What If ? (H/Y fic)

thanks Horckz for updating this fic,more H/Y to read :)

Y wants another baby,wonder what she has got in store for H when they get home :devil:

jus found out that i'm having a grandson in January :)
Hrocks if you are planning on writting on fanfiction please tell us. Thanks for taking your precious time and have US, your fans glue to the computer.
HC_4_my_birthday congrats!! :D

Great update!
I missed reading this fic...
I'm very interesting in what's coming next! :devil:
Thanks guys. Hush I always wanted to say I like your avatar. Congrats HC!

Yelina hated how her body was like clockwork. Everything had it's own timing and rhythm, and for her it was always predictable. And that morning her body reminded her that she still wasn't pregnant. She sighed in disappointment. It seemed so quick with her two boys, but this time round it seemed to be taking longer for her to get pregnant. That and the fact that her husband was more and more occupied at work.


Her son's screams broke her train of thoughts as it always did. She hurried out of the bathroom. Glancing at the clock, they were going to be late if she they didn't get a move on. She dressed for work and almost ran down the stairs. She was confronted by her two sons fighting over who should get the "magic ring" from the bottom of the cereal box. Thay had made a considerable mess on the kitchen floor. She glared angrily at both boys.

"It wasn't me!" Matt immediately said.

"Matt made me!" Josh protested.

"Enough, both of you. Go get your things we're going to school."

The boys knew she meant business and weren't about to mess with their angry mother. She hurridly packed their lunches and cleaned up as much of the mess as she could. Thankfully the boys were waiting by the front door for her by the time she was done.

Soon after dropping her sons off at school her cellphone rang in a text message. There was a new homicide. No time to stop by PD. She turned off the highway and headed to the address where the alleged crime had taken place. As she pulled up at the crime scene she hoped Horatio would be there. He was pulling yet another double, and she hadn't seen him since the previous morning. She was greeted by Calleigh, who informed her that Horatio had headed to another crime scene with Frank. She had just missed him. Yelina sighed yet again. There was work to do and she went about her work of gathering information and speaking to witnesses.

By noon, Yelina had several leads on the case and was working with Calleigh on getting a warrant to search the suspect's property. Her stomach growled, reminding her it was time for lunch. She took the corridor to the crime lab, perhaps Horatio would be there. She saw him exiting the DNA lab, and he spotted her too.

"Hey. I'm sorry about last night." Horatio began.

"I'm still not pregnant." Yelina informed her husband, clearly frustrated.

"No worries, we'll try again." Horatio cocked his head ans gave a reassuring smile.

"Yeah and we'll have to wait another month. It's been a couple of months now, we didn't take that long to get pregnant with the boys." Yelina realised she was complaining but she wasn't exactly in the best of moods.

"These things take time." Horatio said.

"We aren't getting any younger." Yelina pointed out.

"I know that sweetheart." Horatio rubbed her arms but his action seemed to irk her more.

"It doesn't help that you're not home much these days. I can't make a baby by myself."

"I'm sorry." Horatio looked apologetic.

"Have you started looking for a new CSI yet?" Yelina asked remembering their conversation some time back.

"I haven't had the time."

"You don't have the time for anything these days." Yelina said raising her voice slightly.

Horatio sensed his wife's frustration. "I'm sorry."

"Is that all you have to say?" She frowned.

Horatio bit his lip, he was fighting his own annoyance. "It's been busy at work. You know that."

"Are you coming home for dinner?" Yelina asked.

"I'm not sure yet, this case has been tougher than I expected." Horatio admitted.

"Fine. Whatever." Yelina rolled her eyes.

People walking by were beginning to cast curious glances their way.

"You're not being understanding..." Horatio regretted saying the words the moment they spilled out. Exhaustion from his double shift and frustration at Yelina's reaction to his work made his tongue work faster than his brain.

Yelina shook her head in anger. "Your sons miss you... and so do I." She stormed off, not wanting to draw more attention to them. They were already a high profile couple at PD and often subject to the rumour mill.

Horatio bowed his head and took a breath. He was about to go after her when his cellphone rang. New evidence needed his attention. He sighed. Domestic affairs would have to wait.
Did he called Yelina a "domestic affair"?
Ok I'm not so happy with H right now :rolleyes:...he needs a new csi now! I'm sure he wants to spend more time with his family! right? :)
Horatio tried to get out of the lab as soon as he could, but it was almost the children's bedtime by the time he walked through his front door. Yelina heard the door open and she knew Horatio was home. She waited as his footsteps ascended the stairs and he popped his head into their sons' bedroom.

"Daddy!" The boys shouted in unison, happy to see their father.

