Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Welcome to the board To All The New Peeps have fun and if you need help don't hesitate to ask, we have links and tips to help out on the first page of this thread (first post). Snacks by the door, otherwise again have fun and see you around the board. :)
Hello, everyone. My name is trent bowie and I'm a devoted fan of CSI: LV. I didn't get into the show until the middle of the second season and I've been hooked ever since.

For fun, I like to create art. Occasionally, I'll draw and paint, but lately I've been making banners. If you ask nicely, I might make you one. :) I also like to read a lot of books (sometimes the dictionary) and when the mood strikes me, I write, mostly wiki these days (I'm an info geek). On my insanely creative days, I fiddle with animation and come up with something different. I like to listen to a LOT of music, so expect to see me in the music threads a lot.

Glad to be here! do-do-do do dooo
Well trent_bowie you sound like a very interesting and creative person, I'm also a loyal devoted LV fan. look forward to seeing you around the boards :)

I'm a newbie here. Hope to catch up with some reading :D. I like CSI: Las Vegas the most, definitely a GSR-Shipper and I love to write about it when time allows me to :D
Tessa Welcome to the board, If you love the reading here, then you will probably also like the Shipper forum, as well as the Fanfic forum.

But I have to mention to you, That the rules of the board for banners are 220 wide by 75 high we are asking that you please adjust your signature. If your not sure how there are many talented people in the Art forum, who could help.
As well for the rules you can have either in your signature "Text" or "Banner" but not both. Thank you and again welcome to the board. :)
Hey guys! :D

I already introduced myself HERE

To sum it up ... I LOOOOOOOVE CSI Las Vegas, and I'm a HUGE fan of Grissom. Need I say more? :cool:
The music, the cinematography ... this show ROCKS MY WORLD!! and Griss is sooooo hot :D
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