What If ? (H/Y fic)

*squee* Yay, another health-warning super-hot and sexy fantastical update! These two are too good to resist each other. :D Thank you thank you thank you!
WOW! :eek: I... Wow. It. I'm. WOW! All we need now is more rain so that they'll never get out of the bedroom! ;) *dances rain-dance*
Lunalove's distracting banner is playing above while I'm typing this again. :p

Horatio watched with sadness as the victim’s husband walked towards the elevator, his head hung low. The victim had been an attractive young woman, sexually assaulted and brutally murdered in an alleyway. All he could offer the poor man was a promise that the killer was going away for life, and a comforting word of how sorry he was for his loss. Horatio understood that no amount of words could relieve the pain the man felt and it was times like these he wished he could do more. Shift over he watched as his team, one by one went to their lockers and got ready for home.

Yelina came up behind him. She rubbed his back gently. She had been re-assigned to another team in the past month so they hardly saw each other at work.

“Bad day?” Yelina asked.

He smiled. “Not any more. Let’s go home.” He knew that if he ever lost Yelina like that he would not want to live either.

Horatio drove for some distance, deep in thought. Yelina noticed they weren’t on the route home.

“Horatio, where are we going?” She asked.

“You’ll see.” He smiled.

Horatio pulled up to a modest looking two-story house at Palm Springs. It looked unoccupied. Yelina wondered if they were here on a case she didn’t know about. He took her hand and they entered the house. Room-by-room he led her and he finally stopped in what seemed to be an empty living room.

“So what do you think?” He asked.

“You seem to know this place pretty well.” Yelina commented.

“Yeah, I’ve been here a couple of times with a real estate agent.” He replied.

“It’s an awfully big house for one person.” Yelina said, wondering if Horatio wanted to move out of her place.

“It wouldn’t be if it had two adults and a couple of kids living in it.” He turned to look out into the yard, as if imagining kids playing there. Horatio smiled, tilting his head in his usual fashion. It was the smile that Yelina came to know was reserved only for her.

Yelina understood what he was implying. She wasn’t expecting it. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“I’m saying, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, didn’t want to tell you till I had something concrete. Then I saw this place and, I liked it. This would be a nice place to raise a family.”

Yelina smiled. He had everything thought out and planned before he asked. Something she realized was his way of doing things. He took a step up to her and gently brushed the hair from her face.

“So what do you think? Do you like the place?” He asked.

She smiled, lowering her gaze. “Yes, I like it.”

Horatio’s heart pounded in his chest. With one hand he reached into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a small box. Opening it he got down on one knee and looked up at her. “Yelina Salas will you marry me?”

He held his breath as he waited for her answer.

“Yes. I’d love to.” She smiled. Her heart fluttered with joy.

Horatio got back onto his feet and helped slip the diamond ring onto her finger. “I carried this around for a couple of days, had to work up the courage to ask.”

The ring fit. She smiled. “It’s lovely, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He leaned forward and they kissed.

“A house and a diamond ring. I hope you didn’t have to rob a bank to pay for them.” She teased.

“I almost did,” He chuckled, “but fortunately, a Lieutenant’s pay and some savings seems sufficient for now.”

He pulled her into his arms for a hug.

"I love you." He said as he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too." She turned her head and kissed his cheek. “Now we just have to figure out a way to tell my family.”
Whoe whoe whoeeeeeeeeeeeei :D Horatio & Yelina getting married!!!! *squee*

Hihi can't wait how the family will react on this one :D
Eeeeekkk! Finally they're getting married!

I also can't wait to see how the family reacts. This is so awesome, thank you 100x Hrockz!
Yiiiiiippyyyyy! They're getting married! SCORE! This is a bit funny, I've just gotten home from...a wedding! Seriously. Granted it was an Iranian wedding, but still... :D
Do H&Y need the protection of the task force when they tell Y's family? ;)
They returned home to Yelina’s apartment that evening and she whipped up a simple dinner for them. Horatio did the dishes, letting Yelina enjoy a warm bubble bath. The dishes done, Horatio decided he wanted to join her in the bath. He entered their bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom. She lay soaking in the bath, her eyes closed, seemingly relaxed. Horatio pulled off his shirt, he stood next to the tub.

Yelina opened her eyes. “I’ll be done in a minute.”

Horatio smiled, “No hurry I’m enjoying the image of my sexy wife-to-be in the bath.”

Yelina smiled getting to her feet. “Join me?”

“How can I turn down such a request?” He peeled off his remaining clothes, and got in the tub with her turning on the shower as he did. The warm water cascaded down their bodies, and he pulled her to him for a kiss. Their hands played with and enjoyed each other’s bodies and they made love as the water continued to run.

