What If ? (H/Y fic)

We've failed her! Noo! First of all, we let Stetler near her! Ew ew ew! Poor Yelina, she thoght he would help her but he's a monster! This is terrible, ladies. We can't blame Yelina, she was vulnerable...let's get Stetler. :mad:

AND someone attacked her! This is an absolute outrage! Now I'm a bit worried...but everything should work out. It just means H gets to save the day! Please update soon. I'm off to pack for boot camp.
k gals where do you want to go to bootcamp? I'll make arrangements :p

OOhh Hrockz' u are SOOOOOOOOOO lucky that i'm having this GREAT day today cause else i would be disappointed in you (not rly :p). But you did bring Stetler back. And him dating Yelina & she actually LOVING him. WTF?! NOOOOOOOOOO

*smacks head against wall* (I should really stop doing that, if not my last few brain cells will die.. :()
Cainesugar, can you tell me from where is that banner that you have. I think is horatio's watch, but I could be wrong.
*burst out with random curse, friends beside look over* eheheh, maybe I shouldn't read this fic at school... :lol:

We gotta go help! Great update by the way! :D

I'm thinking bootcamp needs to be somewhere hot... like... Brazil! ;)
Great update au usual Hrockz :)

need to find H and tell him Y is in trouble if he won't listen then we will have kidnap him and bring him back to Miami some how

(punked compu kid) is ready if you need her
Nah, Los Angeles! Come here, it's hot and there are tons of movie stars and it's just gorgeous (sometimes :lol:) And my banner is of Horatio and Speed from season 1's 'Dispo Day'. ;)
Calm down gals, I didn't say Y was in love with Stetler, she's vulnerable remember? So she thinks she feels for him.
You're all real funny.

Will update after work if I can.
Hrockz if you choose LA, I will book you all a week at the Beverly Hills Hotel, I've been there for my best friend's Bar Mitzvah and it is gorgeous. Then, we can go to beach boot camp and sleep at the hotel every night, going to fancy dinners after camp's done, with some Miami stars as dates (I get Ryan :p). Deal?
HnY you're really putting me in a spot here, I can't decide either. I'd love Brazil or LA (Laker fan)... and as you'll see H isn't in France. ;) So you gals pick Brazil or LA.
Back to the story:

It had almost been a year since Horatio last seen Yelina, but she remained in his thoughts daily. He missed her terribly, sometimes more than he thought he could bear. The pain of not having her by his side ate at him, and it was worse during those dark, lonely nights. He missed having her beside him as he slept, her scent, her taste, her love. He took some comfort in thinking that Raymond was keeping an eye on her. The image of her and Raymond kissing hurt although he knew he was largely to blame for it.

It had all been a set-up planned by himself and Raymond, for Horatio was now working undercover. It was not of his own wishes. The FBI had evidence of Ray taking a bribe, and unless he went undercover for them, he would go to jail. The operation required someone who was good with explosives, and since Horatio had the expertise, Ray had begged Horatio to do the job for him. Horatio had agreed to protect his little brother as he had done since they were children. He needed Yelina to be safe for it was a ruthless gang he was infiltrating, and so they came up with the plan to make her think Horatio never wanted to see her again. He knew he would inevitably hurt the woman he knew was the one he wanted to grow old with, but he would rather her be safe than dead. Moreover he couldn’t tell her the truth even if he had wanted to. The feds had wanted him to fake his death but Horatio rejected the idea of her mourning his death.

The story of him leaving the country was a rouse. He had remained in Miami all this while. Now, he stood in the empty warehouse not far off from the Everglades. They gang he was now part of had told him to wait for a package to be delivered to him there. He waited, a package delivery often meant sending him parts he would need to make bombs. A cargo truck pulled up and out jumped Diego, the man behind most of the gang’s operations. Horatio was surprised; Diego didn’t usually turn up for such events.

“H,” Diego said as he opened the back of the truck. “Got a special delivery for you.”

Horatio realized in horror that he recognized the person Diego pulled out of the truck and pushed to the ground. He was careful not to let his emotions show. Bound and gagged, Yelina lay on the ground.

“Thought you might like to see an old girlfriend.” Diego grinned. Three other members of the gang surrounded Horatio.

“What are you talking about?” Horatio asked, feigning ignorance. “I don’t know this woman.” Every fiber of his being screamed out to protect her.

Yelina had woken to find herself in a moving vehicle and after it stopped was roughly shoved to the hard ground. She recognized the voice. Could it be him?

“Then you wouldn’t mind if we each took a turn at her.” Diego continued grinning. He stood over Yelina and pulled off her blind-fold and gag, keeping her hands bound behind her back. Her eyes met Horatio’s, the man she had tried hard to forget for so many months. Confusion and fear filled those lovely brown eyes Horatio had so often dreamt about.

Diego bent over, reaching for her pants.

“Wait!” Horatio yelled. He took steps towards them so that he was about a feet from her.

Diego laughed. “ I knew it. You’re a cop aren’t you?”

Horatio realized his cover had been blown. For how long he wasn’t sure but they had to be resourceful to know that kidnapping Yelina would force his hand.

“She has nothing to do with this, let her go.” Horatio said in a menacing tone. No point keeping up the act if they knew who he was.

“ I hate cops, especially one who pretends he is one of us.” Diego said taking a step forward. He swung out at Horatio, his fist connecting with Horatio’s cheekbone. Horatio staggered back from the force of the blow. He retaliated, tackling Diego to the ground, landing a punch to his opponent’s abdomen. The other three gang members jumped in pulling Horatio off Diego. Diego slowly got to his feet, his face full of rage. As two of the gang members held him, Diego threw punches at him and when they let go, Horatio fell to his kness from the blows. The three continued raining punches and kicks on his body.

“Stop!” Yelina shouted.

“”Stop!” Diego yelled and the three men turned to look at him.

Horatio slowly got back on his feet, his lip now split open was bleeding, and he tasted blood.

“The puta is right. This is too easy for him.” Diego pulled out a gun. “I think he would rather enjoy watching me rape then kill her.” He reached for Yelina again.

“No!” Horatio shouted, charging at Diego. He knew he would protect her to his death.

Diego swung his arm in Horatio’s direction, taking aim he pulled the trigger. Horatio heard the deafening bang of gunfire.
Hrockz! You can't stop there!!!! :eek: *having a panick-attack* Guys, do you think the task force is ready to take on a mission like this? Maybe sheer craziness will keep us alive?
I'd die to protect H/Y!!! Who's with me??? *takes out the guns and starts to attack Diego and his gang*

LOVEEEEEEEEE the update :) But they'll be okay right?