What If ? (H/Y fic)

Everything is going to be okay.. every couple has it's up & downs even our wonderful HY :) It's sad to think that some couples might give up too soon :(

They just started airing S5 here in Belgium on sunday and I already forgot to watch a few times.. never happened when they were showing H/Y epis :lol: Just found out they still show S1 - S2 epi's on wednesday so I know what to do!
Aww, everything is going to be alright. I'm glad they're working things out instead of ignoring their problems or giving up. They're made for each other. :D
Things didn't get better immediately like Horatio said. He tried to cut back on hours at the lab, but with one CSI down, Horatio had to pull his share of doubles like everyone else. Speed was going to recover but it was going to take awhile. But Horatio was trying, Yelina could tell, he made it a point to drop by for a quick luch with her at work, and tried to drive her and the boys home if he was working overtime so that he got to see his family at least once a day. Things would get worse before they got better, Horatio had told her one night. And finally he found a suitable addition to his team in Ryan Wolfe, the young patrol officer Horatio had met on one of his cases. Yelina had worked with him before and he came highly recommended.

Yelina woke one morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. Horatio was nowhere in sight so she guessed it was him doing the cooking. She walked downstairs to find Matt and Josh eating their breakfast in the dinning room and Horatio cooking at the stove.

"Mommy!" The boys greeted her, and Horatio turned, the pan in one hand.

"Morning." He greeted her with a smile. He slipped the strips of bacon onto a plate already containing scrambled eggs, and noddded towards it. "Eat up."

Yelina noticed Horatio wasn't dressed for work. He was still in what he wore to bed the previous night, a T-shirt and boxers. Yelina took her seat.

"What's all this about? Aren't we going to be late for work?" Yelina asked, taking a bite out of her breakfast.

"We aren't going to work. I took the liberty of putting in a couple of days of vacation for you." Horatio smiled. "We're going on a trip."

"Daddy says we're going fishing." Josh said with glee.

Yelina raised her eyebrows. Horatio chuckled. "I rented a yatch, we'll take it out to sea, spend a day or two out there, it'll be nice. No interuptions, nothing but the four of us and the ocean."

"You sure the kids won't get sea sick?"

"If they take after me they won't." Horatio smiled.


Yelina had her doubts about the trip but as the day progressed, she relaxed enjoying the rocking of the boat, and the sound of laughter from her husband and sons. They weren't anchored too far off from shore, Horatio had assured her, although she couldn't see anything but sea for miles. The weather was perfect there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

Horatio left the boys at the fishing rod, and he sat down beside her.

"Didn't know you could drive one of these." Yelina said.

"Picked it up when I was undercover." Horatio said refering to the time he had disappeared for almost a year. "You having fun?"

"Yeah I am." Yelina smiled leaning towards him to plant a kiss on his lips.

"Yuck!" Matt groaned. Watching his parents kiss.

Horatio laughed. "One day you won't find it so disgusting."

After dinner the boys were tucked into bed, Horatio and Yelina were up on deck, gazing at the stars.

"You went to all the trouble to plan this?" Yelina asked.

"I told you I'd make things up to you. I know, one trip like this doesn't fix anything, but I know how much we haven't been spending time together as a family."

He pulled her to him and she leaned back into him, her head on his chest.

"I just hated how I never got to see you. It was like I wasn't married."

"I know. I apologise."

"But I know how much you love you job."

"I love you more."

Yelina turned in his arms to face him and they kissed. The boat rocked gently to the waves as they shared a pssionate moment, their tongues interwined. Horatio ran a hand under her silk blouse, breaking the kiss to look into her eyes as if to ask if going ahead was ok. Yelina knew what he had in mind and replied by slipping a hand into his jeans. They made love under the stars for the first time in months that night.
Apparently I'm not the only one thinking of baby nr 3 after reading the last update. I demand scenes like this on csi miami! NOW! *wishful thinking*
If only some of the Miami writers had half the brains and creative minds Hrockz has, it would live up to it's '#1 show' title. I think I can hear baby number three on it's (her) way! ;)
Patricia said:
Isabella is coming!!!..we should get ready! :D

You make it sound like we should stand ready to catch her when she plops out :eek: :lol:

Good job H *hits him on the shoulder*
:lol: you guys all sound like eager Grandmothers.

