What shows did you like as a kid?

I was obsessed with Sesame Street when I was little. I also loved Barney and does anyone else remember Eureka's Castle?!?! I LOVED THAT SHOW! :D ANd Mister Rogers was my role model! Come on, it doesnt get much cooler than Mister Roger's neighborhood. :) He inspired my love for arts and crafts! :)
iluvEricSzmanda said:
I also loved Barney and does anyone else remember Eureka's Castle?!?!
I was a huge Barney fan. Gotta love his hit songs and the Barney Bag. "Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun..." :lol: I too remember Eureeka's Castle, the dragon's name is Magellan I think. :)

I enjoyed watching Tiny Toons and Goof Troop. Catchy theme songs. :)
Just the theme song? I've got the sing along tapes, heck, thats how I know the U.S. presidents. Like...umm...Multiplication..."Hey Isaac Newton multiplied a couple times, too, times 2, times 2!"
iluvEricSzmanda said:
Don't forget Animaniacs!! :D I memorized that whole theme song :p

HAHAH! Oh man I love that! That and Pinky and the Brain. lol. But I also used to watch The Magic school bus all the time and this morning I was flipping through the channels and what did I find? The Magic School. Teehee, Ms. Frizzle...lol.
OH YEAH!!! Pinky and the Brain was awesome!!! And I had dozens of Msgic School Bus books and some videos. That's what I always wanted read to me as a bedtime story...no wonder I'm such a nerd.
Pinky: What are we doing tonight, Brain?
Brain: Same thing we do every night, Pinky. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

HAHA. I love that!
^Haha! They say that every episode and it never gets boring! :lol: They're Pinky and The Brain, they're Pinky and The Brain. One is a genious, the other's insane. :p

I absolutely love The Magic School Bus! For the longest time I wish Ms. Frizzle was my teacher. My favorite episode is the one where they get baked in a cake. :)
AW man now that songs gonna be stuck in my head. lol.

Haha...I don't really remember all the MAgic school bus episodes but I do remember the one where they went inside the kid with the red hairs body. lol.
damn, now so am I :lol:

oh, man i loved the magic school bus! i used to have computer games and everything...i loved the lizard thing...i don't remember what its name was, but i loved that lizard

oh great, now i'm going to have 'Pinky and the brain' and the magic school bus theme simultaneously stuck in my head :lol:
carlz31 said:
oh great, now i'm going to have 'Pinky and the brain' and the magic school bus theme simultaneously stuck in my head :lol:
How's that gonna sound like?! :lol:

The lizard's name is Liz. Very original. :p
i'm not sure what it sounds like, but i guess it sounds kinda like this: "They're pinky, they're pinky and the brain brain brain brain, ride on the magic school bus" :lol:

ah, Liz, that was it...