What If ? (H/Y fic)

darn it got no golf clubs,will a baseball bat do try not to hit him to hard :devil:

so sweet of H to take Y some chicken soup

great update Hrockz :)
Thanks for the wonderful update Hrockz! I'm glad to see that Y broke up, now she just needs to let H back in!

Hrockz said:
Lunalove pardon my ignorance but what's a 'blood eagle'?

Actually I'm very reasured that you don't know what it is... :lol: Here's a description from wikipedia:
The Blood Eagle was reportedly a method of torture and execution that is sometimes mentioned in Norse saga literature. It was performed by cutting the ribs of the victim by the spine, breaking the ribs so they resembled blood-stained wings, and pulling the lungs out. Salt was sprinkled in the wounds.

What do you say Task Force? Evil enough? :devil: Muahahahaha! :devil:

I hope your cat gets better soon, what's wrong with it?

The vet didn't say, but he did give her two shots and I have to force feed her pills twice a day. So now I need a doctor... Nah, she's being quite good about it, and she is already much better. :)

Tati great idea with the names, then there could be a 'real Mini H! :lol:
I'm with cainesugar on the torturing Stetler idea. I'll bring the itching powder. :devil:

I've been out of town all weekend and I'll be gone for most of the week so I won't be able to come online for a while, my uncle died and my aunt lost it so my family's stepping in.

Keep updating, and let me know what the task force decides to do to Stetler! :devil:

Love the story Hrockz. See you guys in a week! :D
So sorry to hear about your uncle HnY you take care and hear from you in a week.

Luna now I'm wondering how you got to know about the blood eagle thing. :p Glad your cat's better.

All the best for your exams Tati. I hope my fics provide a good distraction from your studying.

Thanks for all the wonderful encouragement about the fic so far. Knowing you all enjoy it makes me wanna write more.
The following has a health warning ;)

Morning arrived and Yelina got out of bed feeling better about herself and the events that had transpired. She showered and dressed for work. As she walked out the front door, she was surprised to see Horatio seated on the ground next to her door, his legs drawn up to his chest. He quickly rose to his feet when he saw her.

“You stayed?” She asked.

“I was worried Rick would come back while you were sleeping,” He replied rather sheepishly.

Yelina was touched by his actions. It was all very sweet.

“Well ahh… I better get to work now.” He said.

“Wait,” Yelina said, “I can’t let you go to work like that after spending the night outside my door. The least I could do is offer you a hot shower and breakfast.”

Horatio smiled. “I could use some coffee.”

Yelina opened the door and let Horatio in. “Nothing much has changed since I was last here.”

Yelina smiled. “You know where the bathroom is.”

After his shower, Horatio emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped round his waist. Yelina was seated on the bed. She had a set of clothes laid out for him. She was glad he had maintained his slim, well-toned body. Her mind recalled the time when she and Horatio had been intimate.

“I still have some of your clothes here from when we were dating.”

“I thought you would have thrown them out.” Horatio grinned, tilting his head.

“Didn’t have the heart to.” She smiled back.

Yelina left the room to give him some privacy, and Horatio pulled on a shirt and trousers. She returned with the jacket he recognized as the one he had left with her after their first meeting at the beach.

“I hope I still fit in that.” Horatio laughed.

“I’m sure you will.” She said walking up to him and handing him the jacket. “I knew I'd return it to you someday.”

Horatio pulled it on. Yelina helped fix his shirt collar. It all felt very domestic, like they were an old married couple.

“Now let’s have a look at that eye shall we?” Horatio asked softly. He pressed on the bruise that was still visible gently with his fingers. She winced slightly. “Sorry.” He said.

