What If ? (H/Y fic)

RAY! YOU #@&#! Seriously, I go away for 2 days and there's just as many emergency call outs for the task-force! But I'm back now, and I promise Ray will not get away with this! I know he's H's brother, but he is going down!!! ;)
And I agree with Tati: why, Yelina, why? :(

And Hrockz I think this chapter definitely needed a health warning! Though (a little) angst is always good, it's dangerous to spring it on us like that! :lol: More soon, please?
Okay screw helping Ray, lets get him! :mad:

* whips out gun shoots at Ray, who ends up soaked from the water gun* oops... wrong gun... :lol:

Good update! :D
Shame on both of them, I understand Ray, Yelina has the good lookings, but Yelina. Why Yelina? You got Horatio's heart, why doubt. No no, you don't do that, shame on you.
HoratioandYelina said:
* whips out gun shoots at Ray, who ends up soaked from the water gun* oops... wrong gun... :lol:

Oh god! :lol: And we are supposed to protect H/Y. I throw nades without pulling the pin out, you shoot with a water gun... We should practice first.. Let's go to bootcamp k? :p
Guys don't shoot Ray, I've got a soft spot for him. Bootcamp sounds er... fun. Enjoy!
Ok I'll try post health warnings when I think you guys can't take it... which I'm not sure when? I thought they were only needed for like make out scenes? :p

Raymond sat with Yelina till past midnight. They didn’t talk much, she only hoped Horatio would return. An awkwardness that wasn’t there descended on them. It was close to two in the morning before she sent him home, assuring him she would be ok. Alone, Yelina had time to reflect on what had happened. Guilt racked her heart and soul, she tried to come up with a reason why she had allowed Ray to kiss her and why she kissed back, so that she could explain things to Horatio once he returned. If he returned. She waited and the minutes turned to hours. She worked up the nerve to try calling him on his cell but she got a busy signal. Soon the dawn arrived and she showered and got ready for work She knew he would be there, Horatio loved his work and he would surely turn up for work even after the previous night.

She arrived at Bomb squad headquarters, only to be told she had just missed him. Horatio had arrived earlier to hand in his letter of resignation from the squad. She was unable to get any answers as to why. Was he angry out of his mind? Her mind raced and she thought his next stop might be MDPD to confront Ray. Ten minutes later she arrived outside PD. She spied Ray also pulling up in his car for work. They met on the steps of building.

“Where is he?” Yelina asked. “Is Horatio here?”

“Calm down Yelina.” Ray said.

“Calm down? His colleagues told me he quit the squad. Horatio loves his job.”

“I know.” Ray paused, as if trying to find the right words to say. “Last night, after I got home, Horatio was waiting for me outside my door… he told me he was leaving. When he was on I.O.D, he got offered a job with Interpol to work in France. He turned them down cos he wanted to stay here with you… but after last night… he decided to take up the job. He’s leaving the country.”

“Did you try explaining things to him? Tell him what we did was a mistake.” She asked hopeful Ray might have talked him round.

Ray looked down at his feet. “You know how Horatio and I had it tough growing up?”

“Yeah, your Dad.” Yelina said, unsure where Ray was taking their conversation.

“He used to go into this emotionless shell, when things got bad at home, no one and nothing could get to him, or get through to him. I haven’t seen him like that since we our parents died…. he had that look on his face last night.”

As Ray spoke those words, the look on Horatio’s face as the elevator doors closed on him, flashed across Yelina’s mind. She then understood how much she must have hurt him.

“We’re the two people he cares for most in this world… and yet we…” Yelina spoke softly.

Ray nodded.

“If I can speak to him –“ Yelina hoped she could talk to him before he left for France.

“It’s too late. He left early this morning. He told me he couldn’t bear to see you again, but that he wanted to keep the happy memories he had of you. He told me to tell you to take care of yourself.”

She didn’t think Horatio would react like that. The sinking feeling she had grew. She was angry, at herself, at Ray, even at Horatio. He hadn’t given her a chance to explain herself. He was the man she had allowed herself to think she could spend the rest of her life with, and now she could have lost him forever.

“Is there no way to contact him?” Yelina asked.

“Give him some time, when his anger subsides maybe he’ll call us.” Ray said. “And about what happened between us last night, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

Yelina shook her head, “I was wrong too.”

Ray nodded. “Horatio told me to take care of you, so if you need anything, you let me know ok?”

“Thanks.” It provided some comfort to know Horatio still cared for her, but it compounded her guilt. She sighed. She knew all she could do now was to hope for Horatio to call.
Okay don't worry. I've got a plan! *puts on skimask*

We kidnap H, bring him back to Yelina in Miami. We cuff him to a chair so he won't escape. Well unless he wants to take the chair with him which isn't comfortable.. :/

RedHot said:
ha ha ha, I will sit on top of him so he won't move.

