What If ? (H/Y fic)

Fire and rescue eh? So that's why I had fire trucks show up at my place today :lol: Good timing too, I had just tried to cook a grilled cheese, and well... it involved another fire extinguisher... :D

Thanks for the concern about the fire trucks, it was an interesting explanation to the fire men " I was trying a new recipe to use on Stetler" :lol:
Tati your ava is so funny, and the little kitten is SO cute. And love your siggy banner too. She should really say that to him on the show.

Anyways I'm saving Stetler for later on in this fic..., and just as I thought he lives with his mom :lol: As Tati said, the poor woman.

Life back in Miami was back to the usual, Horatio doing his work in the crime lab and Yelina doing her detective work. Weeks flew by then a month, then two. The morning was no different from any other. They had dropped Matt off at daycare, and their journey to MDPD was interupted by a call to a crime scene, somewhere out in the Glades. It was a long drive in from town, and Horatio was glad he they were in his department issue Hummer to navigate the wet swamp land.

The first thing that hit Horatio was the stench in the air. Not from the swamp gases, but the characteristic smell of decomposition. It was a smell he thought he could never quite get used to. Yelina wrinkled her nose, the smell was overwhelming. It wasn't the first time she had been confronted with a decomposing body but the smell bothered her nonetheless. She thought she could hear one of the rookie patrol officers throwing up not far from his vehicle.

They trudged towards the yellow crime scene tape and Horatio held it up for them both to duck under. He snapped on a pair of latex gloves, and removed his sungalsses. He crouched next to Alexx who was trying to examine the body amogst maggots and blowflies.

"What have we got Alexx?" Horatio asked.

"From what I can tell, this body has been left out here for sometime. At first glance, I'd say for more than a week. There are some cuts and scrapes but from what I can make out of this rotting mess, the vic was shot." She pointed to a gapping hole with maggots crawling out, from what used to be the victim's chest. "Body size suggests our vic is male. I'll know more when we get back to the lab."

Horatio nodded. "Thank you."

Yelina studied the myraid of insects crawling about the dead body. The smell was repulsive and she felt her stomach churn. She tried to take in a deep breath but the smell seemed to cloud everything.

"You ok?" Horatio asked, stepping over to her side.

"Yeah." Yelina forced a smile. "Just wish I didn't have to see this so soon after breakfast."

Horatio rubbed her arm gently. "I need to find out who found the body, any reports of missing persons."

"Sure." Yelina turned to make her way to the patrol officers in the background.

"Thank you Ma'am." Horatio said to her retreating figure.

"Collecting maggots and blowflies, my favourite activity as a CSI." Speed quipped as he came up behind Horatio.

"We need to get as accurate a TOD as possible." Horatio said.

Ok." Speed said as he crouched to the ground and started bagging the crawling insects. "Just make sue no gator gets me from behind."

Horatio had become accustomed to his CSI's dry humour. He circled the crime scene snapping photographs. The smell wasn't so bad afterall, he thought he might have developed a tolerance to it. The body was finally moved into the back of Alexx's truck and Horatio ventured further along the tall grass. He noticed a snubbed out cigarette butt. Thinking it might contain DNA he bagged it. As he stood up he noticed Yelina not too far off from where he was, she was bent over, and on further observation seemed to be losing her breakfast. He hurried over to her, concerned.

"You ok?" Horatio asked, steadying her with his hand. "Why don't you go sit in the Hummer for awhile. I'm almost done here."

Yelina shook her head and smiled apologetically. "You'd think I'd be used to this."

Horatio smiled back. "I don't think anyone would be used to this."

"I've been on this job for so many years, it's not the first time I've seen decomp like this." Yelina explained.

"You know what? It's ok." Horatio assured her.

"It's this morning heat," she continued to explain, "that, and the fact that I may be pregnant."

Horatio had to pause to wonder if he heard right. He cocked his head to one side, "You're late?"

Yelina smiled. "Yeah."

