Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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Hi All
Just thought i'd post a quick hello to you all from Portsmouth in sunny England.
I have been watching CSI years now but have just discovered Miami having extinguished all Vegas and New York episodes.
Im 33 married 2 kids and watch far too much CSI than is good for anyone lol

Take care all
Oh dear, wasn't here for ages! So now: to Jammy and every other newbie a warm welcome from me! Have fun around here between all the other CSI obsessed, weird but sooo lovely people from Talk!
*hands out some Welcome-Brownies* (pssst, be careful, they are made with some Rum ;) :D )
*grabs a brownie* Gee, thanks. Also passes around to all the newbies the unofficial CSIFiles virtual imitation Sunglasses Of Justice, just like the ones Horatio wears, then takes off, then puts on, then takes off, then... Well, you get the idea.
Welcome to the nut house.
Hey thanks for the gifts

*tries sunglasses on* *stuffs face with brownies*

wow these are good

*takes sunglasses off* *raises a profound eyebrow*

"maybe ill be seeing ya around" *puts sunglasses back on*

Holy crap these are awesome LMAO
Hi, just thought I would pop in and say hello to you all here in Miami. I can usually be found in LV, but I am loving Miami at the moment, everything is so bright and colourful, particularly loving Horatio and Calleigh so I might pop in every now and then as I haven't posted here before... :)
Mmmm... Jammy... See... our donut place, Arnold's Donuts have jammys. They have Maple Syrup Jammy, Pomeda Jammy, Blueberry Jammy... etc.

Mmm... Love those.

So...welcome to the board, Jammy!

[psst. Can I nibble this newbie?]
Welcome Jammy and Elsie. :D

*passes Ducky a donut so she doesn't nibble newbies* :p
Welcome to the Miami forum Jammy and Elsie! Make yourselves at home and feel free to grab some refreshments. :D
welcome in the crazy world of CSI miami fan :D Jammy . Have fun here ;)
*Takes a cookie too* OMG they are just delicious :p
Hi,I'm Federica,and I'm an Italian Fan of CSI.Miami,and I prefer this serie than others,because I love Jonathan Togo (I CaRWash!!!! ) I'm sorry if my english isn't correct!!!

Ciao a Tutti!!!
Welcome Frederica to the board :) I'm sure you'll love it here with all the other Togo fans, and don't worry, your English is fine ;)
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