What If ? (H/Y fic)

:D :D
*joins in group hugh*

Great update Hrockz!! One of the things I like most about this story is that you don't make everything perfect for them...you make it sounds real! :) As it is that Y has problems with intimacy after her assault...

Danport is sure gonna suffer! :devil:
Never saw what was coming to him...oh yes that was happens if you mess with the task force! :devil:
*jumps in on group hug*

I can't wait to go after Danport, and the fire extinguisher is probably a good idea, especially tomorrow. I'm going to try to cook dinner, so I'd better check that mine is full.

Hey what ever happened to the man eating squirrels that we were going to set on him? :lol:
seems to me Danport and Stetler need a good seeing too,if the task force needs help (the punked comp kid) has just got her yellow belt in karata

great update Hrockz thanks :)
HC_4_my_birthday said:
(the punked comp kid) has just got her yellow belt in karata

Wish her congrats from me , will you?

I just read a book about selfdefense (I have a bad trackrecord with guys [one of them stalked me] ), maybe I can use some moves on Stetler, eh? :D
Gosh Tati that guy who stalked you sounds scary, he isn't doing that anymore is he? But it's always good for girls to know self-defense.
Thanks for the positive feedback guys.

It had been a month since the failed atempt at getting intimate with his wife, and although Horatio tried not to show it, he was frustrated. But he understood she was going through a hard time, and he told himself he had to be patient. Co-workers enquired as to how things were going with them, but they always gave the same reply, that things were fine. He still loved her dearly, but had't a clue how to help her. He could only be patient and wait.

Yelina could feel her husband's frustration, although he never pressed her or forced her, she knew he was a man after all, and they had a very good sex life prior to her assult, but now things were entirely different. She was determined not to let what had happened ruin her life or marriage. And perhaps she felt ready now.

She had taken time to prepare for that evening, and she hoped it would be the way she hoped it would, instead of fizzling out. It was opportune that Horatio was working late and she had the time to send Matt and Josh to her mother's, then rush home to make a romantic dinner.

She heard Horatio pull into the driveway just as she was taking the roast out of the oven. She heard him come in and called out, "In here!"

"The house is quiet. Where're the boys?" Horatio asked leaning against the doorway of the kitchen.

"I sent them to my mom's."

Horatio raised and eyebrow and frantically searched his memory, was it someone's birthday or was it their anniversary he had forgotten. When he was satisfied he didn't forget any important date, he relaxed and smiled. "Got something planned for us?"

"Maybe. Go hit the shower, dinner'll be ready soon."

"Yes Ma'am."

Horatio was greeted with the aroma of his wife's cooking as he descended the stairs, she had set the table for dinner. Not his favourite ropa vieja that she cooked but it was still good. She even had a bottle of red wine on ice. After dinner he complimented her on her cooking, and offered to clean up, the least he could do. She agreed without much protest. When he had finished with the dishes, he realised that Yelina was no longer downstairs. He headed to their bedroom, not daring to give in too much to false hope.

He entered their bedroom to find Yelina clad in something probably from Victoria's Secret, and his stomach did a little excited flip.

"Are you trying to seduce me Ma'am?" Horatio said with his head cocked and his lips turned in a smile.

"Maybe." Yelina walked slowly to him, wrapping her arms round his neck and kissing him deeply on the lips.

"Hmmm, dinner and then this. This must be my lucky day." Horatio said, his deep voive sending nice tingles down her spine.

Yelina smiled, her beautiful smile, then started to pull of the shirt he was wearing. Their lips met again, and they ended up on the bed, clothes discarded, but she sensed his hesistency.

"It's ok. I think I'm ready." Yelina said, urging him on.

"You sure?"

"I guess there's only one way to find out." Yelina said as she stared into his deep blue eyes.

"Ok but if you want to stop..."

Yelina replied by giving him another seep kiss. Making love was about been slow and gentle that night, and when they were done, thre were tears in Yelina's eyes.

"You ok?" Horatio asked seeing her tears. "I'm sorry if I -"

She put a finger to his lips. "I'm just happy."

He smiled back. Rolling onto his back he replied, "I'm happy too."
Hrockz said:
Gosh Tati that guy who stalked you sounds scary, he isn't doing that anymore is he? But it's always good for girls to know self-defense.