"Hey guys!" Horatio beamed. Yelina got up from Josh's bed and handed their bedtime story to Horatio worldessly. Her expression was unreadable, and that usually meant she was upset. But Horatio didn't want to get into an arguement in front of the boys.

He took Yelina's place with either boy on his side, and watched as Yelina slipped out of the room after kissing Matt and Josh goodnight. Both boys were excited to see their father and clamoured for a second story which Horatio obliged. He tucked them in and left the night light on as he closed the door to their bedroom.

He walked silently to his bedroom and was mildly surprised to find their door closed. Yelina usualy left it open till he came in. He tried the doorknob. It wouldn't turn. He rapped gently on the door, no answer.

"Yelina," he called but after minutes of silence he decided his efforts were futile. Ghe was waging a cold war with him.

Horatio sighed and descended the stairs. This would be a first he thought. In all their years of marriage they'd always managed to work things out without him having to spend the night on the couch, something that looked a very strong possibility right then. He settled down onto the couch and tried to get comfortable. The double shift he had pulled made sleep come quickly.

Horatio was awakened by Matt shaking him, and Josh jumping on him, knocking the wind out of him.

"Daddy! Why're you sleeping here?" Matt asked.

Horatio smiled wearily at his son. "I umm... I was watching TV, I guess I must have fell asleep."

"Mommy's in the kitchen." Josh said. "She told us to wake you or you'd be late for work."

Horatio picked up his younger son and sat up. He chased them to the kitchen and glanced sheepishly at Yelina who was getting breakfast for the boys.

"You'd better go take a shower." Yelina said, her expression still unreadable. Horatio complied, showering and changing into a fresh set of clothes.

He entered the kitchen. The boys were hungrily eating their pancakes. He realised Yelina had set a place for him too. Perhaps she wasn't mad anymore.

"Smells good." Horatio commented as he sat down, testing the waters.

"Thanks." Yelina replied barely audible.

"Sweetheart, about yesterday... I'm sorry. It's not easy being married to me huh?" Horatio said taking a bite out of breakfast.

Yelina sat down opposite him, nursing a mug of hot coffee. "Yeah." At least she was talking to him.

"Yelina, I - " Horatio's cell phone warbled. "I'm sorry, I've got to take this."

Yelina sighed as Horatio flipped open his phone and hung up shortly after. She knew what he was going to say.

"I've got to go." Horatio said as he stood up, his breakfast barely touched. He gulped down the hot coffee, then gave each boy a quick hug. He leaned over to kiss Yelina on the cheek. "We'll talk later. I'll make time. I promise."

With that Horatio disappeared out of sight. Yelina heard him grab his car keys and jacket and the front door slam shut. She sighed.

"Are you upset Mommy?" Matt asked, picking up on his mother's mood.

"No, honey. Finish your food. We're going to school."

Yelina watched her sons gobble their food, each a small reminder of the man she loved. Lately she was beginning to feel as if Horatio was leaving her to raise their boys alone. She shook the thought out of her head, and got up to get ready to take the boys to school, then head to work.
When it rains it pours. Things were happening at breakneack speed. Unplesant things. Yelina told herself to calm down. A CSI had been seriously wounded in a shooting. Reports were vague as to which CSI and she fervently hoped it wasn't Horatio.

Her car pulled up to the place where the shooting had taken place. To her relief she saw Horatio standing next to a squad car. He had a look of anger on his face. Dried blood covered one side of his face. She jumped out of the car. She watched the paramedics load the wounded CSI into the waiting ambulance. It was Tim Speedle, she couldn't tell if he was alive.

"Horatio!" She hurried to her husband.

They embraced briefly. She could tell Horatio wasn't hurt.

"What happened?" Yelina asked.

Horatio shook his head. He glared at the suspect Yelina guessed was probably the shooter. He shoved the suspect roughly back against the squad car.

"Horatio!" Yelina warned, nodding to the news crew filming not far from them.

Horatio took a breath and interrogated the suspect. They were looking for a kidnapped boy. Yelina waited for Horatio to finish speaking to the suspect, and waited as the squad car drove off to PD with the suspect. The frentic pace slowed with the departure of the suspect and the new crew looked like they were packing up.

She knew they needed to talk, about their marriage, about the shooting, but she knew Horatio wanted to find the kidnapped boy. She took Horatio's hand, and led him round the corner of the building, away from prying eyes and ears.

Horatio leaned against the cool stone wall of the building. He thumped his head back against the wall.

"You ok?" Yelina asked.

Sorry for the short update, got to run, I may be back to update later.
H definately needs to make more time for his family. I'm very glad you decided to add some stress points to the story, besides one of them getting hurt. It's not like there's something out there like the perfect marriage.

