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CSI LV is awesome just cos the immediate team hasn't change. No loss of members. Everyone is still there. No one leaves. Can't the rest be that way too? :lol: Just had to let this out.

Welcome to all new-comers! Have fun posting! :)
Well, officially, Holly Gribbs died in the Pilot episode and was replaced for Sara. But we did not get to know her too well in that first hour.
^ Ouh. Pardon me then. But still, let us just count those that we have grown attached to. The entire team not counting the lab techs but Greg of course. Heh, I say, huzzah for CSI LV! :D
CSI LV is awesome just cos the immediate team hasn't change. No loss of members. Everyone is still there. No one leaves. Can't the rest be that way too? :lol:

I know what you mean - I was thinking that myself the other day. There 2 or 3 I believe who have left Miami, and 1 has left NY. Hope LV stays as it's always been :)

Welcome newbies :D *passes around the burned brownies from Misc* :lol:
^ *crosses fingers and munches on burnt cookies* Mmm, got that smokey taste to it. Ya know, I hope so too. I can't believe Miami have lost that many people! :eek: Not only am I hoping LV dosen't lose any, I'm also hoping the rest will remain as they are now. :)
Hi! I'm Carmela.I'm 19 and I'm new here obviously... but not a new CSI fan... I've been a CSI fan since the beginning. I've been around here ALOT just haven't joined till now. Faves from CSI... they of ALL are my faves but Sara and Grissom if I had to choose would be my top two and possible Brass... love his dry homour. Anyways c'ya'll around.
Hello my name is Janneke and I love CSI I think everybody here hihi I from the netherlands and now in dutch hallo iedereen!!
Welcome All New Folks, to the forum have fun and if you need help don't hesitate to ask, we have links and tips to help out in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the forum. Snacks by the door, otherwise again have fun and see you around the board.
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