No he isn't doing that anymore, a couple of my friends talked to him about it. Anyway I met him @ school, we talked etc during breaks. And one day I had detention (Skipped a class, bad me :lol:) and he was there aswell. I already knew him a couple of weeks but actually knowing is the wrong word. We didn't know each other at all, we just talked about school. Anyway he drove me home to my house, and that truly FREAKS me out.. Come on, we didn't know anything about each other! And I certainly didn't want to start a friendship with him. He apparently read my intentions wrong. He asked me out, he wanted to take me bowling and meet his family. Those words alone "meet his family" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *run*. Anyway I told him I didn't have time that weekend. Yet he showed up, but I told my dad I didn't like him that much so my dad told him I wasn't home. New schoolweek starts, I see him standing talking to some of his friends. He sees me and he immediately goes after me. I literally couldn't go ANYWHERE for a month cause he'd always follow me. I couldn't even put on my MSN because he was ALWAYS there and he always wanted to talk to me and ask me out etc. And I'm the kinda person who doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings so a couple of my friends did that instead..

I'm more loyal than a lapdog, trust me! When I go out with friends of mine and one of them is ready to leave, and she/he has to go in the same direction as me, I go with him/her to make sure he/she gets home safely. Or when I go out with my best friend, she's a bit shy I had that too but I got over it, and one of those others fellas asks me to go to another bar or whatever I always ask my best friend if she's coming. If she doesn't want to , I stay with her.

By the way I'm working on a filmscript that's partly based on me and my way of looking at love. When it comes to love i'm the most sarcastic biatch you'll ever find :lol: Sure I like love, but not when it involves myself (I hate standing in the centre of attention). And ppl who talk to each other on the phone like "do you love me? cause I love you.." :eek: STOP IT, GET A LIFE! :p

Sorry for the offtopic by the way.

OOOh gotta love H and gotta love Y. Glad that everything seems to be okay again :D
Although your friends talk to him, PLEASE, always always take care. Watch your back. I think reading a book will not help you much. Try to take some classes of self defense or try to talk with a bodyguard, they know some tricks. I have a friend that is a bodyguard and show me how can I defend myself using my car keys (or home keys), my purse, even my sunglasses, and what parts of the body will hurt the most if you hit them.
Sorry for my intromission. But I know more or less what you went through. I was held hostage with my mom and my 7 year old nephew (he was held at gun point), and two more women. This guy decide to robe the hair saloon when we were in there. I could have taken this guy out, I got two opportunities but I didn't know how. After an agonizing hour he decide to leave, but before that he hit my mother, I was so furious that when he got out to the street I chase him, shouting in the street that he was a thief, HE DROP ALL THE LOOT, thank god, he got our purses with our addresses. But at a point, instead of running away from me, he decided to run TO me. I froze up. So I stood up with my hands at my face (as if that will stop a bullet, I was praying) he pass me saying "you bitch" and pointing the gun at me. But people were getting out hearing the commotion so he continue running and got away.
For a while, everytime I got home I watched every dark space where someone could hide, two fearful Beagles (ha ha) to protect me (I still have those), a screw driver in my car and a bat behind my door. Thank god all my nightmares went away but I can tell you one thing, NEXT TIME I will be prepare for any eventuality.
Hope this will help you in any way.
I'm so sorry you had to go through all that RedHot I'm very happy your okay.

I grew up with 2 brothers so I know how to take care of myself. I mostly read the book because of a project I was working on. My best friend also got stalked for a while by someone in his forties (& she's 18). Even when I was with her walking down the street he'd follow her. But when she was alone he followed her even on the train! I don't know if she still has him following her, it's been a long time since we've been to the cinema..

