Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hi all

I'm Ben, a Tweenie, a European CSI (LV only) Fan, Miss Helgenberger is my favourite - well she's a hottie.

Anyway looking forward to be around here more often
Cheers Ben
I`m Mariana. I`m from Monterrey, Mexico.
I am a CSI freak, a very proude 1
My english almost suck so sorry for my bad spelling.
here we are a little late for ep. we are (I think) on the ep. about the little girl that ice skate.
I now that the final is very close to you guys so I am just cheking for some spoilers.
If you have a question about how CSI is here in Mexico please ask!
Oh wow! Lots of newbies! :D

Welcome to everyone who is new. Have fun, post often. Snacks by the door, and see ya around the board. :)
Hi!!I just signed up! I'm kinda new at this.. and a little slow.. but ya.. you can call me Vicki.. thanks!
Hello everyone! Big fan of the show. I've checked out the posts on this board several times and decided to finally give in and register.
A big welcome to the board Everyone, hope you have fun, please remember to read the rules that are listed in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the LV forum, free food by the door. :)
Re: Another Newbie!

All types of food think of the food, and poof its there, and if you want it calorie free, think of it calorie free and poof it is. ;) its magical in a way. :)
Re: Another Newbie!

Hi all!

I'm really more of a lurker, but since I posted a bit these past few days and achieved the status of 'victim' (yay! :)) I thought I'd say something here. So, erm.. Hi!

I can't wait for the finale, and all the discussions that will follow here. It is a nice board, I like the fact that it's not focusing on a particular 'ship or character. I'm not much of a shipper, but I do have a favourite character: Brass. Did I mention I can't wait for the finale? ;)
Re: Another Newbie!

Aww Welcome to the board, and the shipper forum is down the hall, here the only time a ship is discussed is when it pertains and how it pertains to the ep, otherwise it goes back to its dock. :)

Please remember to read the "Help Guide" we have here in LV and there is free food by the door. :)
Hey peeps! I'm Leanne. Also known as Pirate Jimbob. I'm 19 in 4 weeks time & I have purple hair.
I have watched CSI since the day it started & I have all the currently available series on DVD for me to watch over & over lol.
I was originally just a fan of Greg, but he seems kinda boring these days, so my attention has turned to the one & only Hodges. Ahhhh, I love him, the things he says lol.
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