Their faces were so close another inch and their lips would meet. They stared into each other’s eyes, their longing for each evident. Yelina closed her eyes, tilting her head slightly, giving him the go ahead. He mirrored her actions, his head tilting in the opposite direction, and their lips met again after an almost two years. Their lips tasted and tongues explored. It had been too long. Old buried feelings re-surfaced. Yelina snaked her arms round his neck, raking his ginger-red hair. Horatio’s hands rested on her hips, he pressed her tightly to him and she began to feel the beginnings of his arousal. His hand moved upwards slowly along her side. The sharp ringing of his cellphone interrupted them.

Horatio reached for his phone that was on her bed. He recognized the number, “Calleigh?” He said as he flipped open his phone. “I’m running a little late, grab Speed and I’ll meet you at the crime scene.”

As he closed his phone he saw Yelina answer hers. “I’ll be right there.”

“Dead body at Coral Gables?” Horatio asked.

Yelina smiled. “Yeah.”

“My Hummer’s downstairs, I’ll drive us.” Horatio offered.

“I’d rather… have my own ride.” Yelina explained.

He understood. What went on between them was just a kiss. Was it weakness, lust or love? Too many things had happened between them and after the bad break-up with Rick, he understood her hesitancy to be seen arriving at work with him. He nodded.

“We’ll talk later.” Horatio said as he slipped on his sunglasses, his mind already gearing up for the day ahead at work.
God I hate those cellphones they always interrupt something good! Even in the episodes... Remember Dead Zone? Such a great scene and the stupid cellphone interrupted!!! :'(

Lovely written Hrockz and yes it brings the distraction that I need so thank you sooo much :D
Wow!!! This was amazing, what a man. Sleeping outside her house was a great thing to do for her. Do this only happens on stories o do we still have this kind of men wondering by?

Nice story, definitively the bestttt!!!!
Ahhhh, just what I needed after this day of troubled travelling. (Everything has just gone wrong for me today...). :)

Hrockz said:
Luna now I'm wondering how you got to know about the blood eagle thing
Well, in school of cause. ;) When we learn about our forefathers the vikings we hear such stories. :)
I think guys like H are a really hard to find these days.
I remember 'Dead Zone', I wish H answered Y's question. Like he could have said 'I already found my treasure, you.'
Luna your signature banner is very distracting, when I'm trying to write a fic I keep seeing H/Y hold hands, but I love it :lol:

The murder at Coral Gables was a difficult case; there wasn’t much for the CSIs to work on and by the end of their shift they had only one good lead left to work with. Horatio left Speed in the lab, allowing him to run the powdery substance found at the crime scene in the mass spectrometer. Horatio and Yelina had maintained their professionalism, concentrating on their case at hand. His shift over, Horatio had the option to continue working at the lab or go home. He chose the former, bearing in mind that he had to talk with Yelina later. He hadn’t seen her since late afternoon. The sun set and night fell. Horatio hung up his labcoat, about to leave the crime lab when he chanced across Rick walking in the direction of Yelina’s desk.

Horatio took hurried steps towards the IAB Sergeant, cutting him off in his tracks. Rick did little to hide his annoyance, as did Horatio.

“I saw what you did to Yelina,” Horatio whispered, he didn’t want a scene nor to embarrass Yelina.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Horatio.” Rick replied.

“That bruise on her face,” Horatio pressed him like he would a suspect.

“She did that all by herself, I can’t help it if she fell.” Rick sneered. “Mind your own business.”

Horatio’s patience ran out and he grabbed Rick by the collar, shoving him against the wall. “You did that to her.”

“Get off me!” Rick said. "Even if I did do anything, it was only because she deserved it."

Horatio held on to Rick's shirt with one hand and raised the other fist, poised to strike him. He had zero tolerance for men who hit women.


Yelina came up to them. Horatio turned his head and Rick took the chance to push Horatio’s hands off him. Horatio tried to take a step forward again but Yelina came between them. Placing her hands on Horatio’s chest she pushed him back gently.

She leaned and spoke into Horatio’s ear, “He’s not worth it. Let it go.”

“I’m not surprised she went crying to you.” Rick taunted.

Horatio took a step forward, Rick stepped back anticipating Horatio to lash out, but Yelina held Horatio back. He allowed her to push him back a step.

