What's your favourite cartoon?

Hmm...I have seen alot of movies that was mystical. There is this one that was 3d like. It was cool. There is also a couple other that is mystical like. One is called X, another is called Visions of Estaflowne, let's see what is the name of that movie. It's very old. Well not that old. Ah I found it. It's called Final Fantasy: Spirits Within. It was made in 2001. Anime like but very 3d like. Is that the movie you were thinking of. Here is the link to the movie so you can read it. Maybe it is.
Cool. I just finished watchin FF VII: Advent Children. Cloud is so awesome.
Ya he is isn't he..Hehe..Have you played FF:X..I love that game..Out of all the FF's that's the best one in my opinion..Ya dude
i must admit that i'm more of an anime fan. however, i really enjoyed rugrats as a kid. recently i've also gotten into the simpsons...
i must admit that i'm more of an anime fan. however, i really enjoyed rugrats as a kid. recently i've also gotten into the simpsons...

Ya I am a huge anime fan myself. You seen the listing of anime's that I watched. There is more but I couldn't think of them at the moment and stuff..Hehe..Sometimes it's hard to think of all the anime/manga you have read and watched. There is so many awsome one's out there and even some that are not so awsome but grow on you after time. Ya..

FF:X is the one with Tidus and Yuna, right? Gosh I love the ending...

Ya that is the one. I haven't beaten it all the way yet. Because I just all of a sudden stopped but I will go back to it in a moment. I did the samething to my Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. Ya I stopped on that. Even on the game Whiplash. That game is fun as heck. *sighs* I even did it to Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within. Wow so many games so little time. LOL. I got alot more than that but this isn't the thread to talk about them on. So ya...
Old school
Loney Toons
Transformers (OS)
GI Joe

still like LT
Family Guy
Dexters Lab
Codename: Kids Next Door
Justice League Unlimited
Ah. I found out the name of that anime film. Spirited Away. Then there was Princess Mononoke too.

ctx :D

Ahhh..I own that movie. I love it..Oh my gosh...I watch it all the time and stuff. I so toally love it..Ya that is an awsome move so is the movie Kiki's Delivery Service about a young witch. It's from the same Chibi Studio's Production. Ya..Same writer too..So cool..I haven't seen that movie yet..Ah man I wanted to see it I am going to have to look for it.
wow man i cant believe they got a thread for cartoons :D my life keeps gettin better n better huh...

i love those gross cartoons - anything with stupidity as the main characteristic of the characters

Ed, Edd n Eddy
Ren & Stimpy
Cow & Chicken
Johnny Bravo
I.M. Weasel
Grim Reaper ( billy and mandys adventures )
Roccos Modern Life ( they dont play it anymore but it was awesome)

Oh and those old ones like ''the chipmunks'' and ''smurfs'' and okay i cant stand the powerpuff girls or any of those new cartoons CartoonNetwork is making... bores me out man.
I use to watch : GI Joe, Silverhawkes, The Visionaries, Thundercats with my cousins who were mostly male .. =)

My other favorites include Johnny Bravo (this guy cracks me up!!), Cow and Chicken (I love super cow!) and one anime -- Ranma 1/2 ... loving p-chan! =)
Wurlocke you like Cow and Chicken!! i love the red guy hes sooo funny just rollin around on the floor like a retard :D
bless your soul wurlocke
Isn't it hilarious that their parents are only like the waist below? hahaha...

I love their uncle ... boneless chicken! hahah.. =)

That devil dude is friggin crazy! =)
They don't really come to mind..i guess the simpsons is an all time fave..teen titans is really good too
LOL yes the parents are hilarious!
do you see how Dad hugs Chicken when he talks to him? With his LEGS!! lol its just hilarious i love it...
You know I'm pathetic. I like a lot of cartoons like pokemon,jimmy nutron, and stuff like that. but i also like cool shows like family guy and the simpsons. Alright