Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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Thanks for the warm welcomes. I have already dived ahead and posted in several forms. Mostly the DC/Horatio ones. I have a butt load of more posts to make before I can add my Horatio Avatar. Its a good one too.
*walks in, takes off sunglasses, quickly puts them back on* It's bright in here :)

Hello everyone! I'm a big Miami fan(hence the name). I've been watching this show since the beginning of last season, which isn't a very good track record. I wish they'd put it on SpikeTV already. This show, however, is my favorite out of the three and I can't wait for the next season. I'll see you all around!
Hi, I'm PMD and I just joined this site on Saturday. I'm glad I found it too since I've been looking for a while. : )

Okay, something about me. I'm from Canada and I love CSI and CSI Miami to death, pardon the pun. <g>

I do write fanfic but I'm just a fledgling when it comes to CSI and CSI Miami. But I'm getting there, since I am an old hand at Veronica Mars and Smallville. : )

Can't wait to get involved with the threads here.
Thanks for the welcome, Thumpy. : ) Ooops, I forgot to mention who my favorites are on CSI Miami---and who I write---which is probably really redundent---no is reduntent.

I started to watch the show just this past year but have been catching up in the year before, because of A and E. And right from the start, I've been a big Ryan and Callie fan. : ) So, that's what I've been writing.

In CSI it's Jim/Catherine---what can I say, I love snarky couples when it comes to them. As to Callie and Ryan, well, I love the slight hints on the show for them. : )

Snark and hints---that's me. : )
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