“This isn’t worth it. It'll go on your record. He's IAB.” She looked into his eyes and he calmed down somewhat. "Let it go, for my sake."

“Get out of here Rick,” Horatio growled. Rick slipped off down the hallway and hurriedly disappeared round the corner.

Horatio took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

Yelina shook her head and smiled. “That was sweet. What you did.”

Horatio smiled. She wasn’t angry. “I’m headed home for a shower and change of clothes. Umm.. . I’ll see you at your place at nine?”

“I’ll leave the door unlocked.”


Horatio arrived at Yelina’s promptly at nine. He knocked on the door before entering. He had dressed down, different from what he usually wore for work, clad in jeans and a polo shirt. Yelina was in the kitchen as he entered her apartment. She similarly had changed out of her work clothes, now dressed simply in a revealing blue dress. Horatio did a double take, she looked stunning as always.

“You’re punctual.” Yelina commented.

Horatio smiled as he walked up to her in the kitchen.

“The coffee I owe you is brewing. Take a seat and I’ll pour you cup.” Yelina said. She placed an empty mug on the table and filled it with coffee, it’s fragrant aroma filling the room. Horatio sat down on the chair.

“Smells good.” Horatio said.

“As I recall, that was what you said too the first time I cooked for you.” She laughed.

“That was a long time ago. I missed your cooking.” Horatio smiled. Yelina took the seat opposite him, nursing a cup of coffee between her hands.

“I ahh, I’m sorry about this morning.” Horatio started. “I exploited the situation, kissing you when you’re very vulnerable. I let my urges get the better of me.” He bowed his head.

“Still the gentleman.” She smiled. “No need for apologies, I wanted you to kiss me.”

“So where does this leave us?” He asked hopeful.

Yelina paused, as if deep in thought. Horatio continued filling the silence. “I know you’re still hurting from Rick. I wasn’t exactly the best boyfriend when we were dating either. I’d understand if you’re not ready for another relationship now. But I want you to know, I still love you, always have and I’ll wait… till you’re ready… if you’ll still have me.”

She shook her head. “I think we’ve wasted enough time already. I want us to be together.”

Horatio’s heart leaped for joy. She was accepting him. He reached out across the table with both hands, enveloping her hands in his. She smiled at his gesture.

“But I’d like for us to take things slow… for now.” Yelina added.

“As slow as you want Ma’am.” Horatio grinned. He had his second chance with her, and he wasn’t about to mess it up this time.

Hope you guys like this update, they're finally back together. I'm pretty busy at work so I'm not sure when I can update again, but I'll try to do so when I can.
Like it? Be serious now! We LOVE it, right guys? ;)

You know, I get that 'distracting banner'-thing a lot. Hmm, I wonder why? :lol:
*dances around screaming* They're together! They're to-ge-ther! *squees* YIPPPPEEEE!!! Hrockz you're so freaking incredible, giving us all the agnst and now FINALLY they'r back togther! Thankl you thank you thank you!

Loved how H stuck up for Yelina, loved Stetrler slinking off like a hurt puppy, loved the whole thing! (And the thought of H in jeans and a polo is a nice thought :devil:) Thanks!
Just what I needed to help me relax.

This afternoon I have to present my yearwork to a jury of 30 or so people. Monday we had to practice in our class and they were asking stupid questions. And that pisses me off so I told them to bugger off.. better not do that infront of the jury haha. Sorry for off topic ;p

Horatio & Yelina back together! Lalalalala!!! *squee* You know what would be nice right about now? A chapter all about them making out *heavenly* Hihi

Yay, it's going the right way. Stetler got what he had coming too, although I wouldn't mind if he became fishfood, literally.
Thanks again for the positive feedback.
The following carries a PG-13 rating and a serious HEALTH WARNING. Do not read if you have a weak heart ;)

They took their relationship slow, as agreed. Taking quiet dinners together, slow walks by the beach, and the occasional movie. They held hands, shared hugs but never got more intimate than the occasional kiss on the lips. Horatio was patient, treasuring every moment he had with her. Yelina enjoyed the love and attention he lavished on her. She kept their relationship from her family, afraid they might object as he did hurt her terribly in the past. In contrast at work, they did not keep their relationship a secret, and everyone commented on what a great couple they made.

It was a rare Sunday when both were off duty. They had been together for a months now, and their relationship although progressing much slower than before felt stronger. Their time apart only served to intensify the love they had for each other. It was a rainy day and the rain poured, beating against Yelina’s windows. She stared out into the rain. Horatio had been at her apartment since morning, she had asked him over to fix a leaky faucet. He came up behind her, wrapping his arms round her waist.

“Its's fixed.” He said resting his chin on her shoulder and inhaling her scent.

“Thanks.” Yelina said, closing her eyes and leaning back into him. “You’re good with your hands.”

“Too bad it’s raining, I was hoping we could go down to the beach. Wanted to see you in a bikini.” Horatio lamented.

Yelina laughed. Her laughter warmed his heart. “I love hearing you laugh.” He buried his nose in her hair.

“You make me happy.” Yelina said.

“I’m glad to hear that. You deserve to be happy.”

She turned in his arms to face him. “I guess I should thank you for helping me fix my faucet.” She had a cheeky grin on her face.

“A kiss would be nice.” Horatio smiled his gaze falling to her lips.

She complied, her lips gently brushing his. His lips parted as she pressed hers against them, her tongue darting in between his lips. Their kiss grew more hungry and passionate. Horatio’s hands ran up and down her sides, his touch sending tingles down her spine, she gave a soft sigh, letting him know just how much she was enjoying having his hands on her. Her hands rested on his butt, giving it a squeeze.

“What happened to taking things slow?” Horatio asked.

Yelina gave him a naughty grin. “We’ve been dating for months, to hell with taking things slow. Besides you’re really hard to resist.”

It was Horatio’s turn to laugh. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” His hand slipped under her dress and ran up her thigh.

They made their way to the bedroom, and the making out started again. Yelina hungrily pulled off Horatio’s T-shirt and soon after his jeans were off. He pushed back her hair, kissing her exposed neck, his hands unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the ground. They lay on the bed, Yelina flat on her back and Horatio on his side with one leg over her thighs. Undergarments now discarded to the ground as well, their hands exploring, lips caressing. Unable to contain himself, he pushed himself up on his palms and entered her. Her warmth enveloped him and he groaned at the sensation. Her fingernails dug into his back as she bit into his shoulder at the pleasure he was giving her. It had been too long and pent up passion and longing reached a crescendo. He quickly brought her to her climax and almost simultaneously, he came inside her.

Out of breath, they lay in each other’s arms. “You are good with your hands.” Yelina teased.

Horatio smiled, kissing the top of her head gently. “And to think I wanted to go to the beach.”

Yelina laughed. “Aren’t you glad we didn’t?”

“Um-hm.” Horatio said, his finger playing with a lock of her hair. “Did I ever tell you I think you’re really hot.”

Yelina grinned, “You did. The first time we made love.”

“I remember now.” He smiled at the memory. They settled into a comfortable silence, enjoying the physical closeness.

“Horatio?” She asked.


“How’d you like to move in with me?”

“You’re really throwing caution to the wind today aren’t you?” He chuckled.

“Well, we’ve lived together before, and it’s not like we just met. And that connection we had, it’s still there.” She said, rubbing his chest with her hand.

“I know.” He replied, glad that she realized it too.

“So do you want to?” Yelina asked.

“I think, I don’t want to lose you ever again, and… I’d love to move in with you.” He turned, propping his head up on one arm, so that he was facing her.

“Good.” She smiled.

He leaned over to kiss her on the lips, their kiss deepening, she pushed him onto this back, laying on top of him, they made love again.