He bowed his head and smiled. He enjoyed fatherhood, and they had talked of having another baby, but didn't exactly go all out to try for another, so this came as a pleasant surprise.

"You tested?" Horatio asked.

"No. I was thinking of dropping by the pharmacy after work, I was going to tell you only after I was sure." Yelina said, still looking a little green in the face.

Horatio noticed his hands were trembling a little from the news. His first concern was still for Yelina. "Why don't I help you to the Hummer, we can head back to PD. I've had enough of this stench anyway."

Yelina nodded. Horatio signalled to Speed and Eric to continue. He walked slowly back to the Hummer with Yelina. They got in the vehicle, and they drove in relative silence back to PD, both excited, and for Horatio the work day couldn't end fast enough.
Awwwwww, yay!
Another Caine baby!!! :D
Should be have a celebration party or should be wait until it is confirmed?

Yelina needs to be as far away from decomposing bodies as possible...morning sickness is bad enough without that extra smell....
Yay! More Caine babies on the way.

Ooh, a party sounds nice. Where should we have it, though? I say something exotic, on the beach, and soon, because it's summer. Any ideas, guys?

Awesome update, Hrockz!
I'm loving the party idea, totally voting for somewhere hot and dry. It's been raining for a week straight, and I'm getting restless... tempted to try cooking again... :lol:

As to your question Kit, it actually did involve a fire extinguisher, but no fire trucks. Definately one way to get your mind off the rain, have a fire in your kitchen. :lol:

Great update Hrockz!
HoratioandYelina said:
As to your question Kit, it actually did involve a fire extinguisher

:lol: :lol: How do you do that?

Great update! I hope it's positive! Another Caine baby awww.

Mm a party yes, let's invite H/Y too. What about Hawai? :cool:
Hawaii? I'm definitely game! :cool:

Oooh I hope she's pregnant! The world needs more Caines. ;)

Honey: Stay. Out. Of. The. Kitchen! The task force can't afford to lose you!
She's perfectionizing her lethal cooking skill :lol:

Honey when ur going to cook something just, tell us so we'll make sure a fire truck is near :p
Hahaha, it's really quite simple... for me at least... one minute it's cooking fine and then the next time I glance over it's on fire... :confused: strange really.

Don't worry, for the moment I've decided to take a break from cooking, at least until Stetler shows up again... :devil: I think I've perfected the flaming grilled cheese :D
HoratioandYelina said:
Hahaha, it's really quite simple... for me at least... one minute it's cooking fine.

Lol when I'm cooking something I usually go into my living room to watch tv. Every +- 10 minutes I go check and everything is always just fine! :lol: I did burn a couple of pizza's in the oven. I always put it on max because I like them to be crusty.

When I was a kid I put a can of coca cola in the freezer, I ment to take it out of the freezer 15 minutes later but I forgot.. Later I opened the freezer and the can had exploded :lol:

Maybe I should put a can of coca cola on Stetler' desk, ready to POP. :lol:
Maybe I should put a can of coca cola on Stetler' desk, ready to POP.
Put it in HIS freezer.

When I cook, it turns out fine. I'll watch TV in the kitchen as I cook. Once I burned some eggs, and a few pizzas in the oven, but no fires here.
Okay so if we go to help Hrockz out, one of you two is doing the cooking, I really don't want to blow up a house... :lol:

Coke in the freezer? I'm going to have to try that one. And if we want to blow it up on Stetler's desk, we should just put a couple of mentos in the can, then we just have to shake it and it'll blow. :D
Yeah keep the can closed and it'll pop once it's frozen because something that's frozen is bigger than something thats liquid. POP!
HoratioandYelina said:
Coke in the freezer? I'm going to have to try that one. And if we want to blow it up on Stetler's desk, we should just put a couple of mentos in the can, then we just have to shake it and it'll blow. :D

Make sure it's Diet, though :)

Great update!!! And hooray for Horatio for still being able to make babies!!!