Yelina left Horatio in the shower and she toweled herself dry and dressed for bed in her usual silk lingerie. She settled into bed with a magazine. Horatio emerged from the bathroom not long after, clad only in his boxers. He climbed in to bed laying his head on her lap. She placed her magazine on the side table. With one hand she stroked his hair. Horatio smiled and closed his eyes enjoying her touch. She looked down at him.

“I told my mom I was coming over with my boyfriend tomorrow after work.”

Horatio opened his eyes, his azure eyes locked onto her hazel. “You didn’t tell her you were coming with me?”

“No. I think I prefer the element of surprise.”

“Knowing that’s gonna keep me awake the entire night.” Horatio grumbled.

Yelina laughed. “The unflappable Lt. Caine’s afraid of my mom?”

“I’d like to get into my future mother-in-law’s good graces.”

“Especially since you’re already in her bad books.” Yelina teased.

“Thanks, I needed to know that too.” Horatio muttered.

Yelina laughed. “It’ll be ok. Go to bed, handsome.”

She slid down beside him and he rolled on his side, throwing an arm round her, both soon sound asleep.


They next day flew by. Horatio stood at MDPD reception, hands on his hips, sunglasses perched on his nose, waiting for Yelina. Ray came up to him.

“On your way home?” Horatio asked.

“Waiting for my date.” Ray grinned.

Horatio raised his eyebrows. “Someone I know?”

“There she is.” Ray said, nodding down the hallway.

“Calleigh?” Horatio said in disbelief.

She walked up to them. “I’m ready to go.”

“Be good Ray,” Horatio warned. Turning to Calleigh he said, “If he gives you any trouble, I’ll kick his ass.”

“Thanks,” Calleigh flashed a grin.

“Horatio’s favorite activity since we were kids.” Ray grumbled.

Yelina came up to them. Horatio took her hand.

“I saw the ring. Congratulations.” Calleigh hugged Yelina. “When’s the big day?”

“Um, we’ve got to get past Yelina’s family first.” Horatio said rather sheepishly.

“You haven’t told them?” Calleigh asked.

“I’ve been keeping our relationship from them.” Yelina said. “We’re on our way to my mother’s now.”

“Good luck.” Calleigh smiled.

“He’s gonna need it.” Ray added.

“Have fun and be safe.” Horatio said to Ray, giving him a meaningful glance.

“Ray’s going out with Calleigh?” Yelina asked.

“Had no idea till just now.” Horatio admitted. “And no comment.”

“How bad can he be? He’s your brother afterall.” Yelina said as they exited PD.

Horatio and Yelina got into his car and they started their journey to her mother’s. Horatio was visibly nervous.

“Don’t worry, she’ll understand.” Yelina said her hand reaching over to give him a quick squeeze on the thigh.

“I hope so.” Horatio said. “What if she objects?”

“Then we’ll get married anyway.” Yelina replied.

“Sweetheart, I know how much you love your mom, and how much her approval means to you. I don’t want you to do anything you’d regret.” Horatio said, his eyes fixed on the road.

“The only thing I’ll ever regret is not marrying you.” Yelina said, putting a smile on Horatio’s face.

They pulled up to Yelina’s mother’s. Horatio took a deep breath. Yelina did the same, trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

They exited the car and Horatio reached for her hand. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Nice, I've loved every part so far and I just know I'm going to love the next one. Horatio being nervous, that doesn't happen to often.
Hrockz really! How can you inflict Ray on poor Calleigh? On the other hand, better her than Y... ;)
Keep up the brilliant work! And task force you better be ready just in case, so meet you outside Y's mother's house? :lol:
Okay I'm back and ready to be at Yelina's mothers to protect them! :lol:

I just read all the updates I missed and I fell off my chair after the make out scene! ;) Good work Hrockz! :D
Cal and Ray? Wow, add them to the list of most unlikely couples! Way to pull a fast one on us Hrockz and can't wait to see how it goes with her mother! Awesome update! (I might die as well, Tati :lol:)
Actually I'm still experimenting with the Ray and Cal story. I wanted to see how you guys react to it. I haven't really decided where to take it since I'm more of a CaRWash fan and well Ryan isn't on the scene... yet. But back to our main couple...

Yelina rang the doorbell, her mother answered the door. The look on her face when she opened the door told Horatio she wasn’t happy to see him, neither was she expecting it. Yelina spied her brother Carlos' car parked down the road and immediately knew this wasn't going to be easy. He had always been the over-protective big brother. That was the last thing she felt she needed right now.

“You said you were bringing your boyfriend over. I didn’t think it was going to be him.” Rosalina Salas said in Spanish. Horatio had been in Miami long enough to vaguely understand what she was saying.

“Mama,” Yelina started. “I meant to tell you but I didn’t cos I knew you'd be upset.”

Her mother sighed. “I'm upset now." She eyed the couple for a second then said in English, "Come in.”

