What If ? (H/Y fic)

I'm very flattered by you guys. Thanks for being such avid readers of my fic.

Horatio raced in his Hummer down the highway to the hospital. He was told to go to the waiting area, where Ray was in surgery. He saw his sister-in-law Meredith sitting alone on one of the chairs, her head bowed. He slipped off his sunglasses and took the seat next to her.

"Hey." Horatio said, leaning forward and looking up at her. He had been so busy with work and getting his family life back in shape that he hadn't had much time with Ray or his family lately.

"I meant to call you after the surgery." Meredith said.

"One of Raymond's colleagues told me.... how long's he been in there?"

"An hour."

Horatio nodded. "Jessica?" He asked, refering to Raymond and Meredith's one-year old daughter.

"She's with my parents." Meredith replied.

"I'll wait here with you." Horatio offered.


Horatio called Yelina with the news, and told her he might be home late. Ray was out of surgery by evening. The doctors assured them the surgery was a success and that Ray would recover with time. They were allowed to see him.

They stood outside Ray's hospital room. He sensed his sister-in-law's hesistency to enter.

"It's ok to be scared." Horatio started.

Meredith gave a forced smile. She shook her head. "It's not that."

Horatio waited for her to continue.

"I... Ray was... I found out a week ago, Ray's been cheating on me... I had moved out of the house with Jessica. I'm so angry at him, but I... I'm sorry I don't know how to react to this."

Horatio felt anger and disappointment at his younger brother. Somehow he had always thought Ray wasn't the kind to stick to one woman, but he hoped Ray getting married would prove him wrong. Still he wanted to save things for his brother. His need to fix things compelled him to do so.

"It was a big mistake Ray made. I understand your anger at him. But... he needs you now."

"I'm not sure..."

"You came when you heard he was shot." Horatio reasoned. "You still care for him. I'll go in with you. He needs you." Horatio repeated.

Meredith nodded and they walked in together. Ray looked deathly still and pale. Horatio watched as Meredith took Ray's hand after a moment. Ray's eyes flickered open and registered surprise when he saw his wife.

"You two need some time alone." Horatio said quietly, leaving the room. He would have words with Ray, but not now.

Horatio waited for Meredith, then gave her a ride home. He got home slightly past midnight. He opened the door to his bedroom slowly, not wanting to wake Yelina. She was still up.

Yelina noticed the solum look on Horatio's face. "What's wrong Horatio?" She asked concerned as Horatio sat beside her on their bed.
Just came back from my first day of school. Nothing better then an H/Y update to cheer you up :)
Great update, Hrockz!
Horatio was silent as he sat on the bed, his head bowed.

"Is Ray ok?" Yelina asked.

"Yeah, he's going to be alright." Horatio replied. "I found out, Ray cheated on Meredith."

Yelina took in a breath. "You hate to be right this time huh?"

Horatio nodded. "You would think he'd know better than to do something like that."

"How's Meredith taking it?" Yelina asked slipping her hand over Horatio's knowing he was going down the road of self-blame again.

"I conviced her not to give up on Ray... I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do." He turned to look at Yelina.

"I'm sure they'll work things out. It's not up to you to fix their marriage but... I'm glad the way ours has been going lately." Yelina offered a small smile.

Horatio smiled back. It was always good to hear that his wife was happy. Yelina shifted to sit close to Horatio. She touched his cheek with her hand, then brought his face closer to her for a long kiss.

"Want some distration to help you get your mind off things?" Yelina asked suggestively, her fingers working the buttons on Horatio's shirt.

Horatio leaned forward and nibbled at her ear, before moving to kiss her neck, allowing her to remove his shirt as he did. "Sounds like a good idea." He said in a low voice. He gently eased her down on the bed, laying down beside her. They kissed and after some moments, they were naked in each others' arms. Horatio turned to reach for the drawer at their bedside table when he felt Yelina grab his hand. Horatio turned to look at his wife, his eyesbrows raised.

"No need for that tonight. I think we're ready to get back on track trying for that baby."