Anyway that guy that stalked me, avoids me everytime he sees me @ school and I do the same so everything is okay. I have a bad trackrecord with guys. Mostly because they want more than I'm willing to give them. All of my friends tell me that I should try dating someone, if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out. But I don't work that way! I'm not dating anyone I don't have feelings for and I almost NEVER have feelings for someone and when I do, they usually don't last very long (mostly less than a day :lol: )
^ Tati you don't happen to miss a long lost twin, do you? That whole 'not dating someone you don't have feelings for' - TOTALLY me! And my friends don't get it either... :(

Anyway back to T. Hrockz I'm so happy that Y is feeling better, but I guess it had to happen, I seem to remember a daughter somewhere... ;) One tiny, tiny thing: red wine should never be on ice, only white wine should be served cold... (And I don't even like wine :p )
My god, RedHot, I can't even start to imagine what it's like to be held at gunpoint. Really sorry you had to go through all of that. I don't think I could've been as calm as you though.. . But I can tell you a story about the importance of being able to fight back:

A few years ago, I took the bus to town to see some friends. About midway, this loud group of kids got on the bus (well, kids.. I guess they were around 15-16 years old). They went to the back of the bus, two seats behind me. I could see they were really annoying the other passengers, so an elderly man got up, went over to them and told them to keep it down a little. Ofcourse, that only made things worse. They started bugging the man, calling him names etc.. when I lost my calm. So I got up, took a defensive position between the man and the group, told them to leave him alone and back the hell off (which was probably the worst idea ever). Big surprise though when they actually went back to their seats and kept it down (bet my 1,64 m scared them off, huh :rolleyes: ).
When I got off the bus, I noticed the group was following me. I started running, but they caught up on me. Basically, they then beat the crap out of me. When I fought back (never mess with a karate blue belt!) and this other guy came to help me out, they ran away. The police never found them.

Just saying, just the fact that you fight back can already scare off your attacker. Keys can be very painful if you use them right (Oh Daaaanport, where are you :devil:).
So Kit, always have yor keys ready. And if not, just call in the Task Force.

I'm having an A-team moment here:
If you have a problem, if no one else can help you, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The Task Force!
*Tatatataaaaaaaaa tadataaa* :D

Sorry for the off topic here, but it felt good to share it.

And now the main reason why I came here to post: Great update Hrockz :) Glad everything is going smoothly again between our beloved Horatio and Yelina.
_Hush_ said:
So Kit, always have yor keys ready. And if not, just call in the Task Force.

I heard that punching someone in his throat does the trick aswell. Anyway nobody has ever really tried to beat the crap out of me, and if they did I'm sure I'd beat the crap out of them.. I'm usually a very calm person, very hard to get pissed but when I am... nothing can stop me and I won't feel any pain. When I was 6 I slammed a door shut because i was angry, my hand was between it. Nearly lost my fingers :lol: Or a few years back, I was pissed and I hit my fist into an oak table. The next couple of weeks I had to wear a bandage.. At the moment that I hit my hand into that oak table I didn't feel a thing, it was until I was relaxed again that I felt it.. hurt like a (well you know). But I have noticed that at home i'm getting easily agressive the last year but I just try to solve it by acting like Horatio: Relax *breath in, breath out*
Where do you people get into all this trouble? The only scary thing (in this category) that I've ever witnessed was when some guy got into an argument with my dad. It was over something really stupid, but because it was in a kitchen this guy had a knife that he threatened my dad with. I don't think that he was serious, you know in the sense that he would've done something, but it was still pretty scary to watch. I think I was about 12 at the time.

I'm glad that your all alright in spite of everything!

P.S.: Hush check out my banner. v ;)
We really are beyond geek, I just had to add the task force thingie in my signature..

Everything for H/Y !

Oh and to answer your question Loony, I'm just a magnet for bad things :rolleyes:
Thanks for the tip Luna I'm not a wine person too. You guys sure have some stories to tell but am glad you all are ok now.
Adding the task force thing to your siggy is cool. :p

Anyway I'm fast-forwarding the story a couple of years so here goes...

Pounding the pavement in the wee hours of the morning, something Yelina started making a habit out of for the past year or so. Not like Horatio who prefered the PD gym when he could find the time, she prefered the outdoors. The quiet of the morning except the sound of blood rushing in her ears and her heart pounding, she enjoyed taking the time during her morning runs to think things through in her mind. It was the time to herself before the busyness of the day got the better of her. Horatio had tried to convince her he was making enough for her to stop working or cut back on her hours. But Yelina enjoyed her work, and she didn't want to give it up.