Horatio woke in the morning to find the sunlight streaming into their cabin. The gentle rocking motion of the yatch reminded him where he was and he smiled to himself remembering the memories of making love to Yelina on the deck the night before. He turned his head to find Yelina still asleep, her curls splayed across his arm. He turned onto his side and kissed her on the lips. Yelina's eyes opened and she smiled back. She placed a hand on his bare chest and rubbed gently.

"I slept really well. And.... I had a really good time last night. I kinda forgot how good you are in bed." She whispered.

Horatio chuckled. "So did I... but you reminded me, how good you are too."

She held up her hand and he laced her fingers with his. "I want things to get better for us, from now on." He said.

Yelina smiled. "So do I."

Their morning quiet was interupted by Matt who jumped onto their bed. "Mom, Dad, Josh is missing!"

"What?" Yelina asked as she sat up, now wide awake.

Horatio jumped out of bed and hurried over to the two small beds in the corner. Josh wasn't in them.

"When did you last see him?" Horatio asked, suddenly feeling guilty that checking on the boys wasn't the first thing he did when he woke. Their younger son always had the knack for getting into trouble.

"I woke up and he was gone." Matt said.

"Did you check outside?" Yelina asked her older son.

Matt shook his head.

Horatio bounded up the stairs up onto the deck. "Josh!" he called out to the five-year old.

There was nobody up there. Yelina and Matt came up on deck, her hand holding the older boy's. She had hurriedly thrown on a T-shirt.

"Could he have fallen over?" Yelina asked, worry etched on her face.

"I'm not sure." Horatio replied scanning the horizon. The waters were calm and clear. His heart sank. Josh could have fallen overboard in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep.

He looked over to Yelina who was holding back tears. He walked over to her and wrapped an arm round her shoulders. She burried her face into his shoulders, not wanting Matt to see her cry.

"I'll radio the coast guard." Horatio said. He knew if Josh had fallen over at night chances were that nobody would have seen him. But they had to try to locate the boy.

Yelina nodded. She hugged Matt close to her.

"I'll get in the water first. If he just went over, I'd find him." Horataio said.

Horatio was about to jump into the ocean when Matt shouted, "Wait! Josh isn't in there."

Both Horatio and Yelina looked at the boy. They heard familiar laughing, then Josh emerged from below deck. He stopped laughing when he saw his mother's tear-streaked face.

"Josh thought it would be funny to make you guys think he fell over." Matt blurted out.

"I didn't mean to make you cry Mommy." Josh said running into his mother's arms.

Horatio breathed a sigh of relief. "Josh, you should never do such a thing ever again. You know how worried we were?"

Josh nodded. "I'm sorry. I hid in a cupboard. I thought it would be funny."

"It isn't. And you and your brother deserve a time out when we get home." Horatio maintained.

"But it was his idea!" Matt protested.

"You went along with it." Yelina replied. She held both boys close. "But I'm glad you're both ok."

"I think it's time we got something to eat then headed back to shore." Horatio said, picking Josh up and holding him in a hug.


A couple of weeks passed since they returned form the trip out at sea. Horatio cut back on his time in at work, and spent time with his family and more importantly with Yelina.

Horatio was about to leave a crime scene that afternoon when his cellphone rang. He didn't recognise the number.

"Horatio." He answered.

"It's Det Peterson, from Narc." the voice said. Horatio remembered meeting the detective once. "I'm sorry to tell you Raymond's been shot."
Same here, I check this fic every single day. Sometimes rereading a huge part of it :D

Guess what I did last friday? I played golf & squash! I'm pretty good at it, so now I'm fully able to use the golfclubs on Stetler & other H/y treats! :D