What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

Actually, I could have sworn that it was from "Extreme"; where the daughter of an old rich guy is murdered, and they suspected the wife because she may have wanted to get more money out of the guy's will. But it had turned out that she would actually get nothing if she had killed the girl, and that's when Horatio asks if she really married for love.
We're all so confuzzled. Well it is Saturday...
Anyways, 'Extreme,' if I'm not mistaken, was when that weirdo kid Tommy and his grildfriend were extreme thrill seekers and they did this 'kidnapping' thing where they'd get kidnapped, or fake kidnapped, and pay the ransom as the fine, but his girlfriend was kidnapped and found dead (well, her body dumped). Tommy did it, the ass. :lol: But I could be wrong. I don't know what the quote's from, I just don't think 'Extreme' is what you think it is. :D
I don't have any quotes for you all. Sorry, I'm out. Oh wait, nvm.
From 'If Looks Could Kill'

Natalia: How do we do that?
Eric: We go old school. We knock and talk.

I dunno, it made me laugh. I love Eric so much and the way he said it and raised his eyebrows, I laughed. :lol: W/e, I'm weird today. And every day.
i love anything horatio and ryan say.my fav?
on "nailed" when ryan and eric are talking:

eric: and,uh...if you ever mention anything about delko time again,your gonna need to rent a room here
ryan: fair enough
that is just so awesome.
bird_of_flame said:
Actually, I could have sworn that it was from "Extreme"; where the daughter of an old rich guy is murdered, and they suspected the wife because she may have wanted to get more money out of the guy's will. But it had turned out that she would actually get nothing if she had killed the girl, and that's when Horatio asks if she really married for love.

Then again, I could be messing up my quotes and episodes. :rolleyes:

No...you didn't mess up, the quote is indeed from 'Extreme'. ;) As you said, H and Calleigh were discussing the stepmom of the victim, Nikki Wilcox.

I was pretty sure it was 'Extreme' as well...but to be sure I just popped my dvd in to double check. :D
my all time favorite quote?

veronica:your hot
ryan:eek:pen your mouth
veronica:guys usualy say please
ryan:what's the name of the buckeye state?
veronica:what's a buckeye?
ryan:say ohio
veronica:eek:hi...that's hot

later in that episode
ryan:(imatating veronica) that's hot

thats just classic ryan wolfe right there
Quote from 'Going Under'

Ryan: Oh and Calleigh, I'm glad you're OK
Calleigh: Thanks babe!

I was just like 'Awwwwww!!!' The way she said it was really cute!
veronica:your hot
ryan:eek:pen your mouth
veronica:guys usualy say please
ryan:what's the name of the buckeye state?
veronica:what's a buckeye?
ryan:say ohio
veronica:eek:hi...that's hot

Ok, maube it's just me or the lack of sleep because of Daylight Savings...but i don't really get that. :lol:
You have to see the scene to understand it.
As I vagely remember it goes like this. When she's saying Ohio her mouth goes so far open he can take a swab.

Well after loooooooking through a lot of my csi miami episodes I've finally found that particular episode, it's Legal
I believe they were making fun of Paris Hilton's famous catch phrase 'That's hot'. :p I liked how Ryan imitated the girl, it was hilarious. :D

One of my other favorite quotes was:

Speed: So she's a swimmer.
Calleigh: Not for the girl's team she isn't.

Yeah didn't Paris Hilton buy that phrase? I think she did.

Eric: Cute girls.
Calleigh: They seemed to like you too.
Eric: Oh yeah? What'd they say?
Calleigh: They asked if you had a younger brother.

It was funny, but Eric is young! :lol: Ok, a bit older than the girls in Spring Break, but whatever.
My favorite has to be Horatio's "Trust but verify."

It means a lot to me personally...I went through a rough time of "trust issues" and one night I heard Horatio say that, it just hit me in a totally different light. Now it's like a mantra for me. I guess it's just "Philosophy on Life" 101 from Horatio Caine. :)
Most of my favs are Calleigh lines.

[stand-off with a suspect]
Calleigh Duquesne: There are two ways this goes down, and either way, you're dropping the gun.

Calleigh Duquesne: [Quickly walking through the break room] Hi guys, bye guys.
Eric Delko: [Stopping her] Hey, Calleigh, I heard you busted the stereo man.
Calleigh Duquesne: Hey, I heard you found out who the car crash victim really is.
Tim Speedle: Yup, he was a bad guy.
Calleigh Duquesne: You know, maybe not all bad.
Tim Speedle: I think the mob would disagree about 1.5 million times.
Calleigh Duquesne: Yeah, but you know, I was thinking. If he hadn't have stolen from the mob, then he never would have become a beach bum in Florida and then he never would have got picked up by the hurricane. Then if he hadn't got picked up by the hurricane he would have never hit Burton's car, and if it wasn't for hitting Burton's car, Burton would have gotten away with murder.
Eric Delko: [Smiling] Leave it to you, Calleigh, to find something good to come out of a hurricane.
Calleigh Duquesne: [Smiling] They do alleviate global warming.
[She leaves]
Tim Speedle: [to Eric] She's way too cheerful.

[enters gun vault, smiles, and sighs]
Calleigh Duquesne: Be still my heart.

"This ain't over, bitch. I'll be seeing you."
"Well, you know what the thing is, Hank? It doesn't really matter if you do because, even if you get rid of me, someone will step in my place. And, if you silence me, the evidence has its own voice, and it keeps saying, over and over-- you. You and your bullets. You know what? And, by the way, where you're going ... I think you're going to be the bitch."
-- Hank Kerner and Calleigh Duquesne (Body Count)

"You know Hank Kerner? Our fugitive?" "Yeah, we've been through two hung juries together. It's not like we're picking out china."
-- John Hagen and Calleigh Duquesne (Body Count)
Although, I also loved the end of 'Witness to Murder' when Horatio placed his badge on Eugene's body and spoke to him. It was a beautiful scene.

Horatio: Eugene, I think your dad would be proud of you. I know I am.

I agree, that scene was amazing! I hadn't seen that episode until last night, but I loved it so much! Eugene was soo sweet! I also liked the bit when H and him were talking in the hospital, when H called him 'Partner', it almost had me in tears!