What Are You Reading? - #2

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I have read "Gigglers Treatment" a kind of childish book. But it amazes me how a book could revolve around a man who is about to step on poo. :D I love how the author names the chapters.
As a rule I'm not a big reader tbh but atm I am currently reading P.S I Love You by Cecila Ahern. I've had the book ages and never got round to reading it. I lent it out to a few of my friends and they all loved it.

A film version is being released later this year/early next year with Hillary Swank playing the lead role.

I thought I might aswell get round to reading the book before it comes out in the cinemas.

I'm really enjoying it and its soooo bloody sad. I was crying on the 10th page in :lol:
At the moment I'm reading Reginald Hill's latest book "Death Comes to the Fat Man" That's the North American title. It's the latest in the Dalziel and Pascoe series. When I finish that I have 4 more to choose from. "Rollback" by Robert J. Sawyer; "Dead Wrong" by J.A. Jance; "Obsession" by Jonathan Kellerman; and "High Profile" by Robert B. Parker. These should keep me busy for a month or so.
Finished reading the Dirk Pitt book, and it's already back at the library! Now I'm reading Eldest, which is the sequal to Eragon. Only 1 chapter into it so I don't know how good it is yet.

Though I'm still reading 'Monkeewrench' I also started reading 'Dead Run' by P.J. Tracy.

I'm always reading various books at the same time. :D
Im reading Harry Potter - And the Goblet of fire, for the 3rd time. Its so good, i cant wait to get "The deathly Hollows!" (by the way, its by J.K. Rowling)
I finished "The Godfather" by Mario Puzo a few weeks ago...now I'm reading "American Mafia" by Thomas Repetto.
I'm currently reading Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' for the I-have-no-idea-how-many-times-I've-read-this-book-time! :lol:
Also a big Gaskell-fan...
^ Gaskell and Austen are both cool :D

I'm currently reading quite a few books...

Lisa Gardner - The Perfect Husband (crime novel)
Elizabeth Peters - The Curse of the Pharaohs (Egyptian Murder Mystery)
Karin Slaughter - Kisscut
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Half Of a Yellow Sun
Mark Collier and Bill Manley - How To Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs

I'm also trying to get through the rest of The Germanicus Mosaic by Rosemary Rowe which I've been reading for months now :eek:
Whoa you are reading a lot of books!
I just finished Harry potter and the Goblet of fire. So today i am going out to buy Harry potter and the half blood prince ( ive read all the books except the 6th/7th ut i didnt re read them in order).
I just read my first CSI book Binding Ties, it was good, I couldn't put it down after a while.

Currently I'm reading two books. I'm reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. It's so sad, I cried within the first 12 pages. It's really good but I'm only half way through it.

I'm also reading Hoot but I'm not as into it. I mean it's alright but it jumps around way too much for my little brain.
Shadow Moon by George Lucas and Chris Claremont. If you've ever seen the movie Willow, this is sorta a sequal to that. It's been so long since I've even thought of the movie it took me about 10 pages to make the connection with all the names.

Oh I love Ken Follett's books! Although Whiteout isn't among my favorites - but it was still very good.

Right now I'm reading The Wishing Game by Patrick Redmond - for the 2nd time actually :lol:
And I'm reading fanfics...^^
I'm reading Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. Its about a group of bums, a brothel, a chinese grocer and a marine biologist and how they live and are connected in this little communtiy. I love John Steinbeck's books and I'm going to start reading East of Eden again as soon as I get my copy back from my mom's next week. That is by far my favorite book ever and no matter how many times I read it I'm eager to pick it up and start again.

Theres not really any thrill or amazing romance in his books but a simplicity and beauty in his words and the recurring thought that there isn't anything else out there and we have to accept life and make the best of whatever we end up with.
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