Hopefuly she'll get pregnant soon :D

Excellent update
It's not like there's something out there like the perfect marriage.

Yup Tati I agree with you. And thanks all for the positive feedback.

Horatio nodded. His mind was a nest of activity. He wasn't sure if Speed would make it, and he had a little boy to find. And then there was Yelina, he had promised to talk things over with her, he never broke his promises to her. And he didn't want to. Anger over the shooting was still clouding his thoughts.

"I should have reacted faster, maybe he wouldn't have been shot... we walked into a robbery... they were shooting at us. I shot the guy shooting at me, but Speed didn't fire back. I should've... "

"You need to stop and take a breath." Yelina said, clearly concerned. Much as she was still mad at Horatio for the past couple of months, she was worried for him. She remembered when they had just started dating and her partner was shot. She knew what it felt like. And Horatio had been there for her.

"Just take a minute, I know you want to find that boy. Just give me a minute."

Yelina jogged back to her car. The advantages of being a mother, her car was always well stocked with items needed by two rowdy boys. She fished a packet of wet tissues from the glove compartment, and hurried back to Horatio. He was still standing there with his head bowed. She started to clean the dried blood off Horatio's face. She felt his breathing slow, and he seemed to relax a little.

"All done." She smiled at him, like she would after cleaning up one of their sons after a day out in the dirt.

Horatio blew out a breath. His breath felt warm against her face.

"I... I don't, I don't derserve you." He said, his eyes clouded with sadness.

"I don't deserve you." Yelina said with more sarcasm than she intended.

Horatio nodded his head. He she had every right to be angry with him. He had hardly been home much in the past months, his work had ate him up. He was so busy solving crime that he had neglected his family.

"I know whatever I say doesn't mean much now, but I'm sorry." Horatio brushed a strand of stray hair from her face with more tenderness than he had touched her in a long time.

It was her turn to nod. "You have a kidnapped boy to find. That's more important now. You do what you have to do. We can talk when... when you can."

Yelina didn't know when that would be, but she knew how she'd feel if one of her sons had been kidnapped.

"Thank you. I'll be home soon." Horatio said, a look of promise on his face.

He leaned over, grabbing her arms on either side, kissing her hard on the lips. Yelina sensed pain and passion in the kiss.

"Be careful." Yelina said softly as Horatio turned the corner to get back to his Hummer.


Horatio watched as the rescued boy ran to his mother's arms. Both mother and son embraced. Horatio felt happy, he had found the boy, safe in the Everglades. At the same time he felt a pang of pain and guilt. His family probaly missed him. He checked his watch. Yelina's shift was over. She would have left to pick the boys from her mother's. There was paperwork to be done, but he knew what he had to do. He sighed. Time to try salvage his marriage.
Ok a quick update while my daughter is occupied with TV-land.

Horatio got back home as Yelina and the boys were sitting down to dinner. The boys were delighted to see their father as usual. Yelina looked a little pleased that Horatio had made it home in time to join them. Both adults maintained an air of normalcy for the boys' sake.

After Horatio had put the boys to bed, he found Yelina waiting for him in their bedroom. At least the door wasn't locked this time. He entered cautiously. Yelina was dressed for bed in her silk night gown. She sat up, throwing her legs over the side of the bed, and Horatio took a seat next to her.

"Peace offering." He said handing offering her the small bouquet of flowers he had bought earlier on his way home.

"Thanks." Yelina took the flowers. "I heard Speed's still in a critical condition in the hospital."

"Yeah," Horatio said with a sigh. "His parents are taking it pretty badly."

Yelina took Horatio's hand ans squeezed.

"We'd er... we'd better talk about us. Things have been... have been kinda strained between us lately." Horatio said his head bowed.

"Umm-hmm." Yelina nodded. "I was thinking... I don't think I want to have another baby. Not now anyway. Lately, I feel like I'm raising the boys alone. I don't want to do this with another child."

Horatio nodded. "I'm sorry. I know all this is my fault... after what happened today, I got reminded how much you and the boys mean to me." Horatio took a moment to compose himself. He choked back his emotions. "It's not easy to be married to me. I'd... I'd understand if you, if you want out."

It was Yelina's turn to sigh. "I'm frustrated Horatio. And it has crossed my mind to throw in the towel. But... no, and it's not because of Matt and Josh. I'm not giving up on us this easily."

Their eyes locked and each blinked back tears. "Neither would I. I'll work on making things better. I promise." Horatio said. "Things won't get better overnight, but I'm starting to look for a new CSI."

"That's a start." Yelina smiled.

"Thank you." Horatio smiled back. "I love you, I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

He pulled her into a tight embrace. "I love you too." She replied.