Horatio smiled. "Anything you want Ma'am." he said as he proceeded to kiss her again.

She wanted him and she let him know by pulling him on top of her. He entered her gently, kissing her as he did. She groaned into his ear, and soon they were moving in rhythm until he brought her to the edge and back, himself finding the release from the day's tensions.

They fell asleep, Horatio's arm wrapped round her.


Yelina had been working with Horatio's team again. And that hot afternoon, they had two suspects with their hands on their heads, facing the brick wall. Yelina lowered her gun and Horatio took a step forward, his gun still in his hands, making sure he had his wife covered. She approached one of the suspects, ready to cuff him.

The young man took the opportunity to swing out at Yelina, mnagaing to push her causing her to stumble backwards. Horatio instictively made a grab for the suspect, turning his head to check on Yelina. The other remaining suspect decided now was a good time to make his escape, bolting off down the street.

"I'm fine," Yelina said finding her feet again. "Go after him!" She said, taking the suspect from Horatio's grasp. "I've got this covered."

Horatio nodded and turned his head, the other suspect already had a good headstart. Horatio holstered his gun and took off after the fleeing suspect. The young man ran down the street that led to the beach. Horatio knew he had to try catch him before he reached a more crowded area where innocent bystanders might be hurt. Horatio put in more speed, trying to close the distance between them. He decided he didn't want the suspect reaching the beach. He reached for his gun, shouting at the suspect to stop.

"Stop or I'll shoot!" The man turned to look behind him and tripped over the curb. Horatio took the chance to sprint the short distance between them and tackled the suspect to the ground.

"Not a smart thing to do." Horatio commented as he cuffed the suspect and pulled the man to his feet.

They turned, ready to head back to where Yelina and the other suspect was. Horatio heard a gunshot coming from the direction where he had left Yelina. His heart skipped a beat. He had broke protocol leaving Yelina alone with a suspect, going after the other fleeing man.

He pushed the suspect he had in custody in the direction of the sound of the gunshot, hoping Yelina was unhurt.
Let's go taskforce there's work to be done, people to shoot!

Great update. Hope Yelina is okay..
Horatio half-dragged, half-shoved the suspect in his custody down the street, back-tracking to where he had left Yelina. His heart thumped wildly in his chest, and the beads of perspiration from the chase continued to roll down the side of his face.

They turned the corner, and Horatio could see that patrol were already on the scene, squad cars surrounded the area and it had already been cordoned off by yellow crime scene tape. He handed the suspect to a patrol officer and approached the Hummer which had obscured the position where Yelina previously was. With heart still thumping, he hurried round and to his relief Yelina seemed unhurt. She was kneeling beside the suspect she had arrested earlier. It was now evident it was the suspect who was at the wrong end of the bullet.

Horatio got down on one knee beside his wife. "You ok?"

"They just came out of nowhere. A brown sedan screeched by and shot the suspect before I could react." Yelina said, looking frustrated.

"Are you alright?" Horatio asked, his first priority was for his wife's well-being.

Yelina nodded. "I'm ok. I hit the dirt the minute I heard those tires. But I should have protected the suspect as well."

"You unhurt, that's all that matters." Horatio said.

Alexx arrived shortly to collect the body back to the morgue.

Back at PD, rumours of an internal investigation that Yelina knew was impending were already spreading. She was at her desk, filing in the paperwork for what had transpired earlier. Horatio hovered protectively nearby,, he knew she needed her space and was angry at herself, but he also knew what was coming. The elevator doors opened and Horatio spied Rick Stetler approaching. Horatio walked round to Yelina's desk.

"IAB's here." Horatio nodded towards Stetler.

Yelina frowned. "I was expecting it to be him." She stood up, facing Horatio.

Horatio ran his hands up and down her arms. "It's gonna be ok."

Yelina offered a smile to reassure her husband then nodded.

"I need to talk to you Yelina." Rick at arrived at her desk.

"I know." Yelina replied, her face not betraying any emotion.

"And you later." Rick continued nodding to Horatio.

"Be my guest." Horatio said, giving Rick a meaningful stare.

