Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hi!I totally like this site. It rocks! I'm a newbie here. I mean a real newbie.I don't really know how to go around here. But I'll try my best. Teach me a thing or two. See ya'all later!
Welcome to the board sHiNNizLe have fun and if you need help don't hesitate to ask, we have links and tips to help out in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the forum. Snacks by the door, otherwise again have fun and see you around the board. :)
Hi there everyone!
I'm a newbie here aswell. I spent a couple of hours/days/weeks reading the board before I decided that this is definetely my kinda place *smiles*
I'm a huge CSI Vegas-fan, of course :)
And now I'm heading over to the oh so many wonderful "Nick Stokes"-threads, that's where I belong :)
Hello people!

I'm a very big CSI fan from Norway. I saw my first CSI episode last summer and I got instantly hooked. Good think is, I got alot of catching up to do. There are many seasons/episodes I haven't seen yet.

My favourite is definantly CSI vegas, and my fav character is Sara Sidle. She's hot :).

Ive been browsing this forum for a couple of weeks before I decided to make myself a member.

bye :)
Hi, I got re-hooked after watching a replay of Nick in a Box (aka Grave Danger)then seeing Gum Drops shortly after. I have been trying to catch up of past episodes since (thank you spike tv and showtime. I am anti GSR (age has nothing to do with it, just think too much time has passed, lets face it after so long women do move on :)) If I picked a ship it would have to be Snickers, only cause George Eads and Jorja Fox seem to interact so well on screen. I am not a die hard shipper though. I only watch the original, as for favourtie character Before this season would have said Grissom, this season however, Nick has really stepped up and taken over that position.
Welcome to the forum offy_the_man & rwf05 have fun and if you need help don't hesitate to ask, we have links and tips to help out in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the forum. Snacks by the door, otherwise again have fun and see you around the board.
Hi, Handmade_freak. We have some handmade snacks over in the corner that are fat-free, calorie-free, and price-free. As you can see, we are addicted to the CSI shows here. Pull up a keyboard and join in the fun.
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