What If ? (H/Y fic)

I'm liking the, send Horatio and Yelina to Paris idea, it's a city of romance... who knows what could happen :lol:

Love the update and can't wait for the next one. :D
You're right Tati, I woke up this morning feeling like I could write and I sat down and did.
Sorry about the angst, you gota remember the first instalment of this fic, H/Y were married with kids.

The medical examiner reached into the dead body on her table, pulling out a single bullet. She droped it into the small brown envelope Horatio was holding.

“I’ll get this to Calleigh,” Horatio replied.

“Let me know when you get a match on the gun,” Yelina told him, smiling suggestively at him, as she bated her eyelids.

“Anything for you.” Horatio smiled back.

They stood in the autopsy room, oblivious to their surroundings smiling at each other like teenagers on a first date. In the months that passed, Horatio and Yelina had continued to work with each other on numerous cases. They developed the comfortable friendship they once had while they were dating. Flirting even, on occasions like this. Such that people at MDPD began to talk, and the new guy who just joined Horatio’s team, Eric Delko, initially thought they were a couple. All this happened much to Rick’s chagrin, but Yelina continually assured him there was nothing going on between herself and her ex-boyfriend.

Yelina blinked. Back to reality. “I’ll see you.” She said as she walked out of the room.

“Yes Ma’am,” Horatio replied to her back.

After Yelina exited the room, Alexx let out a sigh. “There was enough tension between the both of you to slice through a block of ice.”

Horatio smiled and bowed his head. Dr Woods was the only one of Horatio’s team who had known them while they had been together a year ago.

“Tell her how you feel.” Alexx said.

“I tried but, she made it clear she wants us to be friends, nothing more.”

“Horatio, that was a year ago. Sometimes a woman just needs to be reminded, or to hear how much you feel for her. Again.”

Horatio stood pondering Alexx’s words.

“If you don’t tell her you’ll never know.” Alexx continued, “You don’t want to live in regret all your life do you?”

“I’ll try,” Horatio agreed.


Their shift over, Horatio exited PD. He and the team were headed to town for a night of drinks. It was Speed’s idea, time their supervisor got over his old girlfriend and found himself a new one. Calleigh scoffed at the idea but agreed to go along to watch the show. It took some convincing but Horatio finally gave in agreeing only to the part about drinks, not the hook up with any of Eric’s female friends.

He spotted Yelina on the stairs. He smiled and walked up to her.

“Waiting for your ride?” He smiled.

“Yeah.” She smiled back. “Your button’s undone. Fortunately, it's not torn.” She teased as she reached to help Horatio button one of his shirt buttons that had come undone during a scuffle with a suspect earlier.

“Thanks. Nice job today, as always. It’s been great working with you all this while.” Horatio shifted his weight uncomfortably. Having her hands on him, or well his shirt was tentalising. The thought crossed his mind that if they weren't in public he would have kissed her.

“Yeah, feels almost like old times. I’m having fun.” Yelina wondered if she let too much slip.

“Maybe we could get together for drinks some time?” Horatio asked.

Yelina hesitated. Horatio pressed on.

“Yelina… I’ve been wanting to tell you… I umm… I still, I still love you.”

That was unexpected and Yelina remained silent for awhile. She had thought Horatio had drawn some invisible line between them since they started working together.

“It’s too late for that.” Yelina offered a sad smile. She whispered, “ Rick asked me to marry him.”

Nothing in the world had prepared him for that. As far as he knew Yelina and Rick had been dating for less than a year, and they were getting married. He wanted to blurt out that she was making a mistake. Instead he bit his tongue. Horatio was devastated. While she was still unmarried there was always the glimmer of hope he’d win her heart back, but she had snuffed out that hope with her statement.

He recovered quickly, slipping on his sunglasses, not wanting her to detect his sadness. “Congratulations.”

Yelina said nothing only bowed her head and nodded. She turned her head. Rick was here to pick her up for their date.

“My ride’s here.” Yelina said.

Horatio nodded. He cleared his throat. “So umm… I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah. See you tomorrow.” She turned and walked up to Rick’s car, entering the passenger seat. Horatio watched as Rick leaned over to kiss her on the lips. Lips that he thought he should be kissing. Horatio's lips twitched in disgust and disappointment.


Horatio turned. Eric and Speed were waiting at the door of PD.

Horatio walked up to his two CSIs. “You know what gentlemen? I’m having a splitting headache. I think I’ll pass on tonight.”

Horatio jumped into his Hummer and headed for the beach, wanting to let the ocean wash away his pain. He had never imagined he would feel this lonely.
I'm so happy that the first instalment of this fic, they were married. Else I'd be crying my eyes out, right about now.

