What's your favourite cartoon?

Yes I remember them...and I don't even think they make Gumby cartoons anymore either. Thanks! I love your name too!

All the good, clean, decent cartoons are no longer shown and now all they have are crappy cartoons. (no offense to anyone here who like the new cartoons, I just grew up on the old stuff and that is what I am use to.)
lol but yours is more original :D

Smirfs were so cool... and the Snorks... man they were just amazing. and the theme songs were so cute. :( the good old days
robospanker_fan are you serious?? Those were HUGE back like 8 years ago or so...
Simpsons is okay - but its too adult like - the child ones were funnier, and the theme songs for them were always sooo cool
Wow... I've never heard of ANY of the cartoons you listed, Shyone092481 .

Not to be nosey but how old are you? I'm 24 so I can remember all of those cartoons growing up. Even the ones that were not cartoons but were shows for kids,; "Today's Special" & "Under The Umbrella Tree" are two I can remember watching growing up.
Heh. I'm generally comfortable about giving out my age, even when registering I contemplate, so I won't answer that question. But anyways... Do ya think it could be the fact that I lvie in Malaysia, like half the globe away from US that I'd never heard of those cartoons?
robospanker -

To be honest I didn't even look at your location when I posted it. But yes now that you say that, that could be why you have never heard of any of the cartoons.
guys im so sorry i have to say this i know its off topic but ill get back on topic in a sec - we were driving to get home, and this guy we know was standing in the middle of the road and my mom was beeping at him to move and he stops us and starts talkig and my mom goes "Why are you standing in the middle of the road?" and he goes " no my uncle has a PH.D in art" LOLOL :lol: please tell me your peein in your pants too! lol how stupid!
Okay back on topic... im pretty sure you dont know the smurfs cuz you live in Malaysia,... no one in Lebanon has ever seen them either, i wouldnt have ever heard of it if i hadnt lived in NY for so long. There was this kid show on NIckelodeon called WeinerVille do you remember it?? The characters had real peoples heads with tiny toy bodies lol it was sooo funny
you remember weinerville!! man!! where are you from in america? it was sooo funny i swear i dont even remember most details of it, just the human heads (usualy males, playing a female role) and those hilarious bodies they make. there was this one that was supposed to be the cool one of the gang and hed walk around like Fonz from Happy days... lol man those were the days . why cant they make cartoons like that nowadays!?
i dont kno if youve seen the tom and jerry movie? its a cartoon movie - and they actually talk! its so cute
I didn't have Nickelodeon when I was younger. Oh well, at least I make up for it by spending 4 hours on boring days just watching Nickelodeon. :D