What If ? (H/Y fic)

It's a girl!

Great update Hrockz

Celebration party, hmm? I'm in :D
Sorry for the long wait again guys. Between work, being pregnant and taking care of my daughter, I'm left with very little energy for writing these days. But I've got a little time on my hands now.

It had been a couple of weeks since Yelina had been discharged home with their daughter, whom they had named Isabella Sarah Caine. Little Isabella was the apple of her father's eye and every chance he had he would be holding her in his arms. Yelina was happy she finally had a little girl, joking that a house full of Caine men would drive her mad.

That evening Horatio had just put Matt and Josh to bed and returned to their bedroom. Yelina was nursing Isabella on their bed.

"Boys asleep?" Yelina asked as Horatio entered and closed the door softly behind him.

"Yeah, finally." Horatio smiled sitting down on the bed beside his wife.

He ran a finger down their baby daughter's cheek. "She's got big so fast, soon she'll be in high school, and I'll have my hands full with all her boyfriends."

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here?" Yelina laughed, "She's only 3 weeks old."

"Well, I'm just planning ahead." Horatio smiled. "Judging from how much she looks like you." Horatio leaned over and kissed Yelina.

Yelina smiled back. "You'd better get some sleep, you have to work tomorrow."

Horatio nodded and was about to pull of his T-shirt when his cellphone rang. He answered and from the conversation she heard, she knew the night shift was swamped and Horatio and his team were being asked to go to a crime scene.

"I'm sorry." Horatio began as he hung up. "Cases are piling up, and the nightshift can't cope."

"I know." Yelina nodded. "Don't worry we'll be fine."

"I'll call you in the morning." Horatio said as he changed into his work clothes.

He took the sleeping baby from her mother's arms and cradled her close to his chest, then leaned to kiss Yelina again.

"You get some sleep, I'll put Isabella back in her crib."

"Thanks sweetie." Yelina smiled and waved goodbye as Horatio left the room with the baby.

Horatio tucked the baby into bed before leaving the house, headed to a crime scene near South Beach. The streets were empty, save for a few cars. As his Hummer approached the alledged crime scene, Horatio saw a man run out from the shadows and jump into a silver Mercedes. His gut feel told him to follow and Horatio sped after the speeing Mercedes. Horatio radioed in his chase to dispatch, informing them of his location and requesting for back-up.

The driver of the silver Mercedes noticed Horatio was following and picked up speed, and Horatio did the same. The Mercedes turned into a narrow alley then speed off onto a desserted road. Horatio recognised the road would lead them towards the Everglades.

Suddenly another car driving in the opposite direction came out of nowhere, its headlights temporatily blinding Horatio. He lost control of the Hummer, the large vehicle careened off the road and onto the dirt track. Horatio fought to regain control, he saw tall grass and dirt fly psst and onto his windscreen. The surroundings were pitch black, his headlights only illuminating a short distance infront. The was a sudden drop as the Hummer crashed into a ditch, then everything seemed to turn upside down and go black.
Okay task force, you know what this means. Gear up!

I hope he'll be fine

Great update! When are you due Hrockz?
*grabs plane and parachute* coming!
(I went skydiving yesterday and consider myself an expert now :D)

Don't keep us too long in this tension, Hrockz!
Or we might be needing that group therapy after all :p
I really miss your updates Hrockz, but I understand you, with a baby coming and a little girl to attend, I don't know how you handle. If I could help I would, but I think I'm a little far away from your home.
BY THE WAY, GREAT UPDATE!!! And citing HUSH, don´t keep us too long without knowing what happen to our dear H.