Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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hi all i am new to this type of thing. :D
i am an avid CSI, CSI miami and CSI NY.
I live in the uk and at the moment i am enjoying watching season 4 of Miami
and season 2 of NY on chanell Five.i am also watching season 6 of CSI on Living tv.
:)its really good.
An tuesdays was good hc looked sooo hot, dressed in black. ;) :cool:
welcome here HC_4_my_birthday
You're so lucky to can see the season four because in France they are incompetent!!! :mad: They're stop to diffuse in the middle of it :(
yeah, i didnt even know what it was, :eek: my oldest daughter thought of it. she loves csi and was the one who introduced me to it. :Dyay
shes also a computer wiz, and set up my posting details. :lol:
HC_4_my_birthday said:
just watched csi miami season 3 episode 7 again loved the bit after tsumami when h told rick if u ever touch her again i will kill u

That is a great Horatio moment, HC_4_my_birthday. :D I'm not sure if you've had a chance to check out our thread dedicated to Horatio Caine/David Caruso, but you'll find a lot of other fans in there who love discussing their favorite H moments. :) Hope to see you in there.
Hello everyone - just wanted to say hello - finally joined after catching up on all the reading! I've been a fan since the beginning. I'm so glad A&E is featuring the show 5 nights per week. I'm not getting much homework done though.

Thanks to the powers that be for this wonderful site of reference.
Welcome to the Miami forum Annissa. I hope you enjoy yourself here and happy posting! :)
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