Oh sounds good :lol: :devil:

By the way in case we can't get you to release H, what should we do?
Buy Y a plane ticket? Paris is sooo romantic. *sigh* I luve Paris! I'll go with her. Simply to help her find H, of course... :lol:
Good to see Y and Ray come to their senses, but H in Europe? Wait! H in Europe! :D :D :D :D :devil:
Lunalove said:
Buy Y a plane ticket?

Why didn't I think of that? I always think of the adventurous and dangerous options first, this forum really does have a bad influence on me!

Lunalove said:
But H in Europe? Wait! H in Europe! :D :D :D :D :devil:

Oh yes *runs after H* I live in Belgium you live in Denmark. I'm CLOSER Mhoehahaha! :devil:

sry moment of weakness :D
I've never been to France... * races off to join the hunt for Horatio* :D

Kit4na said: Oh god! And we are supposed to protect H/Y. I throw nades without pulling the pin out, you shoot with a water gun... We should practice first.. Let's go to bootcamp k? :p

Bootcamp eh? Good idea, is it in France by any chance?? :lol:
Haha, I've always been closest to them...I'm here in LA and he's in Paris. :( Well, he'll begin to miss her so much he'll call her eventually, right? He'll rush back and they'll be lovers again? Or she could go there and they could be lovers in Paris! :lol:

I'm not worried. That was wonderfully written, but something's up with Ray...or is it? I'm confused. Please update soon, it's driving me nuts.
cainesugar is right, you shouldn't be worried, remember at the beginning of my fic H and Y were married. But you gals sure have some crazy and creative ideas. It's keeping me entertained. Can't wait to see how you all react after I post all my updates. Like you all can't wait for mine. :D

Days got harder to pass for Yelina. Nights were worse. Alone in the bed she shared with Horatio, she could still smell his scent and when she slept, she dreamt of his touch. As each day passed her hope of him calling faded. Her mother told her that it was a pity as Horatio seemed so nice and right for her but that she had to accept what had happened and move on. Raymond remained true to his promise to his brother and he spent a lot of time with her but they were always careful not to cross the line they both had drawn. After an agonizing month, Yelina finally decided staying on in Horatio’s apartment was too much for her to bear. The consequence of that one kiss was heavier than she had imagined it would ever be. She gave the key to Ray and moved back into her old apartment.

Ae first she had toyed with the idea of going to look for him, but she didn't know where to start. Ray mentioned that Horatio's new job would involve working throughout Europe. She held on to the glimmer of hope that he would eventually contact his brother afterall, Ray was the only family Horatio had left. But Ray never came with any news of Horatio.

Months passed and she managed to convince herself Horatio was gone for good from her life and she couldn’t wait for him forever. She stopped blaming herself and made up her mind perhaps she needed new love to get over him. She didn’t even know if it was possible to get over such a passionate and perfect love but she had to try. Her family encouraged her to start dating again but Ray tried to convince her to wait and that Horatio would call her eventually. After six months of silence, she decided to take her mother’s advice and not put her life on hold for him.


The work day had started out well for Yelina and for once she woke up not upset that she had blew her chance with Horatio. Engrossed in thoughts of her current case she bumped into someone along the halls of MDPD.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered.

“Not a problem,” The person bent down to pick up her fallen file. “Remember me?” he asked as he handed the folder to Yelina.

“You’re the IAB guy right?” Yelina asked.

“Yeah. Rick Stetler.” The man smiled.

“Of course, I remember now.” Yelina smiled back.

“I’m going out on a limb here, but would you like to go out for some drinks after work later?” Rick asked.

Yelina never usually went out with a guy she had only just met briefly but she had reminded herself she was trying to forget Horatio. Maybe a new man in her life would help. “Sure, pick me up at eight?”

Drinks with Rick developed into friendship, and they soon were dating. Their relationship progressed quickly and feelings she thought she would never feel again re-surfaced. However there was one thing she hadn't counted on and it complicated her new relationship somewhat. She found herself comparing Rick to Horatio but when the thought occurred she forced it out of her mind as Rick often came up wanting. A month passed, then two and Yelina managed to push her chapter with Horatio into the deep recesses of her mind.


It was a windy night, and Yelina had visited with her mother. She had the feeling someone was following her as she made her way to her car. On hindsight she should have turned to check but she had shrugged it off. As she reached her car she felt a presence behind her, then a hand covered her mouth. She struggled, her police training kicking in, but it was too late. A cloth with chloroform had been placed over her nose and mouth and it took seconds to achieve its intended effect. The darkness came over her.
OMG!!!! :eek: NO and NO! No to (insert eeeeeeew) Stetler and no to what ever is happening to Y! OK, guys! Task-force boot-camp (great idea by the way! ;)) is over! We have to (help H, I wonder? :)) find Y! Let's go!