No worries about the tip. It always works for me :D
This is getting exciting. But please don't tell me she's really going to marry Rick Stetler of all people. He's gonna screw up before that right? :confused:
I am getting this visual of Horatio running in during the wedding and scooping Yelina up, carrying her to the beach, laying her down and insisting her loved her and that he wouldn't let her make that mistake. And then she's proceed to kiss him passionately and the love would continue in the saftely and privacy of a bedroom, with locked doors and drawn blinds. :devil:

Ah, fic life is awesome, right? I'm so glad that they were married at first because I would be a little bit worried...you seem to like this angst a little too much. But anyway it's well written, credible, and your portrayal of the characters is wonderful. Please update soon... :)
Mera1506 said:
This is getting exciting. But please don't tell me she's really going to marry Rick Stetler of all people.

The task force won't let that happen! Let's lock and load!

cainesugar said:
I am getting this visual of Horatio running in during the wedding and scooping Yelina up, carrying her to the beach, laying her down and insisting her loved her and that he wouldn't let her make that mistake. And then she's proceed to kiss him passionately and the love would continue in the saftely and privacy of a bedroom, with locked doors and drawn blinds.

Ooh I can work with that :devil: :lol:
Rick won't be at the wedding... :devil: he'll have a date with some sharks that he can't miss. :lol:

At least that first chapter proves that they get back together, or I'd be really sad. Great update! :D
^ :lol: Sharks *snigger*

*H&Y ends up married, H&Y ends up married, H&Y ends up married, H&Y ends up....* Trying desperately to control an oncoming panic attack here! :eek: Sorry Y, but I'm gonna kill your fiancé! :mad:
It's time for H to get drunk and take some mariachis to Y's house and dedicate a big serenata to her. AAAjuuuaaaa! This will change her mind... don't you think?
He's gonna screw up before that right?
Yup he is.
The following has a PG-13 rating for violence

Their dinner date had been uneventful, Rick electing to remain mostly silent throughout. Yelina didn’t find anything amiss. He had his moods, perhaps another bad day at work. She understood that being in IAB made him unpopular. They returned to Yelina’s apartment, they had been living together for some time now. As Rick shut the front door behind him, his face turned red with rage.

“What was that?” he said rather loudly.

“What was what?” Yelina asked, not following.

“I saw you with Horatio today. You were fawning all over him.” Rick glared.

“Rick, you’re over-reacting. I told you there’s nothing going on between Horatio and me.”

“What do you take me for? I'm not blind. Everyone at work knows you guys are seeing each other behind my back. I’m like the laughing stock of MDPD!” He clenched his fists in rage.

“Nobody said that.” Yelina said, shaking her head. “You’re being jealous and unreasonable.” Her anger grew as well. Not another fight, she thought. They had been getting into a lot of fights lately. She felt too emotionally tired to deal with another of Rick’s outbursts.

Rick sneered. “I’m unreasonable? I won’t stand being made a fool of by my girlfriend.”

“There’s nothing going on between Horatio and me, how many times do I have to tell you? Maybe if you stopped being so jealous and insecure about yourself, you’ll stop acting this way.” Her anger grew. Her tongue faster than her mind, “Horatio never acted like this when we were dating.”

Rick’s fist hit her left eye. It happened so quickly, Yelina didn’t have the time to react. She wasn’t expecting it. She staggered back from the blow. “I am not Horatio!” He screamed. He raised his hand to strike her again, his hand slapping her face this time.

Yelina’s training kicked in and she punched Rick in the stomach. Winded he doubled over. Instinctively she raised her leg, her knee connecting with his groin. He fell to the ground, but quickly picked himself up again. She saw pure hate and anger flashing across his face, and she feared he might shoot her with his service weapon. She had no idea she was dating such a monster. Inside she was relieved she hadn't given an answer to Rick when he had proposed marriage.

“Get out!” Yelina yelled. “I don’t want to see you ever again.” She kept her eyes on Rick’s hands.

“You’re not getting away with it that easy. You’re mine!” Rick snarled.

Yelina’s hand reached for her pistol. Rick saw that and stopped. “This isn’t over.”

“Oh yes it is.” Yelina growled.

Risk shoved her roughly to the couch, then stormed out of the door.

Yelina hurriedly locked the door behind him. Exhausted she slumped to her couch. The tears started to fall. What had she gotten herself into? She imagined what her mother might say to her. Her face and eye throbbed badly. She picked herself up and grabbed an ice-pack form the freezer. She gently pressed it on her eye. Her thoughts traveled to Horatio. She wanted to call him so badly. She mentally berated herself. What right had she to call him? He had professed his love for her but she had brushed it aside. She realized that Horatio had always been the one for her. The tears continued to fall, and soon she was sobbing.
Hrockz said:
"I won’t stand being made a fool of by my girlfriend.”
Ya don't need ur girlfriend for that.

