What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

from complications:

dude: Never made a mistake lieutenant?
H: Not one I was forced to bury.

and when the guy (who's name I can't remember) was telling Calleigh how like perfect and symetrical her face was or whatever and she said "and it didn't cost me a penny"
Also from Complications, when Calleigh gives the Doctor the warrant,

Calleigh: Watch it, the ink's still wet
Horatio: *smiles*
I loved the picking out china comment between Calleigh and John in Body Count.

Calleigh quotes are priceless! :lol:
Jake: We make a pretty good team don't we?
Calleigh: *walks off and smiles* We have our moments.

That was a sweet scene, plus, Calleigh looked fantastic in that top of hers! :lol:
Calleigh: I can't believe I took a bullet for you.
Jake: I can't believe I shot someone for you.

I believe that's how the quote went.
That was a bit before

Horatio; *flips open cell phone* Fedall. Fedall, Horatio, road trip!

Or something like that, i just liked it because Horatio said Road Trip. :D
One of my favourites quotes of CSI:Miami is this one:

Alexx--The guy's a monster. Or he doesn't know his own strength."
Horatio--"Well ... he's about to know ours."
(MIA/NYC - NonStop)
"Do you believe her story?"
"I don't know. I guess that depends on whether you like seeing men dress up in your underwear or not."
"Personally, leather chaps, nothing else... That was a joke."
-- Calleigh Duquesne and Horatio Caine (Breathless)

"I'm just saying, it's a hell of a lonely road he's walking."
"Well, that's why I'm walking it with him."
-- John Hagen and Calleigh Duquesne about Horatio Caine (Simple Man)

Vincent Graziano: That's a good story. I enjoyed that. But you forgot one thing... I'm a lawyer, a damn good one.
Calleigh Duquesne: You know what? You're right, I did forget one thing; Michelle's blood wasn't the only one we found on the ring. Benito Ramon's was there as well.
Eric Delko: And the cremated ash. And the chances of that happening to anyone but the murderer are about a million to one.
Calleigh Duquesne: You may be a lawyer, but I'm a CSI. A damn good one.

Calleigh Duquesne: And you know this how, Miss Three-Inch Heels?

Detective John Hagen: Where have you been?
Calleigh Duquesne: I took a drive.. got some fresh air... I apprehended an escaped felon.

Dr. Alexx Woods: You're not even going to ask me why she'd slip Dennis eyedrops??
Calleigh Duquesne: I'm a lawyer's daughter. I don't ask a question that I have the answer to.

Calleigh Duquesne: Well when we get close to tool marks and ink processing I'll call you.
FBI Agent Peter Elliott: If you don't, you'll be hearing from my boss down at the Homeland Security Office.
Calleigh Duquesne: Well. I've got goosebumps.

Eric Delko: If I thought you could even understand what I'm going through, I'd explain it to you.
[Calleigh steps between Eric and Ryan]
Calleigh Duquesne: Okay, You know what, that is enough. I get it.
[Turns to Eric]
Calleigh Duquesne: Eric, we are fine. If I need extra help, I will call you.
[Turns to Ryan]
Calleigh Duquesne: You in the Elevator with me. We're Leaving now!!!
OMG!! i have so many favs i couldn't post them all at once so i'll go in order by characters....
H:They say that roaches and duct tape will survive the end of the world (to Speed in Tweaks and Freaks)
H:Drive-by, Miami style. (To Frank in Pro Per)
H:... when you're in Miami, we never close(Lots of Episodes)
H:This place is a buffet for these creeps.
H:Let's go talk to the other Russian, the cousin, before he chokes on a Twizzler.
H:Next time you want to take a swing at someone, start with me.
H:He is a liar. I just don't know what the lie is yet.
You lied to me.(A common Caine catch phrase addressed to suspects; sometimes voiced by other characters on the show.)
H:Bag it, tag it and let's see what else is there!"
(To Eric Delko)H:If we want to be effective on this job we have to survive, too.
H:Alright, be on the lookout for an Eastern European male with bad teeth who may have access to an ape.
(In response to a murderer who asks if Caine wants to know why he killed people) H:You just killed four innocent people. You're evil. You enjoy death. I hope you enjoy your own.
H: You guys couldn't find your ass with both hands.
H:Burn baby burn.
H:Fingerprints are like old habits. They die hard.
These next ones are all conversations that invlove Speed...

