What If ? (H/Y fic)

^Thanks! and I'll take a Tequila Sunrise and (errr I mean or) a Strawberry Daiquiri and (hmm, there I go again) a Piña Colada! :cool:

I'll try to work some more on Stetlers wardrobe. My plan is to fill it with so many hideous outfits that he'll be ostracised by society and that his boss will think he looks so unprofessional that he/she fires him... Muahahahahaaa :devil:
i know this is off topic,just to let the task force know i'm in court on the 2nd of next month to give evdence for the kid who smashed my windows
HC, we'll be standing guard, outside the Court House, ready to kick that little punk's ass :D

Hrockz, is there any way I can inspire you to another update? Chocolate cookie, brownie, strawberry ice-cream, (tequila :D)? You name it! I'll get it!
A thousand apologies, I've been trying to find the time to update this fic. Now I've finally got some time to do so.
HC hope things work out for you and justice gets served.

Morning came and Yelina found Horatio asleep on the couch. She leaned over him and kissed him gently on the lips. His eyes fluttered open.

"If I'm dreaming, don't wake me." He mumbled as Yelina laughed.

"This doesn't have to be a dream," she smiled as he pulled her on top of him returning her kiss. Yelina pushed herself off him. "Broken window remember? We don't want the neighbours, not to mention the press catching us like this."

Horatio chuckled. He was still in his T-shirt and boxers and Yelina had her sexy silk pyjamas on. "Maybe tonight."

She stood up, pulling Horatio along with her.

"You getting someone to fix this?" Yelina asked, pointing to their broken window.

"Yeah. I don't think we can leave for work, people could just walk in here and take whatever they want." He teased.

"Why don't you take the kids to school, I'll wait at home till you send someone round to fix this." Yelina suggested.

"Good idea." Horatio smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear with his hand.


Horatio dropped Matt and Josh off at school before heading to work, but not before he made sure the window would get fixed that day. Later in the afternoon, Frank came looking for him in the lab.

"Thought you might want to know, we know where the guys who shot the suspect in Yelina's custody are. I'm headed there now with SWAT."

"I'm coming too." Horatio said, placing his sungalsses firmly back on his face.

The tip-off told them to head to a motel, not far from town. Everyone got into position. Horatio and Frank drew their guns, waiting alongside the SWAT team.

"MDPD! Come out with your hands on yor head!" Frank yelled.

There was a moment's silence before gunfire erupted, bullets flying throught the closed motel room door. Everyone dived for cover. They rode out the barage of bullets, waiting for a lull in the gunfire, before SWAT took down the door.

They stormed into the room, Horatio and Frank close behind.

"Get down! Everybody down!" Frank yelled.

Horatio tackled one of the men who tried to make an escape through the back window, and both men landed on the floor. The SWAT officers surrounded them, pulling the suspect to his feet and arresting him.

Horatio stood up, holstering his gun.

"You ok Lieutenant?" one of the SWAT officers asked.

"Yeah." Horatio replied.

The four men who were in the room were arrested and packed into waiting squad cars.

Horatio slipped his sunglasse off, taking a breather from the action that had just passed. His cellphone rang and he smiled at the number.


"You sound a little out of breath. Everything ok?" Yelina asked.

"Yeah, we just caught your shooters." Horatio replied. "Thought you might wanna know."

He could tell she was smiling. "Thought you might wanna know, the window's fixed."

"Great." Horatio nodded. "You coming in to work?"

"Yeah, I'm heading out the door now."

Horatio thought he heard her keys jingle in the background.

"Also thought you might wanna know... I'm pregnant."

Horatio gave a soft chuckle. He raised his eyebrows at nobody in particular. "Umm... ok. Good. I'm happy."

"Yeah, thought I'd take the home test while I was waiting for the window to get fixed. Been wanting to tell you I thought I might be... but you know things got busy."

"You ok?" Horatio asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" It was her turn to laugh. "But we'd better keep this under wraps for now, with the press and all."

"Yeah, good idea. Yelina?"


"I love you." Horatio heard her laugh across the line.

"I'll see you later baby." Yelina replied then hung up.

Horatio slipped his cellphone back into his shirt pocket and smiled as he put his sunglasses back on.
No problem Hrockz we understand completely.

