Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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from what i've gathered so far you cant until you have done 100 posts, so like me reply to everything hun lol
Okay, I'm trying my luck here, too...

Hi *waves*
I'm Julia and from Ireland.
I've only recently been turned to like CSI:MI, so I'm pretty much a newbie with no clue what happened in the seasons before Ryan, since he is my main reason for watching it... I ship him with Eric, and Greg...
Welcome to the Miami Forum Julia. :) I hope you enjoy yourself here, and hopefully you'll have lots of fun! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us. We always love to help. :)
Welcome Loozy
Ask all the questions you want... most of the guys on here enjoy answering as much as you do asking
Welcome to the Miami Forum AlonsoBaby! :)

Nice signature you have there (fellow Liverpool fan!) :D
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