactly realise what she is proposing. Well, we know that he's not very clever in this kind of thing, it's not just Grissom's thing so it's not obvious to him until around Butteflied.

We know that Grissom loves her but the work and his reputation is in the way, one of those days grissom will realise that he can have both...if he hurrys up. Of course. :rolleyes:
*throws towels, bottled drinks, and cookies for all*

Well done, guys! I'm impressed that you've managed to keep this civil.

*pats all participants on the back*

Carry on!

You know, this is off topic, but it just occured to me Caderyn...you probably have the TOUGHEST forum to moderate as nothing gets people's blood boiling like 'ship talk!!

Hmmmm, how did you get stuck with us? Surely you didn't volunteer?
Well, actually, you guys are surprisingly civil to each other. Yeah, I'm surprised myself. Most people just keep to their own ships and, other than an occassional snide remark to a competitor's ship on their own ship thread, I don't see much insult.

*knocks wood*

Hope I don't just jinxed it. So yeah, keep goin' with your good behaviors. I'm proud of you shippers :).

And, no, I didn't volunteer. One of the admins offered. Guess she must have seen all the ship-related polls I did :lol:!

But 'nuff about me. To get back on topic... NOW who do you think Sara should be with?

What about... Bobby Dawson? I've always thought he was sweet :D.
Yay! Caderyn is proud of us! :) We may not agree, but we respect each others point of view... :)

Yeah, Bobby Dawson is pretty cute...(I've just noticed that recently) :D He has a nice smile... ;)
Honestly, I don't think Sara or Grissom is ready for a relationship. Grissom, for one reason or another, doesn't want to move forward, and Sara, though she thinks she's ready, I believe emotionally that she isn't. Taking in account everything that has happened (her past, hank, and so forth)

Just my quick opinion
CADERYN: Hope I don't just jinxed it. So yeah, keep goin' with your good behaviors. I'm proud of you shippers .
Awwwh thanks Caderyn!!!!
Yup we might disagree with our fellow posters completely, but we do respect their opinion and will.
It is kinda fun to have discussion...and then see ppl agreeing or disagreeing with you..
And thanks for checking out..you're sweet.

Bobby Dawson??? oh that cutie...Well if he was around Sara more then I'd have considered lol...

I find it odd that many people say they CARE/LOVE the character of Sara and yet still want Grissom and Sara to get together in the end.

If you love someone, then wouldn't you want him/her to be with someone she loves and someone who loves her/him?
You say Sara should be with Greg...do you know if Greg loves her? and whether she loves him?? If he really loves her and Sara is accepting it then I'd ship for them...really I would.
And one of the reasons why both Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom's characters are interesting is because of their subtle relationship with each other.
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