Aww I loved the conversation in the end. Another baby is on the way, whoe hoe! Good job H/Y!
Woohoo! An update. Thanks Hrockz. :D This just gave me my H/Y fix for the day...just finished Season 4 and man, was I going through H/Y withdrawal, no sign of Y anywhere. :lol: :lol:
A new baby! Yay! *does the happy dance*

Fab update as always Hrockz and no worries about the wait. The task force needs to practice the art of being patient. For instance: in stead of just shooting Stetler, it's so much more therapeutic to get one's agressions out... :devil:
Woohoow, update! Thanks, Hrockz!!

Aww, and a baby! We like babies, we LOVE babies! :D

And I didn't mean to pressure you for an update or anything, Hrockz . I'm sorry if that came out wrong.
You make your updates on your own time :) We'll be patient. ;)
Yay, an update! Thank you Hrockz.

Another baby! Because we all know how much we love babies. *snuggles H/Y*

Can't wait for more!
Ok task force, you guys can start the party!!! :D

It had been awhile since Yelina was pregnant, but her third pregnancy was a breeze. Horatio thought she looked more beautiful than he had ever seen her and he had trouble keeping his hands off her. Yelina enjoyed the attention he lavished on her.

Horatio took his setback in his career in his stride, and now that his promotion was shelved, he had more time to spend with his family, leaving most of his lab duties to his CSIs. Speed had fully recovered from the shooting and had been back with the team for some time now. The nine months were almost up, and Yelina had taken vacation time to spend with the boys at home.

Horatio was going over a case with Ryan at the lab when Yelina called.

"I hate to interupt your day, but my water just broke." Yelina said, her voice steady and calm.

"Ok, I'll come by to take you to the hospital." Horatio said, his voice betraying his nerves.

"You'd better hurry. I got my mom to come over to keep an eye on Matt and Josh." Yelina replied.

Horatio hung up.

"Mr Wolfe - " Horatio started.

"I know, you're leaving me to work the case." Ryan gave a smile. "You better go, babies don't wait."

Horatio gave a smile and hurried out of the lab straight for the parking lot. He drove home in record time. Yelina was waiting, seated on the couch.

"Hey," Horatio said bursting into the living room, "How're you doing?"

"What do you think?" Yelina said her face knotted in a grimace.

"Ok, let's go." Horatio took her arm, helping her to her feet and into the car. He sped down the highway to the hospital, tempted to turn on the poilce siren to clear the way, but thankfully it wasn't peak hours and the traffic was clear. All the while he held on to her hand. Although it was a third time, Horatio still got the butterflies in his stomach everytime one of their children arrived.

Horatio pulled up to the hospital, running in to get some help form the orderlies. Dr Donovan, Yelina'a OB was still on duty and was soon there to meet them in the hospital room.

Horatio waited while he examined Yelina.

"The baby's breech, it's not head down." Dr Donovan said, turning to Horatio. "We're going to take you into surgery, you'll have tio have this baby by Cesearean section." the doctor turned back to Yelina.

Horatio looked a little worried. This hadn't happened with Matt and Josh.

"There's nothng to worry about." The doctor assured them.

"It'll be ok." Yelina managed, squeezing Horatio's hand.

"You'll have to wait outside, I'll come get you whan it's over." Dr Dononvan nodded to Horatio.

Horatio leaned over and kissed Yelina on the forehead. "I'll see you soon. Love you."

"I love you too." Yelina replied, giving her husband's hand another squeeze.

Horatio was ushered out of the room, watching as Yelina was wheeled into surgery. The minutes crawled as Horatio stood outside the O.R. He paced the floor, anxious for news on Yelina and the baby.

About half an hour later Dr Dononvan emerged.

"Everything went well, congragulations, you have a healthy baby girl. Yelina's doing very well too."

Horatio breathed a sigh of relief. He shook the doctor's hand. "Thank you."

"We're getting Yelina back to her room then you can see her. In the meantime," Dr Donovan turned as a nurse emerged with a bundle in her arms. "You can meet your new baby daughter."

The nurse gently placed the small bundle in Horatio arms. Horatio looked down at the little girl and thought his heart had melted. She had the same brown curls as her mother and her eyes opened, revealing the same hazel that her mother had. Horatio held her close, kissing her gently on the cheek. It was the third time but it still was special, cradling the newborn baby in his arms he smiled.