Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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Thanks for the welcome, Lucy and Pusher. Yes, I've found home. :) Now to see if my muse can get musing for CSI Miami fanfic---so far two that have to be edited and I think she has an idea for another one---we'll just have to wait and see. :)
Thanks for the great welcome, Footyliz and DaWacko. :) Yes, I'm new to Miami but I'm catching on with the characters and absolutely adore Ryan and Callie. :)
*Calliegh* but no worries lol you are going to have a great time.. since you love CarWash lol (Calliegh and Ryan) you should check out the CarWash thread and the Ryan/Jonathan thread. Thats where I'm gonna be (like allways) lol anyways hope to see you around. Byebye and Welcome!
When I write fanfic, I use Callie or Cal since it's easier to remember how to write it. <g> Oh, I wondered how you got the CarWash acronym---I get the Ca for the girl and rW for ryan wolfe---but the ash is a mystery to me. Teach me, oh learned ones.

Thanks, I go check them out, hon. :) And thanks for the warm welcome, ILuvJonathanTogo. :)
Hi - I'm new here finally registered after lurking most of season 4 - my first season watching Miami! You people are quite funny!
I love Callie, Valera and Frank. :)
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