Calleigh:And Moreno's wife said he liked to stay up late and watch tv. My guess is he got jumped right in the middle of Letterman.
Speed:'Top ten ways to get your head blown off.(from Losing Face)

Calleigh:French lace -- from the window at the Moreno house. It's also used on high-end toupees. It gives a more natural look to the hairline.
Speed:Lace on a rug.
Speed: Well, shoot me if it comes to that. (Losing Face)

Megan:Thin epidermis, lots of blood vessels and the sebaceous glands are separate from the hair follicles. We're talking penis-- tore off.
Megan:You might want to get a good hold of yourself.
Megan: Still have to chop it up; confirm it's Paul's.
Speed:Oh ... (Just One Kiss)

H:This cocaine did not come from Haiti.
Speed: Not unless Haiti's in the middle of our crime lab.
(Dispo Day)

Speed:I love hotel rooms. Body fluids everywhere (Double Cap)

Speed:Sir, can you read the yellow tape right there? It says 'crime scene.'
Ted Zink: Hey, I got permit to be here.
speed: Oh ... you got a permit.
Ted: Yeah, that's right. From parks and rec.
Speed: Well ... I'm going to let you tell that to the family of the girl that got murdered here last night.
Ted:Whoa, hold on ...
Speed:I'm going to let you tell them that we can't process this crime scene because you have a permit for a party.
Ted: You misunderstood me ...
Speed: Then I'm going to arrest your cheap, tequila-pushing ass and have you spend the night in lockup with all the drunk-and-disorderlies, and you can smell the vomit of the fraternity boys.
Ted:You know what? Maybe I-I ... maybe I should just wait until you're finished.
Speed: That's a capital idea, Ted. (Spring Break)

those are only a few.....
More Speed quotes......

Speed:One minute, you're running the world and, the next, you're in a six-by-six

Eric:Had my phone on vibrate, I was, uh ... a little busy.
Speed: Yeah?
Eric:Didn't want to be interrupted.
Speed: Busy with the left hand?
Eric:Funny. (Body Count)

Alexx:please don't tell me we just gave a body away to a complete stranger.
Speed:Alexx, we just gave the...
Alexx: Timmy, I know.(Witness To Murder)

Speed: Just because you have a degree in medicine doesn't mean you have taste. (to Eric about an ugly persian rug in a doctor's apartment)

Speed:You need some help?
Alexx: Nah. I could undress a dead man in my sleep.
Speed:Leaving that one alone. (Not Lnading)

these next ones are Calleigh.....

Calleigh: That smells good.
Eric:A little café cubano. Put some hair on your chest.
Calleigh;Don't you just say the sweetest things.(losing face)

Calleigh: Do you believe her story?
H:I don't know. I guess that depends on whether you like seeing men dress up in your underwear or not.
Calleigh: Personally, leather chaps, nothing else... That was a joke.(Breathless)

Eric:What's your Plan B?"
Calleigh: Gun vault.... Be still my heart.(Simple Man)

Ryan:Oh, you've got an alibi.
Calleigh: He's got an alibi.
Ryan:We love alibis. (Legal)
these are my fav Eric ones......

Eric: Ha. Lovely. I just got a look at that tiger shark in the cooler. Liberal eaters, like Speedle. They'll eat anything as long as it's alive.

Eric:So, we've got a murder weapon and a suspect. What have you got?
Speed:*holding up a pair of women's underwear* I have a murder weapon of a different sort.(Breathless)

H:They ask you about your girlfriend?
Eric:H, you know I don't have a girlfriend.
H: no girlfriend this week?
Eric:The girl I'm seeing, I'm glad she doesn't have a polygraph (Dispo day)

Eric:And if you mention anything about 'Delko Time' again, you're gonna have to rent a room here.
Ryan: Fair enough. (nailed)

Eric:*holding up a dead rat* Take a look at this. Now how this got from your apartment to here is what i want to know.
Speed:Very Funny
*Eric laughs* (Blood Brothers)

My fav Ryan qoutes.....

Ryan: That's hot (immitating Venus Robinson) (Legal)

Ryan:Knife missing from this block could be our murder weapon.
Alexx: Nice work,Ryan. Think you may have cracked the case.
Ryan: Thanks, i have a keen grasp of the obvious(Hell Night)

Ryan:New mafia, my ass!(about the Mala Noche)(From the Grave)

Ryan: Haven't you ever pushed aside the dinner plates to get some? to Calleigh in Nailed

other good quotes....

Are you stuck on stupid? Frank Tripp to Tobey Hollins (48 Hours To Life)

Calleigh: a present for you from Alexx.
H: nasal mucus..and it isn't even my birthday....(camp fear)

H:you know what they say: You lie down with the devil, you wake up in hell (Double Cap)

Jeff Corwin:Nothing unusual... some fish... some crab... some... a-a foot (Death Grip)

Alexx:So, this is what a pirate looks like?
H:You were expecting an eye patch?
Alexx:Maybe a shoulder parrot. (pirated)

Frank: you were the last one to see her alive?
H: that's correct and Frank you better work quickly because right now i'm your only suspect.. (under suspicion) there's so many more i can't even think of em all.....
Ok, the famous quote.

Horatio: We. Never. Close.

It just sends shivers up my spine. :D

And this one!

Speed: Hey, you ever date a stripper?
Eric: Eh..i wouldn't exactly call it dating...

I laughed my ASS off!! :lol: