What do you hate?

OK, I've got a couple more things I hate.

Employers who have their heads stuck up certain bodily orifices. :mad:

Being confined to your house, waiting for the UPS guy. Then when you finally give up on them coming and go out, you come home to that "we missed you" notice fluttering on your front door. :mad:
I hate the 16 year old boys who are driving around my town on learner scooters, which make crappy farting noises, and having no sense of road safety. Arg!!!! Get of the frickin road!!!!!

Oh, and the Easter hols cause there are kids everywhere when I'm trying to buy my sandwich.

And my birthday being this week cause I hate my birthday. I don't know why. I just have issues with it.
needmorecsi said:
I hate rich people who think that their better than everyone else.

Totally. There's a bunch of people who live in this gated community near my house, and whenever I walk past it, taking the dogs on a walk or something, I mutter, "Filthy, stinkin' rich people" :p Ehn, all's good though, because we also toss our weeds into their empty dirt lots :lol:
I hate all these people who seem to think SPANDEX LEGGINGS and DENIM SKIRTS go together. Um, yeah this isn't the 80s people it's 2006. Grow up a little huh?
a few years ago i actually started a list of all the things that i hate. yeah.

currently i hate:
-oral presentations
-not being able to watch the tv when i want to because i have roommates
-alarm clocks that keep going off
I have one upon having a HUGE Migraine all weekend long I HATE Migraines especially ones that refuse to go away no matter what kind of meds you take
Ooh, I hate migraines too. I have to lay alone in the dark with a pillow over my head to even feel a little better. :(

Hope you're better now, Sara.
Hate I have lots of em!

Stuff: Phones, I mean their nice to look at and all the old 30's french rotary dial ones are my fav. But I cant stand them beyond that. My brother's friends call all hours of the day mulitple times and it get so damned annoying!

People get so pissed off at me because I don't call them. I hate calling people, I never call people. I don't like haveing phone conversations either, their always filled w/that annoying void. It's just a waste of money.

I also hate hate hate calling people that I don't know. I had this job where I had to call people I didn't know to make appointments w/them. I was so horrible at it, I had a typed script sitting right in front of me and I still couldnt' call a person w/o being nervous.

TV: Reality TV, American Idol, CSI Miami, Caruso, Law & Order: Criminal Intent(so sexist!), 7th Heaven, Teen Dramas, Soap Operas, MTV, Spoilers (and people who freak out about them and then have to post them everwhere and then I hear about it and get pissed because they've posted them in a very public place w/o warning)

Fanfiction: Mary Sues

Music: American Bubble Gum Pop, Asian Pop(J-Pop, Canto-Pop)

I also hate it when a singer/actor/band calls them selves an 'Artist' when they obviously don't have any talent.
Sirea said:
Ooh, I hate migraines too. I have to lay alone in the dark with a pillow over my head to even feel a little better. :(

Hope you're better now, Sara.
thanks yeah I actually bought some Excidrin Migraine its the ONLY stuff that works for me needless to say the migraines gone
I hate it when people take a spoiler and make it be the gospel saying its true that this and this will happen and when it doesnt They say to you "Ugh I never said that"
I feel like saying "so what am i a Liar"
oh I also hate Hypocrites but then again I just tend to hate Most people (obviously not the people on here but elsewhere... *sighs* I guess when it comes down to it I'm just to much like Sara for my own good)
I hate(seriously dislike) people who are so immature(not childish), selfish and irresponsible.
I hate(really hate) the Horatio/Aerosol storyline.
I hate when some one flushes the toilet while im in the shower I either freez or burn
I don't see why people get so annoyed about guys leaving the toilet seat up! Why? Would you rather them leave it down and end up peeing on it? Also, don't you not think they get annoyed about girls always leaving it down? I'm not trying to have a dig at any of you, I've just always wondered why that bothers people so much! :confused:

There are sooo many things that I hate, one of them has to be marmite! You know the slogan 'you either love it or you hate it' - well I definitely hate it!! *bleugh*