Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I think the possibility is still open for everyone to end up with Sara. She might not tied at all, though.

But I guess, the writers has something in the next session for this that they still like to tease right now. With Sophia in the radar, and VLV, 4x4, and Grave Danger..... I really do not know what this storyline goes.....

but hey, thats what make it is interesting, right?
Who do I think should be with Sara? that would be Grissom..
Who deserves to be with Sara? That would be Grissom..
Who is actually perfect for Sara but will never let her know that? That would be Grissom..

The only thing that's a problem is this stupid 'boss/employee' thing we got going here :(
That doesn't necessarily have to be a problem, you know. The best romances always *do* have a fly in the ointment. The writers just need to be brave enough to make that a part of the story, instead of ignoring it and hoping the viewers will too.
That doesn't necessarily have to be a problem, you know. The best romances always *do* have a fly in the ointment. The writers just need to be brave enough to make that a part of the story, instead of ignoring it and hoping the viewers will too.

It would be so great. As my lovelife sucks at the moment I really hang on to Sara and Grissom :D
Maybe the writers could do me a favour and let them get together.. They're my lovelife at this moment.. :D hehehe
I agree with MissDee...that's what we love about GSR. It's like a gigantic cake...we want to eat it all..but it is too big, so we have to eat a lil by lil...(ignore that haha)

Yup GSR is amazing...it is my number hobby to ship for them right now.
I think she would be best with Greg. We see a happier Sara when she's around him. She's gotten a lot more comfortable with him this season. Use too, if he made a comment about "explosive diarrhea" she would have given him a death glare or annoyed look, and now it's great to see they can joke over something like that! He makes her happy so that is my reason they should be together! :)
what midnightsun said :D

Nick and Sara never had the problem of awkwardness. theyve always flirted and joked around yet they always maintained a mutual respect. I think that is important in a relationship and that is one of the main reasons i think they would work. Granted, Sara has gained more respect for Greg as S5 progressed, but i think she'll always see him as the zany lab tech that crushed on her. If N/S doesnt work out he's my backup pick for her. Not because i think theyre very compatible, but because i love sara and i love greg. I could live with them being together.
Nick is definately my second choice for Sara after Greg. I loved them S1-2. But at this point Tptb seem to have abandoned Snicker. We´ll see when/if the shifts merge what happens.
I just think Greg deserves Sara more cause he´s been there for her when Nick hasn´t. Like at the suspension that neither Warrick or Nick reacted to.
Well, if TPTB hadnt made it look like the two shifts were unaware of the each other's existance i think we would have def. seen a reaction from nick. It's easy for Greg to react just because they work so closely together. That's kind of the same way i view GSR. I just wish that sometimes TPTB would acknowledge that someone other than Grissom would be aware of Sara. I hate how they murdered continuity. They took the N/S relationship from close friendship to "and you are...?"
You´re right Ollieuan. It sucks. And no matter what happens I hope Sara and Nick will at the least rekindle their friendship. VLV started out so promising and then...nothing!
I wonder why. :(
i like to think theyre saving the good stuff for later. :)

However, as long as Grissom and Sara never get together ill be fine. Sandle as well as any other ship has my blessing. Im not anti-GSR by any means. In fact, i love Grissom and Sara's complicated relationship. I just disagree on the nature of the relationship and the extent to which it should be explored. I do, however, want it settled once and for all next season.
i know i'm going to get some flack but at this time i don't think that sara should be paired up with anyone. she is too damaged emotionally from her past and needs to regain some her stength before she even contemplates finding her soulmate--- which should be someone outside the lab.
I have read some really great analysis in this thread. People have really thought out their arguements and put their cases forward in persuasive manners. And I'd like to add my two cents and be all profound, but I'm tapped out writing at the moment so I'll just add this instead:

a) Grissom, Grissom, a thousand times Grissom (I'm a GSR writer, what else was i gonna say? :D ) I think they would be perfect for each other. They both have pasts that need to be healed and I think they are the right people to do that job for each other

b) HOWEVER (I hate that word, but oh well...) I keep playing over and over in my mind what both my playwriting tutor and my screenwriting tutor told me at university - the secret of great drama - Find out what the audience wants and DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM. :( That makes me sad, but it's possible that the writers will never let ANYTHING happen in order to keep the drama going.

I'm away off to cry now (and write some more...)
my playwriting tutor and my screenwriting tutor told me at university - the secret of great drama - Find out what the audience wants and DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM. :( That makes me sad, but it's possible that the writers will never let ANYTHING happen in order to keep the drama going.

Well that's very true. Guess that's the reason why the fanbase for GSR is so huge. They all love angst...
They get mad at tptbs when they act like they're dropping the ship....and when they get restless, the tptbs give scenes like "I havn't seen you in a while, have I?" and that keeps us on the hook again.
They like to hang us like that....
Well there's a saying ,'when you reach the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on it.'

It's true that Sara needs to be healed first before she starts a relationship..and Grissom needs to come to the lighter side of the world...and we can wait (we have definitely proved that, havn't we?)

Well no matter what others say, I always see love in Grissom and Sara's eyes for each other. And it is difficult to let go of the ship when you see that. And I'm not delusional cause there are heck a many who see that as well....many who are not even into any kind of ship.
Grissom never looks at anyone the way he looks at Sara. They really don't need words.
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