What Are You Reading? - #2

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I read The Pearl by John Steinbeck once. It was about a pearl that some indians in Mexico found and they though that it was beautiful. They took it to the pawn shop but the pawner said that it was too big and dull. I also remember that the fishers son was injured and the parents had to take him to the hospital but they couldn't pay the bill and the doctor was going after them. But I think that this book is about the beauty that other people see in things that other people may see as ugly. It was a great book. I don't remember much since I read it around sixth grade.
an older Nora Roberts book Cordina's Royal Family.
A friend gave it to me. So far it's ok. I'm only 25 pages into it.
I just picked up both of Ellen Degeneres' books My point...and I do have one, and the funny thing is... at a thrift store the other day, and just now started reading them. That woman is hilarious! I like her "journal" and "diary" entries the best.
I've just finished "Deception Point" of Dan Brown, good book but not really what I expected. I'm a bit disappointed, "Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons" are way better.
I'm re-reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", can't wait to see the movie :D
I'm in the middle of Kathy Reichs' "Grave Secrets".

It's so thrilling. I love such books. I also own her other books for a while. *yay* :D
I've just read an awesome book called 'Bright Lights, Big City' by Jay McInerney. The book was featured in the CSI NY episode American Dreamers, and I brought the book off the back of that episode. Admittedly I wasn't expecting to be blown away by the book, but I thought it would be an interesting read. It's about a young guy who lives in New York and is on a downward spiral. What I really loved about the book was how the author wrote the book as if you, the reader, were the main character. It was absolutely awesome. Thank you CSI NY for introducing me to that book. :eek:

At the moment I'm reading 'Snowblind' by PJ Tracy. So far it's okay, but I'll hold back judgement until I've finished the book. :)
Right now I'm reading The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I have to read it for a summer assignment and suprisingling(sp?) I like it. It was banned like in the 40's or something since it has "curse" words if you want to call them that way. But its really good even though I'm only at the beginning.
Currently it's CSI Body of Evidence, So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld (who wrtoe Uglies, Pretties, and Specials which I highly recommend), and Peep also by Scott.

Happy reading to all!
I love reading books :D Currently I’m reading two books (I like reading more than one book at the same time :p): re-reading Paulo Coelho “Veronica decides to die” for the fourth, or maybe fifth time, and the other one is a sci-fi/fantasy book by a Rusian author Sergej Lukjanenko called “The Last Guard” (rough translation)
I'm reading "Wicked" which I got on Monday. I've been wanting to read it for ages, and so finally I bought it and it lived up to my expectations. :D
I'm reading "A Clockwork Orange" the film is one of my favourites so I thought i'd read the book. My friend read it too and was saying how hard it was to understand a lot of it because of the special lingo they use throughout, but i'm coping cause i've seen the film so much, also it's quite easy to pick up when you look at the context the word is used in. ahem. It's good though! I'm also re-reading the play for my english A level - Oleanna.
Currently, I have lots and lots of books to read, which are mainly gifts and presents from my birthday and my confirmation.

I got an early edition of David Copperfield which I love. However, the book is from at least 1850 so it is rather old and I do not even dare to turn a leaf in it without ripping the page off. :lol:

During the summer I'll read books for my English and Swedish classes. The DaVinci Code and Walden are the current picks for Swedish. I am also reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Eric Idle's The Greedy Bastard's Tour.

Also, the next (and last :eek:) Harry Potter is due. swear I'm going to devour it. ;)
I have to read a biography for an English class this summer. I have to be in school all summer which is horrible. I don't think I've ever had a free summer in my life :(

Back to the point of my post. I don't really know biographies so any you all would recomend would be appriciated. I want to read something interesting but not neccesarilly about someone famous. One of my friends is reading one about a stripper/prostitute and what she had to do to survive. I can't read that but anything you can recomend woud be appricated.

As for what I've been reading recently. I finished reading Avi's Nothing but the Truth for English class a few weeks ago. That book was horrible. The plot was flat and the charcters were boring. I understant that the characters weren't interesting because it was supposed to be a documentary novel and all about the events. The events were uninteresting which made the boook fall flat on all angles.
Well, what kind of books do you like? Science fiction? Fantasy? Comedy?

If you're into science fiction, I'd recommend a biography about George Lucas (he wrote star Wars before it become film) or Douglas Adams. JRR Tolkien is intresting, and there are a lot of varities of biographys to choose from.

I read and did a project years ago, about Astrid Lindgren, several years ago. But it was for Swedish class and she was kind of a given choice.

What was the last book you read? Look into that author and read about her/him. If you not hated the book, of course. It is usually a good way to start, since you have the book fresh in mind and is able to relate. If you have to write a report on the author, it might be an excellent way.
yeah, what kind of books do you like calihan? I recently read the biography of the chemist Oliver Sacks entitled Uncle Tungsten. I enjoyed it mostly because I'm into science and I'm a chem major, but it was well-written and humorous. I'd recommend it
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