Her boys had grown. Matthew now a seven year old was quiet and was very good natured, much like his father, not that he looked much like Horatio. Matt still looked much like his mother down to his large brown eyes and curly mop of unruly hair. Joshua, now five, on the other hand proved a challenge and she often wondered how she'd had two sons with such different temperaments. He was always getting into trouble ans would have been subject to alot more time outs if not for how much he looked like his father. And somehow the little red-headed boy had figured all he had to do was put on his "sad puppy eyed" look and his mother might give up on exacting his punishment.

And then there was her brother-in-law Raymond, who after a string of failed romances had eventually settled down with Meredith McKay, the ADA whom he often worked with. Horatio had commmented that he didn't think his little brother would settle down but he was proven wrong.

And then there was her husband himself. People talked about the seven-year-itch, something Yelina refused to belive in, but recently she wasn;t so sure. In the past weeks, Horatio had become distant and withdrawn, often leaving for work early and then coming in late at night. That wasn't much reason for concern, he was now head of MDPD crime lab and he was kept busy enough with work. But then there were the late night phone calls which he would only take when he made sure she wasn't around. If his phone rang he would hurridly leave the room to take the call. And then there was the seeming diminished interest in Yelina herself, even donning some sexy underwear didn't elicit any response from him as it always used to. And there was last week, on her day off she had been asked to run an errand down town for her mother. Horatio had said he would be busy at the lab all day, but she had chanced upon him having lunch with a young brunette she didn't recognise.

Her suspicions had been sufficiently aroused but she didn't want to confront him. On the surface, they were still the perfect family, and Horatio was still a great father to their two sons. Perhaps she was afraid of finding out the truth.

Yelina ran the final bend down their street, she was almost home. Horatio would just be waking and she have time for a shower before the boys woke. As she reached the last strecth home she noticed a car pulled up outside their house. A car she didn't recognise. She slowed down and came to s stop behind a hedge, bending over and resting her hands on her kness, she took a minute to catch her breath. She looked up and saw the same brunette she had seen Horatio having lunch with last week. She was in their driveway, talking animatedly with Horatio. He seemed slightly flustered by her presence and clad only in his pyjama bottom looked as if he wasn't expecting her. Yelina couldn't hear what they were saying but after some moments of heated discussion, Horatio managed to chase her to her car and watched as she drove off. He looked round as if to check if anyone had seen what had happened, then hurried back into the house.

What was that about? Who was that woman? Someone Horatio was seeing behind her back? That would explain why he didn't want anyone to see them. Yelina felt crushed. She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but she couldn't fight the nagging unease.

Slowly she made her way into the house. Nothing seemed out of place and Horatio was nowhere to be seen. She went to pour herself a glass of ice cold water, then headed upstairs. Horatio had just emerged from the shower, his hair still wet.

"You're back early," he said, drying his hair with the bath towel.

"Yeah. Guess I picked up the pace a little today."

"I have to get to work early." He said, pulling on a shirt and his pants. He was avoiding her eyes, she knew he was hiding something.

"Got a case already?" Yelina asked.

"Um, yeah. Something like that." He grabbed his cellphone and car keys, still avoiding her eyes. He clipped his badge to his belt then slipped on his sunglasses. Pulling on his black suit jacket he kissed her quickly on the cheek.

"I'll see you later."

Yelina sat on their bed for a moment. He was hiding something from her, it was clear. Was he off to meet the brunetee she had seen that morning? She started to feel upset, angry even. She'd never once thought that Horatio would cheat on her, but now it seemed like he was. Was she reacting like the overly suspicious wife?

"Mummy?" A small voice called out, snapping Yelina out of her thoughts. She turned to find Matt at the door, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"I'm hungry." Matt said, walking to his mother for a hug.

"Ok, why don't you go wake your brother. I'm gonna take a quick shower then I'll have your breakfast ready."

The small boy nodded, then padded out of the room. Yelina sighed. Whatever it was, it would have to wait, the boys needed to go to school and she had work. Perhaps she would find the time to talk to Horatio that night.
Oh no...please clear this up quickly 'cause I'm getting worried!!...
He couldn't possibly be cheating on her...right? :(
This better be something else or he is death... :mad:
No one hurts Yelina not even H.