hi! *waves* i'm new around. figured that since i love quotes so much, my first post should be in the quotes thread
this one is from 01.01, "golden parachute":
megan: nice thing about hair, it grows at an even rate, about a half an inch a month.
speed: gives us a nice time line.
megan: yeah, she'd been using antidepressants for the past year, prozac and zoloft. six months ago she smoked some pot.
speed: and they say blondes have more fun.
...well, i don't think she was having a lot of fun if she was on antidepressants, tim

i really like this scene because, as far as i can remember, it is the only scene that's made me go "WHOA!" for the sheer science of it. i mean, DNA, GC and MRI i get, but i never would've thought to analyze a person's hair to get a timeline like that. it amazes me up to this day. it's the one scene that made me think CSIs really are the coolest people ever.
this one is from 01.04, "just one kiss":
that hamilton guy, the older one: you said our entire genetic make-up is in one cell... how do we escape that?
horatio: your family? you stop procreating.
best horatio line EVER. i can't remember if he was fiddling with his glasses when he said it, but he might have been. then the picture of awesomeness would be complete.
this one is from 01.05, "ashes to ashes":
speed (to megan)
: the last time i was in church was when kurt cobain died.
i love this quote because it just defined speed for me. when i heard it i just thought to myself "i'm going to love this guy, i know it."
the next three are from 03.05, "legal" (that was just the funniest. episode. EVER!):
calleigh: there's a morals clause in there that says if you stay clean and sober until you're 21, you get this. (she shows the rich, spoiled suspect a picture of a small island). breakwater key.
ryan: that's a whole island, isn't it? wow. my parents are leaving me their lawnmower.
...they should let ryan question all the suspects. he's just awesome at it :lol:
ryan: i took this criminalist seminar-- evaluating evidence-- the visiting lecturer said that the CSI's job is to think outside the box. sometimes the best tool is the stud attached to your earring, she said... those are nice earrings, by the way.
calleigh: you took my class (she smiles).
teacher's pet, mr. wolfe! look at him, trying to charm his way out of detention

this is most definitely the moment that made me love him. i liked him before, but from that point on i just adored him to bits.
lab tech: ...but the drops you saw on her dress: cranberry juice, vodka and some trace of citrus.
calleigh: if i'm not mistaken, that's a cosmopolitan.
ryan: total chick drink.
(calleigh mock glares at him).
calleigh: there was only one chick on our stall door list.
ryan (goes glassy eyed, imitating the airhead)
: that's hot.
i know this one's been mentioned, but it really needs to be put in context. it's hilarious! and emilie de ravin was absolutely hysterical as the airhead in that episode ("can we do this later? i have a facial." "we have a murder." *dies laughing*)
these two are from 03.13, "cop killer":
yelina: this is my case. i don't need you to tell me how to run it.
rebecca: yours for now, but it's gonna be mine later. seems like there's a lot of that going around these days.
i love quotes that make me react strongly, and this one... i remember clearly that i jumped up and screamed "OH NO, SHE DIDN'T!" so loud that my roommates came in to see what was wrong with me. and each time i watch that scene again i get the urge to pull that woman's hair off her head. so yeah, i guess that constitutes a strong reaction
calleigh: so how does a junior homecoming queen end up robbing mini-marts with a guy like jojo?
ryan: well, some women are just attracted to bad boys.
calleigh (smiling)
: oh, really? do tell.
ryan: oh, come on, like you've never been tempted... they're dangerous and unpredictable...
*snorts* that was just the most random conversation ever :lol: ryan's such a dork.
and i don't remember which episodes these are from, but i love them anyway.
frank tripp: come on, don't you guys have some gizmo to track this thing? that blue light with the buzzers and bells or that mass-spectro-detecto-whatever-you-call-it thingy?
i ADORE this quote because a friend of mine asked me the same thing (and almost in the same words, actually) while i was watching an episode of CSI miami. i told him they were working on it, and he said "you'll see, they'll come up with a machine that'll tell them the whole genetic code of a person just from the wind direction and the amount of crickets that chirp in two minutes at the scene of the crime." it had me in stitches :lol:
horatio (to eric)
: in the future, if you're gonna watch somebody's back, let me know about it so i can watch yours.
horatio's like the best boss ever, isn't he? he's the most awesome person ever. move over, chuck norris! horatio caine's here to kick ass and take names. and it's the sweetest thing that he cares so much for his team.
and i feel bad because i don't have any quotes by eric, but i have to say that his screenname in 03.20, "killer date," absolutely had me ROTFLMAO-- "6pakplaya2nite"? come on! :lol:
*scurries off to add some of the quotes on this thread to her quote archive*