What If ? (H/Y fic)

WOW, WHAT A TURN UP STORY! Well done Hrockz, never, but never imagine this.

I'm ready to rock n' roll. Gears ready to WAR! Let´s go.
I'd love Brazil or LA (Laker fan)... and as you'll see H isn't in France. So you gals pick Brazil or LA.

No time, they're in danger! After this mission, ladies, we go to Miami for bootcamp instead.

Gosh Hrockz what a twist! TYhis story is getting so exciting and action packed and I'm so loving it. You're awesome, amazing. Now gals, let's go fight to the death for Horatio and Yelina! *grabs bazookas, guns Hummer, speeds off* Please update soon?
Bring it on Diego, I'm with ya Kit! :lol:

Awesome update! :D

Bootcamp in Miami, it's so simple and logical... why didn't we think of this before? I like it! :D ;)
Horatio stopped in his tracks, inches from Yelina. He was expecting to see himself bleeding from a gunshot wound. Instead, Diego fell to the ground. MDPD SWAT stormed into the building. The remaining gang members surrendered without a fight.

Horatio got on one knee, down beside Yelina. “You ok?” He helped her to her feet, untying her bound hands.

“Yeah.” Her eyes still reflected confusion. “You?”

“Yeah, you’re unharmed, that’s all that matters.” Horatio added. He winced from the blows he had received.

“What’s going on? I thought you were in France?” She asked.


They turned. A man dressed in a black suit approached them. “Looks like your job with us is done. We have them and you’ve helped gather enough evidence to prosecute.”

“My cover was blown.” Horatio said a serious look on his face.

“We knew for some time now.”

Rage grew in him. They knew, and they allowed Yelina to be kidnapped.

“You and the detective were unharmed. We achieved our objective. I’d say it was a job well done.”

The man turned to walk to the group of SWAT members, leaving Horatio and Yelina again by themselves.

“You’re bleeding.” Yelina said, touching his split lip. He had craved her touch for so long, that simple gesture felt like heaven. “You were working undercover all this time?”

Horatio nodded. He had looked forward to the day he could tell the truth to her but he dreaded how she’d react. “That night after I left your mother’s, Ray came to me for help. The feds had him for taking a bribe. He was going to jail, unless he went undercover for them. Thing was they needed someone good with explosives.”

“So he asked you to do it for him?” Yelina asked, realizing Horatio would do almost anything for his brother.

“Yeah.” Horatio bowed his head, then tilted it up to look at her. “I couldn’t tell anyone I was going undercover. The feds wanted me to fake my death but I didn’t want you to think I died…. so Ray and I came up with this plan… he was to kiss you and I had to walk-in on you guys –“

“You set me up?” Yelina was incredulous.

“I’m sorry, given the amount of time I had, and I didn’t know how long I’d have to be gone. I thought that was the best way to disappear and protect you from harm.”

Yelina rolled her eyes. “They found out and I got kidnapped anyway…. I can’t believe you set me up.”

“I’m sorry.” Horatio repeated.

“Do you have any idea how hard you are to get over? What we had was as close to perfect as relationships can get. All along I blamed myself for being the one to ruin what we had, but it was you who ended things for us.” Yelina couldn’t contain her anger.

“Let me make it up to you,” Horatio offered, “I’m really sorry.”

“And you expect us to just pick up from where we left off?” Yelina shook her head.

“No, I don’t.” Horatio said. “But we could start over. There wasn’t a day I didn’t think of you and feel remorse for what I did.”

Yelina couldn’t help but laugh at the bitter irony of the situation. Her mind was still reeling from what he had just told her. Too much unexpected information for a day. Her anger at his actions burned.

“I know you’re angry now, but maybe if you thought about what I said – “

“Horatio, you were gone for a long time….” She shook her head. “We can’t. I still can’t believe you set me up like that. Besides, I’m seeing some one right now and I’m happy.” She wasn’t sure if she was convincing herself or him. The tears threatened to fall.

Horatio’s heart shattered inside. He wondered who was the lucky man to have her. As if on cue they heard someone call her name.


Horatio recognized the IAB agent, Rick Stetler.

Rick walked up to them, giving Horatio a nod in greeting. “I was worried. Are you ok?” Rick asked.

“Yes.” She replied.

Rick took her into his arms and the pain in Horatio’s heart felt a million times worse then the physical pain his body was feeling. He watched as the love of his life walked away from him in the arms of another man.

The paramedics came up to him. Horatio felt numb, and he let them lead him to the waiting ambulance to tend to his wounds.
Dammit! MDPD SWAT beat us to it! Hmmm, I guess we'll have to go after Stetler instead then.... :devil: Time for some serious IAB-bashing! :D

I'm glad Y was pis... at H! I certainly would have been. But she'll come around, right? *looks hopeful* ;)
She completely deserved to be angry with him, for making her feel so terrible about what happened. He deserved every ounce of what he got, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm very happy with this angst. Just please make it better soon, K? And all up for bootcamp in Miami?
k bootcamp in miami I can work with that.

Well I understand that Yelina is so mad but still i want them to make up & make out :D
Bootcamp in Miami, I'm in!