Rick led Yelina to an empty interrogation room and placed a tape recorder on the table. He asked Yelina to repeat what happened earlier.

"You are aware that your partner is supposed to stay at your side at all times during an arrest." Rick said.

"Yes. But at the time, I felt I had the suspect under control, and one of them was getting away. I asked Horatio to go after the fleeing suspect."

"You job is to secure and protect the suspect you arrested."

"I know." Yelina said, looking Rick in the eyes. "I wasn't expecting the drive-by. It was carelessness on my part. Horatio just did what he thought was best at the time."

"He should have stayed with you till back-up arrived. Then he could have gone after the fleeing suspect. Perhaps the death of one of them could have been averted."

"I still think we did what was necessary." Yelina said.

Rick nodded. "Thank you. I'll let you know what is decided. If you could get Horatio to come in here."

Yelina rose from her seat, and left the room. Horatio was waiting outside.

"How'd it go?" Horatio asked.

"Not very well." Yelina said.

"Don't worry." Horatio maintained. He entered the room where Rick was waiting.

Horatio repeated his account of things.

"When a suspect dies in police custody, you know there's gonna be hell to pay." Rick said.

"I understand." Horatio replied. "And you need someone to take the fall."

"Very clever of you. It'll be a public relations nightmare if we don't pin this on somebody." Rick eyed Horatio.

Horatio looked Rick back in the eyes, not backing down. "I broke protocol and left my partner. It was my fault." Horatio knew that one of them had to be the scapgoat, and he wanted to protect Yelina, although in his mind none of them were at fault. Only the shooters.

"Very well." Rick said turning off the tape recorder. "I heard you put in a request to take the Captain's exam."

Horatio said nothing.

"Gunning for another promotion Lieutenant?" Rick sneered. "Looks unlikely now, especially with this going on you. You might as well withdraw your application."

Horatio remained silent.

"Ill hand my report to the Chief, let him decide what should be done. In the meantime, have fun with the press." Rick looked a little too happy as he got up from his seat.

Horatio met him eye to eye. "Off the record, you know Yelina and I did nothing wrong."

Rick shrugged. "Like I said, someone has to pay for this."

Horatio waited for Rick to leave, then Yelina entered the room. She raised her eyebrows.

"Everything's gonna be ok." Horatio offered her a smile.

"I don't believe that." Yelina said.

"It will be." Horatio assured her. Her cellphone rang. As did Horatio's.

"We'll talk later." Horatio said, squeezing her hand and leaving the room to take the call.
Who's joining me to go after Stetler?
me and (the punked comp kid) wiil join you Hush she needs some karate practice and there no one better than Stetler :devil:

great update Hrockz :)
I'm extremly bussy at the moment but I don't care...I can make some time for Stetler, I'll go get my kit... :devil:
A day after the shooting, Horatio found himself in Chief Burton's office.

"I've looked at the IAB report." the chief said. "I can imagine you know whay I asked to speak to you."

Horatio elected to remain standing, fingering his sunglasses between his hands.

"I think I have an idea." Horatio replied.

"Both you and Det. Salas have an excellent record, and are great police officers. I do believe both of you acted according to what you both thought was right at the time." The Chief looked Horatio in the eye. He sensed a "but" coming.

"But," The Cheif continued, "we've both been in this business long enough to know we have to be accountable to the public."

"You read the report... it was my fault." Horatio said bowing his head.

"None of you were at fault." Chief Burton maintained. "Horatio, everyone knows how much you love your family, especially your wife."

"I'm willing to take the fall for this." Horatio said, keeping his head bowed.

"You know this will cost you the promotion, and it'll go on your record."

"Not a problem." Horatio turned his head to look at Chief Burton.

"Besides the promotion, IAB recommended a suspension, but I'm going to let that slide. You and your team have been doing a great job in the crime lab."

Horatio nodded. "I'm sure my team would be glad to hear that."

"I know Det Salas wouldn't like this. She want to take her share of the heat."

"Let me worry about that." Horatio said.

Sorry I only have time for a short update today. :(