What are you reading?

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Last week I bought a book on meteorite impacts after visiting a crater. I've yet to open it, though, always being on this board! :lol: But I'm sure it'll be, to coin a phrase, "fascinating". ;)
drkate said:
i'm starting to read shakespeare's Macbeth. *sigh* i hate english class sometimes... actually, most of the time.

I wish we had to do that in english class :eek:!
I loved MacBeth, even when I was in highschool. Seriously, Shakespeare was the originator of the soap opera, I swear. All his stories are about murder, adultery, betrayal, greed... all the good stuff! :) If you can adapt to the language, there's some good stuff in there!
I actually went to see a production of MacBeth at an open air theatre in June. Was very good, and one of Shakespeare's top plays in my opinion. Has all the ingredients of an excellent tale :)
Ooo... I'm reading Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House again. We had to read it in 2nd year Upper Secondary School but since it was forced, I thought I get another point of view when reading it again :D
Ooh, that sounds familiar ^. I think I did a bit about that play in secondary school too :D I remember Nora and the children, erm...can't think what point my English teacher used that play to make though :p
I just finished 27 Bones by Jonathan Nasaw. It's great, but not as good as Fear Itself or The Girls He Adored. Now I'm re-reading Reunion, Book 3 from Meg Cabot's Mediator series, which is one of my favourites.
Hormiga said:
If you like that maybe you like "La hermandad de la sábana santa" by Julia Navarro,it's the same style.

I've just bought that book, but haven't read it yet.
CrimeShark said:
Now I'm re-reading Reunion, Book 3 from Meg Cabot's Mediator series, which is one of my favourites.
I love Meg Cabot too! She's one of my favourite writers :) I'm re-reading Boy Meets Girl right now :D
I read at the moment *The Name of the Rose* by Umberto Eco.

I saw the movie with Sean Connery times, but the book is much better and more exciting as the filming... ;)
Silhouette said:
CrimeShark said:
Now I'm re-reading Reunion, Book 3 from Meg Cabot's Mediator series, which is one of my favourites.
I love Meg Cabot too! She's one of my favourite writers :) I'm re-reading Boy Meets Girl right now :D

I love her Missing series (When lightening strikes). I have only read the first three but they are very good.
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