Hrockz said:
Yelina’s training kicked in and she punched Rick in the stomach. Winded he doubled over. Instinctively she raised her leg, her knee connecting with his groin.

Ooh Yelina kicking butt I LIKE IT! :devil:

Hrockz said:
Inside she was relieved she hadn't given an answer to Rick when he had proposed marriage.
You and me both! :)

Hrockz said:
She realized that Horatio had always been the one for her.
What took you so long?!

Love the update!
Awww, Y come here *big hug* now call him!

Rick! You better stay away from Y&H! There's a scandinavian in the house who's not unaccustomed with 'the blood eagle'... :devil:

Thanks for the updates, have to get back to my sick cat now... :(
Lunalove pardon my ignorance but what's a 'blood eagle'?
I hope your cat gets better soon, what's wrong with it?

Horatio stood outside Yelina’s door. He knew he shouldn’t be there; she was going to be another man’s wife. He had arrived at work that morning finding Det Frank Tripp, a veteran with the force, assigned to his team instead of Yelina. He was told she had called in sick. When his shift was over, Horatio had inexplicably found himself taking the route to Yelina’s apartment, chicken soup in tow. Call it intuition or his gut, but he sensed that she needed him that day.

He rang the doorbell once, twice, thrice. No answer. He knew there was a very good chance Rick was in there with her, but he decided the very least he could do was to hand her the chicken soup. He knocked on the door with his knuckles. He heard footsteps from the other side of the door, then the lock turned. Yelina opened the door slightly. He was glad it wasn’t Rick. She looked rather disheveled, but that was to be expected given the fact that she was sick with the flu. As she opened the door wider, Horatio noticed that her hair had been swept to one side, in an attempt to hide an angry looking bruise, something he had seen on his mother’s face too often during his childhood. Anger boiled in him.

“Where is he?” Horatio asked angrily.

“Horatio, I was careless and fell and hit my eye on the kitchen counter.” Yelina replied softly. She had no idea why he had turned up at her door. She hadn’t called him.

“Where is he?” Horatio asked louder this time, peering past her shoulder.

Yelina sighed. Nothing could escape his eye, no wonder he was a top-notch CSI. “Rick’s not here. I dumped him.”

Horatio wanted to retort that that was the best decision she made in a long time but he kept his mouth shut. He decided that revenge would have to put on the back burner and that her well-being was currently paramount.

“Are you ok?” His toned softened considerably.

Yelina nodded, avoiding his eyes. His heart ached to see her like this. He had only hoped for the best for her, for while he thought she was happy, he could live with himself. He felt as though he had failed to protect her. His face hid all his turmoil, only showing his concern for her.

“Let me – “ He reached out with his fingers for her face.

She pushed his hand away. She had thought of him the entire night and now he was at her door, showing his concern. Why she did that was beyond her. She suspected it could be attributed to a mixture of pride and guilt over rejecting him previously.

“I’m fine.” Yelina insisted firmly.

Horatio bowed his head, looking at the ground. He remembered the soup in his hand. “I thought you were sick with the flu. I brought you some chicken soup.”

“Thanks.” Yelina said as she took the paper bag from him.

“Umm… would you like some company?” Horatio asked.

“I’d rather be alone.” She replied.

Horatio nodded. “If you need anything,” he looked at her, trying to gauge her mood.

“I’ll call you. Thanks.”

Yelina closed the door. She stood staring at the door, wondering why she had chased him away. She felt too tired to delve too much into the rationale behind her actions. She decided she would retire to bed early.
Stetler! :mad: That's it. Special Task Force, here is our mission. We go to Stetler's house, we capture him, put him in a cage, drive him back to base, not strapped down in the trunk, so his cage bounces around, then we take him out, strap him to a board and beat him with golf clubs and other hard objects. Then we dunk him underwater and hang him out to dry on the bottom or a car- so that his body scrapes the ground.

Please, please- more soon. Thanks Hrockz and Luna I hope your cat feels better. *guns Hummer, stocks up on golf clubs and steals large truck* Onward *runs forward, raises arm*
Whiiiiii I can't begin to describe how happy I am that you updated ur fic. My exams start tomorrow , and i'm having troubles studying them :p (can't focuss)!

I think it has something to do with the fact that my filmscript is completely finished & registered after 1 year of work! *whiiiii*

Luna I hope your cat feels better soon. My cat gave birth to a few youngsters a few weeks ago. In other words I have 6 cats now... My mom & dad won't let me name them after csi miami characters :(

Thanks for the update! :D