Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Dynamo1 said:
Hi, Handmade_freak. We have some handmade snacks over in the corner that are fat-free, calorie-free, and price-free. As you can see, we are addicted to the CSI shows here. Pull up a keyboard and join in the fun.

Welcome Handmade_freak! As you can see we're not only addicted to CSI, we're addicted to handmade, calorie free, fat-free, and price-free foods. :lol:
WWLCOME all you newbies- have fun- this is the best fan-site there is- so well run-and so liberating and you are free do voice your opinions without fear of being bashed or put down-for you views--the way it should be-- so pleasant- have fun- :D :lol:enjoy yourself like we all do ;)
hi im also new around here, i already take a look at csi miami forum but i likes this one too.
I dont know what to say but there are nice things around here i think im going to like it here, so maybe to next time, and if you wanna know something just ask me... many greetz and bey for now Nathalie ;)
SaraSidleStokes said:
Welcome HandMade_Freak
I'm more of a Snicker/GLH myself but GC is alright
come join the fun You'll love it here
- All for the CSI lovin!

I do have to say if I had to pick, one woman that Grissom would be w/and it couldn't be Catherine I'd pick Lady Heather.

Dynamo1 said:
Hi, Handmade_freak. We have some handmade snacks over in the corner that are fat-free, calorie-free, and price-free. As you can see, we are addicted to the CSI shows here. Pull up a keyboard and join in the fun.
LOL, Cute. I'm so addicted to forums(I'm quite the rapid poster) right now I really should be on here. LOL.

Seasira said:
Hi I am new my name is Cora, WillowsWannaBe talked me in to joining!
- Hey Seasira! I just joined up this morning on here. Q: What's with CSI in Las Vegas Forum, I haven't been able to load it properly tonight?

Thanks for the welcome all!
Handmade_freak Please See your PM (Private Messages) regarding your Signature. :) Thanks and Welcome to the board.
Hi, I'm new...

Just start watching CSI last year (kinda late, eh?), it was the middle of season 5 here, and replays of season 4.
I didn't really remember the first episode I watched though... but I remember watching a bit of this and that, wasnt that interested before. Then my sister got hooked up first (by Ryan Wolfe ;) --she watches Miami) so then I start watching LV too. Never thought forensic science is that interesting...
I remember I caught a glimpse of Greg and was like, 'who's that cute guy???' :D (too bad not much of him in S6)
I've finished season 3 in few days, followed by S2, and then S1... (no, I'm not addicted, really... ;) )

Oops...I'm rambling...
Anyway, still long way to go till the 100th post!
Welcome to TalkCSI Silhouette :)

Just remember to follow the board rules, and have a good time. :)

Good taste in men, BTW. :p
Welcome all newbies! I hope you like the board and remember to look around :D (outside LV forum) :lol:
Is that encouragement for newbies to come over to Misc, Ducky? ;)

Maybe I can tempt them some more with some of your special Finla...*cough* I mean, erm, my special Misc brownies :p (providing Tink, the elusive brownie-snatcher, isn't lurking in the corner somewhere, waiting to steal them all :lol: ).

Welcome all newbies! Hope you enjoy posting here :D
- Hey Seasira! I just joined up this morning on here. Q: What's with CSI in Las Vegas Forum, I haven't been able to load it properly tonight?

I don't know it was letting me look at it last night... but I have noticed some nights it will not let me in.
It could be to many people or it could be they are making some adjustments, if it continues, please let those in the QSF forum (Questions, Suggestions, FeedBack) and make a thread about it. ;)
That's happened to me before too. At other forums I've been part of, that would happen if the board was down for whatever reason, like Destiny{/b] said, maybe there's adjustments being made. It always seemes to happen to me most between 1 and 2 AM EDT. It usually doesn't last for long, though, so rest assured that your withdrawals won't last long either. :)
Hi everyone, I'm new too! :)
What can I say, I'm totally crazy about CSI, the show is just awesome!! I can't get enough of watching it! :D My favorite characters are Catherine, Warrick and Grissom but I also like Nick, Sara and Greg a lot! ;) Everyone's cool :D Oh and I'm a HUGE Cath/Warrick shipper :D Guess that was everything I wanted to say for the moment ;) I'm glad to be heeeere! :D
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