They took a seat on the couch in the living room. Yelina's mother took the armchair next to them. “When did you get back together with Horatio?” Rosalina asked.

“Couple of months now.” Yelina said.

“And all this time you came over, you never told me. When were you going to tell me?” She asked angrily.

They had conversed in Spanish and things got lost in the translation for Horatio. He could tell from the tone Rosalina was upset. To make things worse, he realized Yelina’s older brother Carlos was there too. He emerged from the kitchen, standing protectively next to his mother. From what Horatio could remember of Yelina's brother, he was quite the hothead.

“Mama, we came here because we wanted to tell you we’re getting married.” Yelina said the conversation now being carried out in English for Horatio's benefit.

“After what he did last time?” Rosalina asked, worried for her youngest daughter.

“I would never hurt her again.” Horatio replied firmly.

“That’s what they all say.” Carolos said taking a step towards Horatio.

“You’re not marrying my daughter.” Rosalina said looking directly at Horatio.

“Horatio’s been nothing but the perfect boyfriend since we got together. We’re getting married whether you like it or not.” Yelina took Horatio’s hand.

"Yelina, you will do as I say." Her mother stated, raising her voice.

"No Mama." Yelina raised her voice too. "Horatio and I love each other and we're getting married. We don't need your approval, and not Carlos' either." She stood up, pulling Horatio to his feet too.

Carlos lost his cool and swung at Horatio, his fist landing on Horatio’s cheek. “You’re not marrying my sister.” he said angirly. Horatio didn’t retaliate, but he didn't back down either.

“Carlos!” Yelina shouted. “I can’t believe you did that!” She turned to Horatio. “You ok?”

Horatio rubbed his cheek, he’d taken worse. “I’m ok.”

“This is crazy. We’re leaving.” Yelina said in Spanish, blinking back tears.

She stormed out of the house.

Horatio looked at Yelina's mother. “Ma’am, I know I’ve hurt Yelina very much in the past. But I will never do that again. You have my word. Yelina loves you very much. I hope we can have your blessings for us to get married.”

With that he hurried out the door after Yelina.
Aww poor Yelina. Horatio had it coming to him for what he did to her but what the hell did she do? Get her heart broken, and then forgive and love again. Her family means so much to her and she won't have their blessings...or will she? Hrockz I can't wait to see where you take this, thank you!
They drove home in silence. Horatio knew Yelina was mad, he thought it better to let her cool down. They got home, and Yelina sat on their bed. She seemed to have calmed down somewhat.

Horatio threw his jacket on the bed and cautiously sat down next to her. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. Gently he took her hand in his. “You alright?”

“I should be asking you that question.” Yelina said, rubbing the bruise that was starting to become visible on his cheek.

“It’s no big deal. It wasn’t a hard punch.” Horatio smiled. “I let him do that.”

“Why?” Yelina asked.

“I was hoping your mom would change her mind after that.” He smiled ruefully.

“It didn’t work.” Yelina said, kissing his cheek. “I’ll get you an ice pack.”

Yelina walked into the kitchen and he followed. She pulled out the ice pack from the freezer and gently pressed it onto his bruise.

“I still can’t believe they reacted like that. I didn’t even know my brother would be there.” She sighed.

“Your mom’s only trying to protect her daughter.” Horatio said. “After what I did to you the last time we were together, she doesn’t want it to happen again. Your brother too.”

“My mom’s so stubborn sometimes.”

“I guess that’s where you get that trait from.” Horatio teased.

She punched him playfully on the shoulder.

“Your brother, now you.” Horatio pouted.

Yelina laughed. He was glad he managed to lighten her mood.

“I’m sorry, how about I cook you some ropa vieja to make it up to you.”

“Sounds great.”

Yelina started pulling out the ingredients from the refrigerator.

“So what are we going to do now that your family’s doesn’t want us getting married?” Horatio asked.

She turned to face him. “I don’t care what they think. I want us to be married. We should start picking a date.”

“Ok.” Horatio said softly. He still detected hurt in her tone. “Any date you want is fine by me.”

“May. Let’s pick a date in May.” Yelina said.

“Sweetheart that’s two months away. We need time to get the house ready.” Horatio pointed out.

“I can take a couple of days off work to prepare, we can pull this off.”

“You sure you’re not hurrying this just to spite your mom?” Horatio asked.

For once, Yelina hated how he always read her mind. “Do you want to get married or not?”

Horatio knew she was getting worked up again and decided to let it go. “Yeah. Of course I do. May it is then.”

“Good. Why don’t you go watch some TV, I’ll call you once dinner’s ready.” She said.

He understood she wanted to be alone. “Sure.” He plopped himself down on the couch, his mind not really on the game that was on. He wanted her to be happy and he knew he had to get her family’s approval to do so.