What If ? (H/Y fic)

Stetler! :mad: I say we round up the sports equiptment/weapons and go after him.

But I'm glad Horatio's taking the fall for what happened and protecting Yelina, though she won't be very happy about it. Can't wait for more!
Hrockz said:Sorry I only have time for a short update today. :(
No worries, we're glad with every dosage we get :D

Aww, poor Horatio. He did the right thing and is still being punished :(

Caddie, I'm in
The press was outside PD, waiting for Horatio as he left. News travelled fast and he was glad he had the foresight to ask Yelina to leave before he did. Horatio placed his shades firmly on his face then took a breath before pushing past the reporters and into his car without uttering a word. He wasn't sure how long the reporters would keep this up, but he hoped it wouldn't interfere with work or affect his family.

Horatio drove around for an hour, hoping the reporters who might have staked out his house would have given up waiting for him to get home. When he pulled up to his driveway, it was quiet, much to his relief. He exited the car and entered his residence. His two sons were at the door to greet him.

"Hey guys." Horatio smiled warming at them, giving each a hug.

I hope no one bothered you all at home." Horatio said, looking at Yelina.

"No." Yelina said. "I saw the reporters at PD. They wanted me to answer some of their questions, but I gave them the slip."

"Good for you." Horatio smiled.

"We need to talk honey." Yelina said, walking up to him.

"Maybe later?" Horatio said, nodding towards the boys.

Yelina nodded. "I'll heat up dinner for you."


Yelina waited for Horatio to put the boys to bed, then finish his shower before he came to bed. He emerged from the bathroom, in his boxers, looking tired from the day's events.

"I heard what happened." Yelina said. rising from the bed to meet him.

Horatio nodded, shifting his weight between his feet.

"You didn't have to," Yelina started, her voice reflected anger. "I should have taken my share of the blame as well."

"None of us should have." Horatio tilted his head to look at her. "It's just that they needed someone to take the fall..."

"And you took it for me." Yelina rolled her eyes. "I don't need you to protect me. I can take care of myself, especially when it comes to work." Yelina rested her hands on her hips.

"Sweetheart, that's not possible."

"Before this happened, there were already people talking that I got special treatment cos I'm your wife. Now word of this goes round..." Yelina sighed.

"I know how hard you work, nobody doubts that... but what kind of man would stand by and let his wife take the heat for a mistake she didn't make?"

"So it's all about your pride now?" Yelina shook her head.

"It's not." Horatio bowed his head, disappointed that she thought that way of him.

Yelina's tone softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I know you did what you did cos you care."

"Because I love you." Horatio said pulling her into his arms for a hug.

Yelina burried her face in his neck. She spoke and her breath warmed his skin. "But it cost you so much."

"I didn't get suspended, so it's no big deal." Horatio's hand caressed her hair.

She lifted her head to look at him. "It cost you your promotion. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just decided. I was going to tell you, but this happened before I got the chance." Horatio smiled at her. "It's no big deal, I'll wait a couple of years, when this dies down, I'll try for Captain again."

"You sacrificed your career for me." Yelina said, touching his face wih her hand. Her eyes moistened.

"No worries." Horatio cupped her face in his hands and brought her lips to his for a kiss. "We didn't do anything wrong, don't let anyone make you believe you did."

"I know. I just wish there was a better way to resolve this."

"We're tracking the shooters down, things should get better once we have them arrested."

Yelina nodded, running a hand through his hair. She kissed him again, and he pulled her tightly to him. She could feel his arousal as their kiss deepened.

Whatver was about to happen next was interupted by a loud crash from downstairs.

They broke apart. Horatio reached for his gun which he kept locked in a drawer. Yelina's hand was already on their doorknob.

"Go check on the boys, I'll go see what that noise was."
I'm bringin' the shotgun & bazooka!

Hey honey maybe you can bring some flaming eggs along. Let's get those filty reports!
It was dark as Horatio descended the stairs slowly, allowing his eyes to get accustomed to the darkenss. He kept his gun drawn at chest-level, ready to confront whoever might have intruded into his house. A quick sweep of the area with his eyes and he realised one of the windows had been shattered. As he reached the bottom of tha stairs, he glimpsed movement in the corner of the living room.

Flicking the light switch with one hand he aimed his gun in the direction of the movement, "Who's there?"

As the light came on, both Horatio and the intrder blinked at the sudden light. There was a man in the living room, looking rather shocked at Horatio who was only clad in his boxers, aiming a gun at him.

"Don't shoot," the man said, raising his arms.

"You're tresspassing." Horatio said, keeping his eys firmly locked on the man. There was a camera slung round the man's neck and Horatio half-suspected the man to be a reporter.

"I just wanted a closer look into the house that's all. I'm a reporter," the man held up his ID.

"You're not welcome here." Horatio growled. "Get out before I arrest you. And leave your camera."

"But..." the man protested.

"That, or we can continue this conversation in lockup." Horatio glared.

The man removed his camera and placed it on the coffee table. Horatio lowered his gun, and opened the front door so the reporter could leave. "And tell your friends they're not welcome here." Horatio added.

Horatio watched as the reporter took off in his car. He locked the door behind him and regarded his broken window. It would need to be fixed in the morning. He headed back upstairs, safe-keeping his gun in the drawer before entering his sons' bedroom.

Yelina was wise to keep the children away from the windows.

"What happened Dad?" Matt asked.

"Nothing son." Horatio smiled at the boy, ruffling his dark hair.

"Was it a robber?" Josh asked looking excited.

"No." Horatio picked up his younger son into his arms and kissed the little redhead. "Just some nosy reporter." He said looking into Yelina's eyes to assure her everything was fine.

"Well, excitment's over for the night. Back to bed you two." Yelina said, taking Matt's hand and leading her son back to his bed.

Horatio tucked Josh into his bed as Yelina kissed Matt goodnight. Yelina turned out the lights and pulled the door alomst to a close, then both returned to their bedroom.

"So what's the damage?" Yelina asked looking at her husband.

"Just a broken window. Some nosy reporter trying to get the scoop on us, but I got him to leave his camera." Horatio sighed. "I hate to put you all through this. First they break-in, there's no telling what they'll do next."

"We could get patrol to send a car round our house a couple of times everyday, that'll keep the reporters away." Yelina suggested.

"Hopefully." Horatio said. "I was thinking maybe you should take the boys and go stay with your Mom till this blows over."

"No. We'll be fine." Yelina said, "If those reporters want to get near my sons they'll have to get through me first."

Horatio smiled. "And it would take a very brave reporter to do that."

Yelina smiled back and they hugged, holding each other tightly.

"I'll keep watch downstairs for the night, till our window's fixed." Horatio said as they broke from each other's arms.

Yelina nodded. "If anything happens, you come get me."

"Ok. But I doubt anyone else will try anything for the rest of the night." Horatio replied kissing her again before grabbing a T-shirt and heading downstairs.
*raises hand* it's purely an informative question but did the reporter by any chance take a picture of Horatio only clad in his boxers?

If so....

LET'S GRAB THAT CAMERA TASKFORCE! We deserve it for doing such an excellent job!


GREAT update.
*jumps in* I'll even settle for a copy :devil: :D

Yummie, Horatio in boxers.. Now THAT'S a nice thought before going to bed :D

Great update, Hrockz! :)
I want that pic too!! :devil:

Great updates Hrockz!! :D
And Happy birthday!!!
Hope you have a great day!! :D