Stupid Stetler, let's get him after we go to bootcamp! :devil:

I don't blame Yelina for being mad, but she'll get over it... I hope. ;)

Now off to kidnap some boys... too bad Horatio isn't one of them... grad kidnapping tonight, I'm not actually insane... :lol:
Bootcamp in Miami, you guys could get H to run it for you :lol:

Horatio hadn’t expected Yelina to accept what he had done readily. But knowing and seeing her with another man was hard for him to accept. He had steeled himself for the job the night he left, hiding his emotions and refusing to allow himself to feel, something he learnt to do as a child. A coping mechanism developed from the years of abuse from his father. But soon after he realized it was impossible to bury feelings for Yelina. He had thought he would be away for years, and in his mind he had told himself he may have had to accept that she moved on when he finished his undercover job. In all, he had been gone for ten months, a long time for some, a shot time for others. And she had moved on.

His love now choosing to be with another man, Horatio decided he should distract himself with his other love - police work. He gave up his job with bomb squad. An opening in the crime lab was available and he took it. He was soon a full-fledged CSI working the night shift. Yelina worked the day shift and it helped that they seldom met. He accepted that what he did could have irreversibly ruined any chances he may have had with her. He excelled in forensics, quickly gaining a reputation for his tough as nails approach and for almost always catching the bad guy. Within half a year of joining CSI, he took the Lieutenant’s exam and passed. The day shift came with his promotion and he was allowed to form his own CSI team. He recruited Calleigh Duquesne and Tim Speedle who were eager to be part of his team.

Being in the day shift meant that Horatio and Yelina’s paths were to cross, and it happened one hot Thursday morning. Horatio knelt beside a pool of dried blood, gathering evidence to send to the DNA lab. Calleigh stood taking photographs of the crime scene. Horatio stood up when he heard the footsteps. Placing his hands on his hips he turned to see Yelina walking towards him. He lowered his head and smiled. Seeing her always put a smile on his face. He removed his sunglasses, watching her approach, her curls bouncing off her shoulders. Horatio imagined he might melt on the spot and it wasn’t from the hot Miami sun.

“Ma’am,” he smiled and to his delight she smiled back.


“It’s been awhile.”

Yelina nodded. “I heard you got promoted. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. I missed you.” Horatio added softly.

She quickly changed the subject. “A car thought to be the suspect’s getaway vehicle was found. I’ll run the plates.”

Horatio bowed his head. “Do that please.”

“I’ll see you back at the lab.” Yelina walked towards her car.

Calleigh came up next to him. “She has feelings for you. I can tell from the way she looks at you.”

Horatio smiled at the blonde. “We used to see each other.”

“I heard.” Calleigh replied.

“But I did something to hurt her, something I’m not proud of.”

“Tell her how you feel, time is a healer.” Calleigh got back to her work, leaving Horatio to ponder her words.


Their case closed and the suspect apprehended, Horatio and Yelina watched as the patrol officer led the suspect from the interrogation room to lockup. He spun in his chair to face Yelina who was seated next to him. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees.

“It was... a pleasure working with you.”

“Yeah, I look forward to working with you again.” Yelina replied, surprising Horatio.

“I haven’t seen you in awhile, how have you been?”

“I’m good.” Yelina said.

“Are you happy? With Rick.” Horatio asked.

Yelina avoided his eyes. She nodded.

“Yelina… I er… I’m sorry for what I did. Not a day goes by I don’t feel remorse and regret for hurting you.”

Yelina shook her head. “I understand you did what you did for Ray. I stopped being angry with you for some time already.”

Horatio saw an opening and decided to chance it.

“I still care for you very much. What I did was wrong, but I never stopped –“

“Horatio,” she interrupted. “Let what happened last year remain in the past. Let’s move on. No reason why we still can’t be good friends right?”

Horatio felt defeated. She had stated her intention before he could even finish saying how he felt. He smiled feebly. “Right.”

Yelina smiled back, almost sadly. He watched her make a hasty exit from the room, then he let out a sigh, burying his face in his hands.
A love camp, interesting! Hope Yelina starts to regret the fact that she's with Stetler & not with H :p I would love to see DC & SM pull off this scene. You know they'd just nail it right on the head :D

Thx for the update!
I would love to see DC & SM pull off this scene.
Me too! And they would nail it with ease!

Actually they pretty much nail any scene. :D

H/Y are gonna be stuck in angst-ville for awhile more before things get better, I mean in this fic. Glad you gals are enjoying it so far though.

I kinda hit a writer's block I got the ideas but I can't sort them out right in my head and put into words, so give me some time, will update again by the weekend, hopefully I get my inspiration back.
Yay, Horatio is Horatio again, the Horatio we know! CSI Lieutenant Horatio Caine. Very happy with his new position, now we have Speed and Calleigh to work with as well. Awesome job introducing this Hrockz, loved the way it was written and played out.

But this angst is getting to me. Kiss and make up already! I miss the love, these two do need some love bootcamp...how about in Paris! Or Niagra Falls! Somewhere romantic where they can't reists each other. Hope your writer's block ends soon (that's the worst) and can't wait for an update. Thanks so much Hrockz.
Well getting through a writers block isn't that hard just force yourself to write. Always helps with me :p
Hrockz take your time, but I can tell one thing, we are going to wait eagerly for the next update.